The "Official" unofficial Axe Fx II US Purchase Availability Thread

That seems too fast for the browser to actually refresh the page. Are you somehow just churning in the cache?

LOL. you're right. i guess it seems faster when your in the moment. but actually for shits and giggles, i counted how many times i could do it in a minute and the number was 49-ish.
i use google chrome on an open enterprise connection. (i work in IT)
i click the mouse before the "add to cart" is displayed. i know... it's tricky.

i was one of the "script guys", but found i was faster putting in the CC info myself. (i tested it against the MFC that was available)
I sat it out today based on Echo44's conversation with Fractal. I'll bet they are going
to start doing something that is commonplace in the rest of the manufacturing world,
to boost production, as they hinted to Echo. Multiple shifts.

If by this, the second week of production, they are only putting 5-6 units a day into the
Store, then premium demand will linger for many weeks. And it will feed itself, as many get
tired of waiting for the List to start and line jump.

They have to start getting the Store numbers up to 10-15 per day if the demand is ever to slow.
Double shifts is a 'no brainer' way to dramatically improve unit numbers. In most manufacturing
processes, there are bottlenecks to production speed of some sort. A special machine you only
have one of, etc. Multiple shifts is how you get around that.

Pure conjecture on my part. But having spent years in the manufacturing sector it seems the most
obvious solution to their supply problem.
If they're charging a $400 surplus per unit and people are buying it, I can see how they can afford to have some people work a bit longer. I would be surprised if any of them made that much in one shift and I would imagine they would make a few a shift.

Let's also keep in mind that they've been providing a large sum to the distributors. I wouldn't be surprised if the uptick in supply comes from the fact that all the units they're producing is going to the USA instead of the distributors. Just a possibility.
I sat it out today based on Echo44's conversation with Fractal. I'll bet they are going
to start doing something that is commonplace in the rest of the manufacturing world,
to boost production, as they hinted to Echo. Multiple shifts.

If by this, the second week of production, they are only putting 5-6 units a day into the
Store, then premium demand will linger for many weeks. And it will feed itself, as many get
tired of waiting for the List to start and line jump.

They have to start getting the Store numbers up to 10-15 per day if the demand is ever to slow.
Double shifts is a 'no brainer' way to dramatically improve unit numbers. In most manufacturing
processes, there are bottlenecks to production speed of some sort. A special machine you only
have one of, etc. Multiple shifts is how you get around that.

Pure conjecture on my part. But having spent years in the manufacturing sector it seems the most
obvious solution to their supply problem.

Even 20 per day would not quench the thirst. Distributors, Yahoo Store, The List and "line jumpers.". The Axe 2 has drawn more attention to FAS than ever before. Even with the current economy don't underestimate those willing to shell out $$$ for boutique gear. I observe this on a daily basis reading the threads on various forums esp. TGP.
Let's also keep in mind that they've been providing a large sum to the distributors. I wouldn't be surprised if the uptick in supply comes from the fact that all the units they're producing is going to the USA instead of the distributors. Just a possibility.

Very true. They almost certainly have been devoting the majority of production to dealer and endorsee requirements since production began. Perhaps they are close to filling those initial orders. I find it difficult to believe that with a "room full of people working as fast
as they can", they can only turn out under 10 units a day.
Multiple shifts.

Problem with that is it will increase labor cost especially if shifts are at odd hours (graveyard etc). Increased labor costs will decrease profit margin. I'm sure they have fixed costs they have to meet (building lease, machinery lease etc), so they may not have the leeway to boost production if the bottleneck is labor. Perhaps, the price is based on current labor costs?
Problem with that is it will increase labor cost especially if shifts are at odd hours (graveyard etc). Increased labor costs will decrease profit margin. I'm sure they have fixed costs they have to meet (building lease, machinery lease etc), so they may not have the leeway to boost production if the bottleneck is labor. Perhaps, the price is based on current labor costs?

The wisdom of multiple shifts depends on what is bottlenecking production. If its a special machine then you take a portion
of your existing day shift and put them on a swing shift, so the machine can be used continuously. Fixed costs argue FOR
multiple shifts. The rent is the same whether you are in the building for 2 hours or 20. Your labor costs do not go up unless
you decide to hire more people. I never knew anyone in mfg. that got paid extra to work an odd shift. Usually, seniority is
used to determine who works what shift.
The wisdom of multiple shifts depends on what is bottlenecking production. If its a special machine then you take a portion
of your existing day shift and put them on a swing shift, so the machine can be used continuously. Fixed costs argue FOR
multiple shifts. The rent is the same whether you are in the building for 2 hours or 20. Your labor costs do not go up unless
you decide to hire more people. I never knew anyone in mfg. that got paid extra to work an odd shift. Usually, seniority is
used to determine who works what shift.

All good points.
I'm encouraged to hold on for the wait list to start based on what Fractal told Echo44.
We on this Board who go crazy with desire for a II immediately and bang the Store
at the premium price are actually delaying inception of the Wait. If everyone held fast,
we'd get our Wait list sooner (AND our Axe II's at $2199).
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I am somewhat skeptical only because they also told Echo there would be no more batches today and there way. So who knows.

Go my newly build custom partscaster back from the luthier today and nothing to plug it into. I just cant justify the $400 though. Cliff, help a brother out!
Go my newly build custom partscaster back from the luthier today and nothing to plug it into. I just cant justify the $400 though. Cliff, help a brother out!

Pictures! We need pics to help pass the time. Show us your new axe while you are waiting for your new Axe.
I never knew anyone in mfg. that got paid extra to work an odd shift.

Just my experience. I worked in production for 20+ years and there was always a shift differential. At one place 3rd shift got $1.25/hr for a shift differential which actually made some with seniority (like me) WANT to work that shift. Plus I was a partyin' nightowl then anyway so it worked out perfectly :) Depends on the place I guess.
Just my experience. I worked in production for 20+ years and there was always a shift differential. At one place 3rd shift got $1.25/hr for a shift differential which actually made some with seniority (like me) WANT to work that shift. Plus I was a partyin' nightowl then anyway so it worked out perfectly :) Depends on the place I guess.

40 years working in prod myself. Always a shift differential everywhere I worked as well.
40 years working in prod myself. Always a shift differential everywhere I worked as well.

I stand corrected then (my experience must be atypical). I'll bet the differential was not substantial.
Not enough to be a labor cost deterrent to having multiple shifts.
I stand corrected then (my experience must be atypical). I'll bet the differential was not substantial.
Not enough to be a labor cost deterrent to having multiple shifts.

Well, I work for a major aerospace firm that works 24/7. 3rd shift differential is a huge cost but of course nothing compared to a stopped assembly line. I imagine it depends on the business. I am no accountant.... just a poor old IT guy so my knowledge is limited.
Pictures! We need pics to help pass the time. Show us your new axe while you are waiting for your new Axe.

Just need something to plug it into:

Schweeeet!! Are those real P-90's? What are the specs on that bsby?

They are Seymour Duncan p-rail pickups with Seymour Duncan triple shot surrounds. Its a Warmoth body, CEG Hardtails birdseye maple neck, Wilkison trem, planet waves tuners. I'm going to add ghost pickups for Piezo and MIDI to it later this year so thats why its a little light on knobs and switches to leave room for that. The pot on there now is a concentric pot with tone and volume. Just trying to build a versatile guitar that can give me a wide range of tones. I assembled it a few weeks ago and had the luthier do the initial setup on it. So far its my favorite guitar from a playability standpoint. Hope it sounds as good as it plays.

Oh and a 23 year old Earth III strap.;)
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