Using traditional stomp pedals in FRONT of the AXE?


I'm anxiously awaiting my "coupon" to purchase the Axe II. I'm not a current AXE user, so I'm speculating in my mind how I'm going to incorporate the AXE into my current rig. I currently have a rack set up with a preamp, power amp, switcher etc. etc. so my initial thought is to simply replace my current preamp with the AXE and get comfortable with the amp sims and such, while still utilizing my other pre and post pedals and rack devices... I'm sure when I get more comfortable with the AXE I will use it more and more to replace things, assuming I like the way everything sounds and interacts... anyways, brings me to my question.

How does the AXE interact with basic OD/boost pedals in front? I'm hoping with a fairly clean/slight crunch type amp sim I should be able to hit any of my boost pedals for similar result to what I have now.

Does this make sense? Or will it overload the input to the AXE and create digital distortion?

Old habits die hard...
Axe II will replace all that stuff but you can always run anything you did with a regular amp just watch the input levels on the Axe and adjust it. I had GCX audio switcher and half a dozen pedals with my rig prior to my first Axe Ultra and any axe fx will replace all that junk unless its some boutique thing it doesnt emulate but even then I would dig in and find a stuitable substitue and junk the pedals and switcher. The only thing I didnt care for the wah in the ultra but the Axe II nails it right on.
You don't really need OD or boost pedals, since the Axe emulates them so very well, even the ones that weren't modeled - the drive block is deep and can be augmented with eq etc.
Like I said, additional pedals aren't needed, but a lot of fun in front of the Axe. :) I have a bunch of modded drive pedals and a few ones I build myself, they're great to add certain shades of coloration quickly to your core tones.
There won't be digital distortion (since the internal calculation is floating point, it's virtually impossible to clip once you're inside the box), however the A/D converter, the front end of which is analog, is able to clip. Set the input to the A/D accordingly, and you should be set. :)
I was very concerned about how the Axe would react to my Vintage Ibanez/Maxon TS808. I'm no longer concerned ... I sold it :)
yeah the only one i think for sure i would think i`ll keep is my byoc 2 knob bender fuzz... how is the fuzz in the axe?
Sorry, I'm a totally newb to the modeling AXE world.... who is Don? A master patch programmer? I've seen his name before..
how is the fuzz in the axe?


behold the bank of fuzz

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