Bug? TMA sounds like it has room reverb

When doing tone matches the cab block should be mono (if using a cab block). This was operator error on my part.

I'm confused now. Are you saying there was operator error in the V10 code for the TM block, or that it is fine and you (and presumably we) had the cab set wrong (to stereo) and that is what is causing the problem? If it's the latter, I wasn't using a cab block at all in any of my post V10 Tone-Match attempts (and even if I had, all the cab blocks in my patches are set to mono).
I've tested this extensively and can't reproduce the problems. I linked in the old code so I could switch between and the results are nearly identical (the new version sounding slightly better). I'm stumped.
I've tested this extensively and can't reproduce the problems. I linked in the old code so I could switch between and the results are nearly identical (the new version sounding slightly better). I'm stumped.

So are you saying you tried the TM, and it works fine for you? And you thought we were using a cab block in stereo and that was probably causing the issue?
That's weird. All I know is using JUST the TM block, no cab, on high resolution is where it sounds like it has reverb or hollow sounding. Using low resolution isn't that bad, but still not spot on. Could you recreate this problem before you removed the stereo cab from the cab block? I doubt that would cause the issue, but what do I know.
This problem also occurred when just using the tonematch black.
No cabs whatsoever.
To my ears it didn't sound like a reverb issue, more of an eq or phasing issue.
It happened to me when trying to tonematch a record i like.
I haven't been able to make tonematch sound good this way with fw10.
Ill try again tonight though....
Ok, I tried it again (also did a system reset this morning and I also did it without axe edit.).
Unfortunately the problem persists.
I made a clip here:
The first one is obviously a stem from metallica, and the second one is the tonematch I made.
Is this how everybody else is hearing it?
I hope this helps!
Yes this is how I'm hearing it also. I been messing around and same results as you. However, Low resolution doesn't really do it to this degree if at all. Something with the high resolution causes this issue.
Still can't reproduce it. Used that stem and sounded perfect. Please post the preset so I can take a look. You must have something configured wrong.
Ok, I tried it again (also did a system reset this morning and I also did it without axe edit.).
Unfortunately the problem persists.
I made a clip here:
The first one is obviously a stem from metallica, and the second one is the tonematch I made.
Is this how everybody else is hearing it?
I hope this helps!
Can' hear any problem in thins soundcloud file... Maybe a problem in your monitoring/earing system ?
I agree, something is NOT right with v10. Weve been trying to redo all of Stephen Carpenters tones over the last week for their new tour tonematching off clean stems from the record and every single result need PEQ after it boosting 3K+ and cutting lows. It sounds like playing under a pillow. I never had this issue with v9 and prior. its REALLY hurting us out here. a beta patch would be awesome right now.
Ok, I tried it again (also did a system reset this morning and I also did it without axe edit.).
Unfortunately the problem persists.
I made a clip here:
The first one is obviously a stem from metallica, and the second one is the tonematch I made.
Is this how everybody else is hearing it?
I hope this helps!

Sounds like phasing to me. There is definitely a major difference. Hope it gets sorted.
Still can't reproduce it. Used that stem and sounded perfect. Please post the preset so I can take a look. You must have something configured wrong.

I didn't save this patch (sorry!) but it was really basic and is every time I try it.
I just take the last 'BYPASS' empty preset, add an amp and tweak some things, simple things like gain and treble, I tweak this with a cab.
Then I take the cab away, replace it with tonematch.
Set reference source to usb and go.
That's all I did, I didn't change any settings in the tonematch block.

Here's my set-up:
Windows 7 pc with I7 processor.
I used cubase 7.03 for playing the reference files.
I used a usb 2.0 port.
Normal levels.
No input clipping or clipping at all.
Ok, I tried it again (also did a system reset this morning and I also did it without axe edit.).
Unfortunately the problem persists.
I made a clip here:
The first one is obviously a stem from metallica, and the second one is the tonematch I made.
Is this how everybody else is hearing it?
I hope this helps!

Yep, that about how all my Tone-Match attempts came out sounding.
The TM block was optimized for real-time matching of amps and other modelers. These optimizations, however, impacted "offline" performance. We are now testing new firmware that allows the user to select between real-time and offline matching. As soon as the beta testers give approval I will release an update.
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