Tremol-no questions

Tremol-no’s can be finicky, and you have to set them up just so for smooth operation and no rattle.

But a Tremol-No saved my bacon once. I was playing an Ibanez 540-S, and a string broke in the middle of a song. I had the ‘No set for dive only. If it hadn’t been for that, I’d have been out for the duration of the song, and maybe the next one, too. Instead, I just kept on playing.
Tremol-no’s can be finicky, and you have to set them up just so for smooth operation and no rattle.

But a Tremol-No saved my bacon once. I was playing an Ibanez 540-S, and a string broke in the middle of a song. I had the ‘No set for dive only. If it hadn’t been for that, I’d have been out for the duration of the song, and maybe the next one, too. Instead, I just kept on playing.
I liked that the mag-lock let me use a drop D lever on the low E string and still keep everything else in tune.
this afternoon I've been testing out the 'feel' of this feature. The sales pitch is that you won't know its there but I disagree far. Okay now that I've been able to use it properly now that I can actually lock down the screws I've noticed that it does work the way its intended. I applaud that. I put it into dive mode only and did Drop D tuning relatively quickly without much fussing on tuning. The one thing I am noticing though is when i do an agressive vibrato bend i can feel a sort of knocking...a mechanical clunking at times in the trem which you dont' really hear as much but you do feel. Perhaps this is user error but i don't think so as its setup perfectly as far as I can tell. Perhaps this is the tradeoff for the function
As with just about anything, if you don’t need it take it off.

I use a Tremol-No mostly so I can downtune without switching guitars (my Suhr has a floating 510). It works great for me, and when set up well I don’t notice any play in it (but acknowledge that others do). As for tone, I find that the sustain increases when locked (compared to floating) and there is a bit more bass response - but it’s in no way objectively ‘worse’ for me - just a bit different. I don’t use the ‘down only’ mode.

Bottom line - the bandleader won’t complain if I use a Tremol-No (he won’t even notice) but he will complain if I need to switch guitars for particular songs, so for me the Tremol-No wins.

I should add that I’ve had it over a decade and I’ve lost only one of the 3 screws that came with it, and the only time I’ve had to adjust it is when I’ve changed string gauges (and that’s really just adjusting the tension so it floats flat … would need to do that regardless of the Tremol-No).
The one thing I am noticing though is when i do an agressive vibrato bend i can feel a sort of knocking...a mechanical clunking at times in the trem which you dont' really hear as much but you do feel. Perhaps this is user error but i don't think so as its setup perfectly as far as I can tell. Perhaps this is the tradeoff for the function

That’s the adjustment of the trem claw screws - there is a very small range of error where it will be smooth - a fraction of a turn either direction and it will ‘drag’.
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That’s the adjustment of the trem claw screws - there is a very small range of error where it will be smooth - a fraction of a turn either direction and it will ‘drag’.
right...i thought about adjusting the trem claw screw. that mechanical movement happened on another guitar I have with a floyd and not enough tension in the claw. Might very well fix that.
@Anthony76 Where did you order the Treminator from? I don't see the purchase link on the Tone Vise website.

Edit: Never mind. I found the link to the Reverb listing in the comments on the YouTube video. Be sure to post a thread with a review when you've installed it. I think this design looks much better than the predecessors.
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You can hear it and not in a good way . It feels bad even when set up perfectly. I does one thing at the expense of everything else.
Gotta make sure your nuts are clean.... :D
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I have floated 9-46 on three or four springs. Either will balance when spring and string static tensions are matched, but the bar feel is stiffer with more springs, due to the dynamic tension being higher with more springs....

If I played country, I'd probably try 5 springs and floating, to keep double stop bends closer to in-tune before I'd resort to a gadget....
FYI, one of the reasons cashews are expensive is that they have to wash them at least three times to remove the oil that's on them which is poisonous.
@Anthony76 Where did you order the Treminator from? I don't see the purchase link on the Tone Vise website.

Edit: Never mind. I found the link to the Reverb listing in the comments on the YouTube video. Be sure to post a thread with a review when you've installed it. I think this design looks much better than the predecessors.
Will do. Might be a while though, I'm in Australia so it will probably take a while to get here and sit in customs for ages. Hopefully not though, I also bought a couple of his "pitch shifters" to try out. Looks much easier and better design than the D-tuna, but we will see.

I’ve just ordered a Treminator from Tone Vise so will see how that works compared to a tremol-no I have in a guitar. The tremor-no is set up and works well, but those little screws argh.
That looks like a lot of fiddly bits...


Found this on Facebook
Put the tremol-no back on with the o-rings off. ooookayyyy it works now. I mean had i just looked at those thumbscrews more closely before posting a thread I could've spared you all haha though its still an interesting convo to have regarding these types of gadgets. I can see its appeal if you say only had one guitar and wanted to do alternate tunings etc. I have a hardtail guitar specifically for that reason so that's what I'd reach for first
I removed the rubber washers so I could get the screws tight enough to hold and used some velcro to prevent loss of screws on my GG MJ.

Installed one on a friend's Jackson Soloist, but he refused to use the velcro. Lost two screws during his first gig with it.

GG MJ.jpg
Interested in the Tone Vice one . I need to find out the range allowed, I play allot of Satriani, VH. Need to dive and pull often
I removed the rubber washers so I could get the screws tight enough to hold and used some velcro to prevent loss of screws on my GG MJ.

Installed one on a friend's Jackson Soloist, but he refused to use the velcro. Lost two screws during his first gig with it.
So your friends' screws fell out just from playing/vibration and movement while playing? or when he went to adjust them?
I removed the rubber washers so I could get the screws tight enough to hold and used some velcro to prevent loss of screws on my GG MJ.

Installed one on a friend's Jackson Soloist, but he refused to use the velcro. Lost two screws during his first gig with it.

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I know lots of people who bought them but removed them (or I did) because of this alone.
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