That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit...

no more new amps for a bit, let's focus on the fx!

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Re: That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit..

VirgilGuitar said:
Howzabout a Carvin Legacy Amp?
howzabout forget the fucking amps!!! i'm over it. you can get soooo many tones with the existing amps. i would even say there are too many amps. i'm so glad someone has finally said "no more" we need effects! the mob has spoken.

there have been many great ideas raised here, i desperately need a,

better longer looper

and a

Re: That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit..

It would be cool if individual fx blocks (or even groups of fx) could be saved in the editor.

The intent would be to add e.g. a "memory man delay" to an existing preset without having to change the amp, cab etc.
Once someone has successfully modeled one of the sought after fx sounds, that someone could export only the block or set of blocks from AxeEdit and upload it practically as a stomp box ready to be added to any preset.
Re: That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit..

tgunn said:
It would be cool if individual fx blocks (or even groups of fx) could be saved in the editor.

The intent would be to add e.g. a "memory man delay" to an existing preset without having to change the amp, cab etc.
Once someone has successfully modeled one of the sought after fx sounds, that someone could export only the block or set of blocks from AxeEdit and upload it practically as a stomp box ready to be added to any preset.

You can save individual FX blocks so you can paste them into other presets- right click on a block, go up to Settings, select Save Settings, then give a name to the block you're saving. You can then select it at any time by right clicking on any block (whether it's empty or not), go up to Settings, Recall Settings, and select your saved block.
Re: That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit..

steadystate said:
miketheman said:
If one really wants a memory man, it´s all there. If one wants a very advanced (or even beyond) memory man, it´s all there too.

Although I'm not asking for a Memory Man model, no adjustment of "what's there" is going to make the Axe sound/behave just like the Memory Man, or an Echoplex, or any number of analog or tape delay units. This is not a criticism in any way, as the Axe was not designed to model a particular delay unit. I can certainly get an acceptable facsimile, but to say that "it's all there" is simply not true. I'd be delighted if someone would post a patch to prove me wrong.

You´re correct and we probably agree with each other as well... let me explain myself and elaborate how I meant:

Several Memory Man/Echoplex units out there doesn´t even sound/behave as they "should" because they are analog with its pro´s and con´s. There are probably many analog "magic units" out there that have some odd/aged/"failed" component that makes them unique... as well as there are as many crappy units out there too, even that they´re the same brand/model... (and we have yet to take the signal chain into account as well... where is it placed?, among which other pedals (with their settings)?, into which amp?)

My impression of the delay types aviable (in both delay and multi-delay block). Is that these are the most used (schematic) versions of pedals/rack processors out there. And by providing these among with parameters that covers most variations (= brands/models) of these pedals/rack processors and what differs them, you are pretty much at home.
Both the Ten Tap/Rhythm Tap within the multi-delay block in the Ultra shows this, they provide you the "same" schematic with enough parameters to model the fundamental of their real world counterpart (TC electronics D-TWO). If you however really want them to sound/behave as a certain setting in the D-TWO you need to dig in and analyze what happens in the real D-TWO. And then add whatever needed to your Axe settings which could mean adding a chorus block, LFO/modifier, special routing and/or whatever. Of course, you as the end-user must do the hard work if you really want it to sound/behave as close as you can get to a certain model/sound... but it´s my firm belief that most often it´s really possible to "clone" a real world counterpart. That´s what I meant with "it´s all there", since most often it´s a quest about simple pedals/effects. It were my answer to:

"I wish there was something as easy to use as that in the Axe-Fx. I don't want to have to mess with setting two LFO's in the Axe-Fx when something like Amplitube can get that classic sound much more easily with less parameters to tweak."

If Fractal added certain models of delay with whatever parameters that makes them unique, you would probably notice for example that many of the classics incorporate chorus/vibrato/whatever. You would have several instances of delays with simple chorus (that takes their fair part of the total aviable memory). Even though I like chorus, yet doesn´t use them much. I don´t need/want several of them "hidden" within each delay type on the behalf of just modeling a certain pedal/rack processor. I rather want a more general/broader approach and do the work myself, since in this way I am also able to tweak it beyond my impression of a certain model.

As I see it, we have many "building tools" (but of course not EVERY tool, due to lack of memory among others reasons) to acheive the sound/behaviour we´d like to get for a certain effect. Then of course there are some limits within the Axe itself, that makes it difficult if not impossible to reach some goals. But there are also, thanks to this broader approach, some possibilities yet to be explored that allows you to get effect/sounds that behaves in a way not many of us may have heard before...

Just take a look at the LFO at the modifier section and see how many of its parameters you´re able to set a modifier on... that´s modifiers on the modifier! :ugeek:
...which you in turn can set to control whatever parameter you want (taken into account that it´s possible to have a modifier control on that parameter).

