"Tone Matching" Preview

Hey I like this thread

Maybe Catholic church can chime in as well

331 post 33.000 views on something only a few including Cliff know what it is,everybody else(including myself) just wild guessing-and strong believe

As said above its like in the church,nobody knows anything but there is strong believe


Hmmm. Or, it sounds like Sports Talk Radio. Or News Talk Radio. Or Political Talk Radio. Or Tech News discussions. Or the science of origins.

I guess we have plenty of examples of arguing over specualtions.
Holly crap!! Amp and tone matching modes!!... Make a donation button please!!

Cliff has a big heart. I agree, and Christmas is far, far away, but it sure seems like a very giving sort of mood there at Fractal. Hopefully the rest of the businesses are watching and learning.
One thing I've discovered about the AXE-FX II is that if you take some time and go into the detailed parameters like the bright cap, tonestack type and location, presence frequency, damping (a BIG one), B+ time constant, triode plate capacitor (plate freq), triode and power tube hardness, transformer match and drive, bias, etc., you can end up with an amp that sounds NOTHING like the original amp model. In other words, you can create your own amp.

Very well said, and to the point! We'll hafta see how the new stuff fits in now (keeping in mind the Firmware 5 release notes part near the end, about the re-working amp models based on the new amp matching) but this Axe II is a cleverly designed piece of technology. As shown by what you say, the architecture is capable of some amazing things with respect to matching. Can't wait!
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When the time comes, I am sure that HE wil be able to find it :)

Or start a new thread.(Preferably the one with the new firmware :))

Maybe Cliff read the report that the other processor is said to come as close as 0.4dB from the original and tightening up the algos some more :mrgreen

BTW: what about calling it "revAmping"...? ;)
Stop bumping this everyone ....it gets everyone exited.. and back to this thread that should be buried until something is released.. so


love peace and guitarification..
Da fug??!?!??!! I'm gone away for a few months and I come back to new amazing sounding firmware and potential for tone matching?

Next time I come back from a break it's going to be cranking me out raspberry slurpies and giving me a foot masage while I play. :lol
I don't see why anyone would want to upgrade to anything else after this feature get's introduced in to the II. My goodness this unit is the most versatile thing ever made. This new feature will be killer!
Sounds to me the Axe tone has greater headroom than the processor. In turn, I can't really tell the difference between the Axe and the Koch Studiotone Tube Amp clips.
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