The "Official" unofficial Axe Fx II US Purchase Availability Thread

does anyone else get a little nervous when one lands in the cart resulting
in poor typing

That's like red light fever in the recording studio. You can play it perfectly until the record light comes on.
Cliff has raised many peoples skills at typing quickly and accurately without even trying.
a little respect

Or8ital: could you please remove your petulant little jab at me from your avatar?

The mods asked that we stop the debate over your use of the word "fact". I did so and yet come here today to have someone tell me to look at your screen name. Oh the irony! :)

So again, I respectively request that you remove my name from your childish display and blatant disregard of the mods request.

Thank you,

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Did talk to fractal today this is what I learned:
They are very nice people!!!
They released 5 today and they sold in under 30 seconds
They believe people are using bots
They are trying their best to get these things to everyone.
They thought by increasing the price it would lower demand and therefore could implement those on the waiting list.
They really didn't raise the price other than to help initiate the waiting list
there are no alternatives on the yahoo store.
Supply should improve by next week.
I was very impressed how nice they were to me.
It is true people on the waiting list will probably not be able to score one of these
until the rich people demand slows however with improving supply this may be sooner
than you think!
They also recommended that you guys should stop trying to buy one until I get mine and give
the ok(obviously that last part fractal didn't say ;) )
Finally don't blame fractal they really do want to see everyone get one of these as soon as possible
and want to keep people happy!

Thanks for sharing that!

I'm figuring this has been stressfull for them as well.

They were real quick to jump in and limit one to a customer until the waiting list is complete.

They didn't have to do that. If they only cared about money they would have just jacked the price up and made no waiting list. Most companies would have! And who would have been able to blame them.

For them the waiting list is a pain to keep up with and means less money for there product. It is only being done to help us. Doesn't help them in the least.

They are a business, trying to make money and keep there people employed.

They just have the combined blessing and curse of being the absolute best at what they do, and for us there is no alternative to there product.
Just got one - 6/21/2011 02:53PM Eastern

I was in the top 25 or so on the unofficial waiting list, so that should move several up a notch at least.

Good luck to everyone! I'm of course thrilled to get mine ASAP, but I CANNOT WAIT until the majority have one and are making the wonderful contributions that make this forum such an awesome place to improve my use of this machine. The most dramatic improvements I made to my Ultra the past couple of years were based upon the input from many of the great folks on this forum. THANKS! I'm ready for this place to get back to "normal".
I didn't look at the forum on Sunday and ended up pretty far down the list. I figured it would be a really long time.
Anyone know how long they lasted so I can update my post?

Echo44, I have a feeling you will score one sometime this week (assuming you can invest the time).
Or8ital: could you please remove your petulant little jab at me from your avatar?

The mods asked that we stop the debate over your use of the word "fact". I did so and yet come here today to have someone tell me to look at your screen name. Oh the irony! :)

So again, I respectively request that you remove my name from your childish display and blatant disregard of the mods request.

Thank you,




Pretty sure the mods told you to drop it.

Pretty sure the mods told you to drop it.

Pretty sure I did until I was notified of your little comments in your location field in your Avatar.

Come on now. Really?

I simply am asking you to let it go and stop the silliness. And this is the reply. Classic!
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