Van Halen 5150 Tone Breakthrough

IF memory serves, the marshall still for 5150 album. The Soldano that he borrowed i think was used partially on the F.U.C.K album shortly after was the Peavey 5150
IF memory serves, the marshall still for 5150 album. The Soldano that he borrowed i think was used partially on the F.U.C.K album shortly after was the Peavey 5150
I think the Soldano was heavily used on OU812 also. Nope, i guess not, now that I go back and listen it does not have that bottom-end sound like the next album.
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I read somewhere some time ago that during the Live Without A Net tour that the Marshall was being rebuild and that he's playing through a Laney among others. Anyone else come across this? Of coure it's the Marshall on the album.
I read somewhere some time ago that during the Live Without A Net tour that the Marshall was being rebuild and that he's playing through a Laney among others. Anyone else come across this? Of coure it's the Marshall on the album.
Actually he used Fenders on albums as well. For recording he was known to slave a Fender into a Marshall. His tone chasing never stopped. Ever since he heard the first single on the radio with a blown speaker, he wanted a stereo sound. The eventide also changes the sound drastically as they have built in hi cuts, some models as low as 2500hz on the side channels. For the micropitch in the h3000 it's around 2500.
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Hi, this looks killer. Does this actually need all four slots of both cab blocks? Wondering if the FM9 can handle it.
Pretty sure if you remove the last delay block in the chain, you can make it happen.

EDIT: Dang actually the FM9 is only capable of 1 pitch block. 2 are essential. Thats a bummer.
Pretty sure if you remove the last delay block in the chain, you can make it happen.

EDIT: Dang actually the FM9 is only capable of 1 pitch block. 2 are essential. Thats a bummer.
Are both pitch blocks for detune? I only have an FM9 Turbo to look at the patches with, unfortunately.

If so, can investigate trying to approximate the effect with other blocks.
How did it behave when you loaded it? Did you modify it to make it work in any particular way? Very curious as I don't have an FM9.
It worked right away and sounded great. I figured everything was the same as in the AF3, then I saw a picture that had 2 pitch blocks! 🤣 I haven’t had a chance to play with it too much since but it sounded great at the time. I guess the extra Pitch block adds something, but it still sounds great to me.
Your examples sound amazing, great work! I have tried to import your .syx files to my AF3 but they show as empty? Haven't had the issue before, I'd be grateful for a hint. Anyway, appreciate your diligence and generosity.
Your examples sound amazing, great work! I have tried to import your .syx files to my AF3 but they show as empty? Haven't had the issue before, I'd be grateful for a hint. Anyway, appreciate your diligence and generosity.
I appreciate the kind words! What firmware are you currently running? It appeared that at least one other member was able to import it.
Great playing which is 95% of the tone to start with. I think 5150 is close but not the others. Ed had a CAE 3+ preamp and a Soldano SLO at this point in time as well as the Marshall . Unless he had the Marshall recapped at this point it will be very likely the Soldano.
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