Tremol-no questions

So your friends' screws fell out just from playing/vibration and movement while playing? or when he went to adjust them?

He noticed the screws had fallen out in between songs, but couldn't find them on the dark stage.

He had me install the velcro, and hasn't lost a screw since....
I might actually give it one last shot and get replacement thumb screws to see if that makes any difference. if it doesn't then I will truly give up on it. I do go to drop D often. screws are cheap. $5 but ironically i'll pay more on shipping.
The other problem you will have if you use it for any length of time is slop will start to happen at the pin locations at either end of the device. I still have mine minus a thumb screw if you want it PM your address.
Maybe its already been mentioned, but I just use the hex set screw instead of the thumb screw to lock the deep C to make it dive only. Much more secure that way and leaves more room if you install the trem cavity cover.
Maybe its already been mentioned, but I just use the hex set screw instead of the thumb screw to lock the deep C to make it dive only. Much more secure that way and leaves more room if you install the trem cavity cover.
do you happen to know the size of the hex set screw? my tremol-no did not come with any as it was preinstalled on this guitar. I have been able to keep things locked in with the thumbscrews since i removed the little rubber washers. I am still debating if I will remove the Tremol-no altogether . I don't know if its a placebo thing or what but when i play i feel like i know its an extra loose hanging broken muffler underneath the car as i drive along. Its functioning as it should, yes but something mechanical feeling...a bit clunky if that makes sense. I know its a tradeoff. What i do like is going into Drop D which i do a fair bit....and that has been working pretty well with this gadget
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do you happen to know the size of the hex set screw? my tremol-no did not come with any as it was preinstalled on this guitar. I have been able to keep things locked in with the thumbscrews since i removed the little rubber washers. I am still debating if I will remove the Tremol-no altogether . I don't know if its a placebo thing or what but when i play i feel like i know its an extra loose hanging broken muffler underneath the car as i drive along. Its functioning as it should, yes but something mechanical feeling...a bit clunky if that makes sense. I know its a tradeoff. What i do like is going into Drop D which i do a fair bit....and that has been working pretty well with this gadget
It came with 2 allen wrenches, I believe they are 2mm and 1.5mm. Maybe measure the threaded part of the thumbscrew to get close to what the size of the hex screw needs to be. I've found watching the alignment of the receiver/trem block as you move the trem arm and getting it to be as straight as possible without binding is key, the clamp type vs the pin type helps with that, more adjustability. I also make sure the deep C is very tight against the receiver before I lock the deep C. I hope that helps.
You really need to hear the acoustic properties without it to fully appreciate what a POS it really is. Especially as it doesn’t even work well .
You really need to hear the acoustic properties without it to fully appreciate what a POS it really is. Especially as it doesn’t even work well .
I just ordered that claw you recommended earlier in this thread. I want to compare sound/feel as you say. Any recommendation on springs? keep the stock ones or is there any truth to fancy springs (noiseless/heavy duty etc) ? or is that just more 'snake oil'?
What I may end up doing is keep my other Charvel Pro-mod DK24 (MIM) that i've been trying to sell on local classifieds...but the used market is slow as heck. No one is buying these days. I just undid most the mods on it too to prep it for sale ha. Im thinking maybe just keep it and dedicate it for drop D. It is a killer guitar. feels so similar to my GG and while I'm at it maybe put in one of my fav pickup combos that is currently in my EBMM Axis. Dimarzrio AT-1 bridge/ 36th Anni in neck...
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Didn't read the whole thread...but my experience with 'tremel-no' is 'no go'.

Binds up, lost the freaking screw(s) and wouldn't stay in tune. Took that bs out and now the trem (a crappy special fr) works as expected.
Didn't read the whole thread...but my experience with 'tremel-no' is 'no go'.

Binds up, lost the freaking screw(s) and wouldn't stay in tune. Took that bs out and now the trem (a crappy special fr) works as expected.
talking to the guitar shop owner as the tech came out of the back. 'hey, what do you think of the tremol-no?' tech: garbage. take it out.'yep, i'm removing mine later this week. Putting in a reg claw
Didn't read the whole thread...but my experience with 'tremel-no' is 'no go'.

Binds up, lost the freaking screw(s) and wouldn't stay in tune. Took that bs out and now the trem (a crappy special fr) works as expected.
Same thing here, yanked it
That kinda looks like this i bought from amazon. It works well with staying in tune but it doesn’t completely block the trem. U can adjust the stiffness of the spring, but u still use the trem to dive up.

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Gotta love the ESP Arming Adjuster/EVH TremEndus and even the cheap Amazon chinese clones!!! Every floating tremolo
guitar I have gets one!!! And yes, if you set the backspring fully compressed, you have a dive only tremelo!!!,aps,130&sr=8-3&th=1
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