Re: That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit..

I was referring mainly to the quality of the delays of the Memory Man, not the available parameters. The noise, distortion, bandwidth, and feedback characteristics cannot be exactly duplicated with the Axe, although the Axe is superior in every way. They are just "different".

We are in agreement for the most part. If you really want a Memory Man, there is always the Memory Man. For me, the Memory Man is aptly named; it delays audio and evokes memories of a simpler time.

To stay on topic, I'd like to see a couple of great bass amp models added before more effects.
Re: That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit..

I'm divided...
But I know fully well that you could probably attribute most of my points to a lack of experimentation/manipulation abilities. Still... ;)

FX side

- I'd love all the great small but very helpful no-brainer suggestions implemented that I've heard from the "FX pros" like Matman, javajunkie, ... They often seem very easy and doable and a small favor for the huge contributions of these guys, who will then take it even further.
- I also think most of Radley's ideas are right on the money! Extremely valuable source for stuff I'd often love as well. Ask him for a list, do it and you might have the best update ever :D
- I feel I'd like some diversification options in the bread-and-butter FX, which probably translates to different algorithms (parts). I mean, I'd like to hear a chorus or reverb that I've not heard a thousand times before from the Axe, "have more than one signature sound" in a way (sure, that's my lack of manipulation & experimentation wizardry as well, but "you know what I mean").
- I'm a sucker for LA style recorded music & studio guitar players throughout the years, so I feel most of these (signature) sounds should "obviously" be in the Axe. I suspect there are quite a few Michael Landau sounds still impossible. Personally, I would make an exception for these sounds and go out of my way to add these. But I realise everybody will then ask for their own favorites and I'm not unhappy as is.
- yes, invent some new effect if the epiphany strikes
- not for me: any FX to do with ambient special FX that for most are good for auditioning once and never again. Hitting a string and having a full minute of sound doesn't inspire one to go study music for real. No disrespect to ppl like Simeon, that work is still awesome. But I feel this market is much smaller and the possibilities for these FX endless, so "will never be enough" for them. I say: go and buy those wacky products and let's concentrate here on even better algorithms/options and more diversity in the bread and butter stuff. Sure, you can add some, esp. if it can also benefit other sounds.

Amp side

- I would ask the Gods to supply Cliff with the epiphanies to safely have/add selectable power amps in some way, or have some flat tone stack or whatever it needs, so you can run say a CAE model into a Marshall power amp. I know it was explained as "not to be", and therefore the greatest limitation. If I was Cliff, I'd break my head over it till I could do it. OTOH, I don't know what's involved, so I respect it will not be or is being reserved for a future Axe.
- I hear people rejoicing how some new amp is way more dynamic than another. If that is just a mathematical curve inside the sim or something, have such a parameter/curve added to every amp sim to possibly make it more dynamic than the original. If a parameter is too much, just have an "instant Larry Carlton" button on every amp ;)
- "Who doesn't like a new amp?"(or drive) But I still feel a lot of them sound alike. It seems we have plenty Marshall sims/mods/clones now and they can stay, but are there still amps that sound different? Go after those first.

In conclusion:
If the FX are going to be ambient style only, I'd rather have amps :p
If the FX (helpers) are gonna fulfill the wishes of our best preset designers, let that go first (unless they're gonna use it for ambient ;) )
Scott's "stereo drive block" would be welcome too (unless it would demand more CPU for any drive block anytime, maybe)
Best would be a mix of both, of course :D

I've voiced this before, but my feeling is that Cliff doesn't want to add too much to the Ultra anymore, to minimize whining from jealous Standard owners. There is still time to prove me wrong :p
I also suspect he's keeping a lot of these ideas for a new Axe someday. I would probably too. Since it will not be all that much better sounding, you'd need other features to lure us. Not that we are dificult to lure :lol:
I'm also afraid Cliff is among too many haters on forums everywhere and that it has an effect on his passion like we knew it before.
I also realise how busy they've been and that this could be the sole reason. The product diversification has possibly killed our FFF (frequent fancy firmware) for good...
I will re-evaluate my opinion after Christmas ;) and happy as it is for a whole while still.
Hoping for a killer new Axe-Edit that will inspire us to share presets that make forget all the above.
Re: That's enough amps for now, lets focus on fx for a bit..

My few ideas:

Looper: 1/2 speed and reverse (PLEASE!)
Momentary hold like the EHX 'Freeze' pedal.
Some sonic annihilation type effects (dwarfcraft, devi ever, co-pilot etc).
Monophonic pitch to midi conversion so I can run a midi synth in parallel with the Axe.
Particle verb.
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