Studio Speakers or FRFR?

I think a lot of folks trying to help me out are mistaking what I'm saying. I'm not looking specifically for the "amp in a room" sound. And if I want that, I still have the Friedman which gets close to that type of sound. My issue is that every factory preset, every preset on Axe-Change sounds like a$$. Everything sounds muffled regardless of how much I try and dial it out. If it's via the Friedman, it's boomy and muffled. If it's through the Adams, it's thin and muffled.
I'm running the latest firmware with whatever the last iteration of Factory Presets was.

I would do a factory reset and test it with headphones I'm comfortable with (assuming you're comfortable monitoring guitar sounds with headphones). That will eliminate the room and any global settings that could be set weird like global EQ, power amp modeling, etc. The issue you're having certainly isn't inherent to Fractal units as thousands of us use them daily in professional environments and there are plenty of apples-to-apples (i.e. same cab/IR) A/B comparisons online showing the accuracy of the amp modeling.
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I would do a factory reset and test it with headphones I'm comfortable with (assuming you're comfortable monitoring guitar sounds with headphones). That will eliminate the room any global settings that could be set weird like global EQ, power amp modeling, etc. The issue you're having certainly isn't inherent to Fractal units as thousands of us use them daily in professional environments and there are plenty of apples-to-apples (i.e. same cab/IR) A/B comparisons online showing the accuracy of the amp modeling.
I was under the impression that you can't do a traditional factory reset on Fractals? Am I missing an option somewhere in the AxeFx?
Manual page 82. Reset system parameters.
This is just resetting my Global settings no? I've done this in the past, makes no difference. Is there anything in the settings I should be changing right off the bat?

Again, maybe I'm just Fractal illiterate, but I find it crazy that you can't just plug this thing into a set of studio speakers, pick a factory reset such as...let's say their Dual Rec, and it sound completely un-usable and nothing like a Dual Rec.
I'm running the latest firmware with whatever the last iteration of Factory Presets was.
You said axe-change website not factory presets…

but it seems factory presets still sounds like a$$ to you and you tried resetting the axe -fx’s system setting to out of factory…

Maybe change your listening medium aka speakers maybe it’s faulty or even your listening environment aka where and what room you’re listening in

Other than that maybe your axe-fx (or a cable in the system, loose connection) is faulty??? please share some sounds recorded from your axe-fx
You said axe-change website not factory presets…

but it seems factory presets still sounds like a$$ to you and you tried resetting the axe -fx’s system setting to out of factory…

Maybe change your listening medium aka speakers maybe it’s faulty or even your listening environment aka where and what room you’re listening in

Other than that maybe your axe-fx (or a cable in the system, loose connection) is faulty??? please share some sounds recorded from your axe-fx
Cables are brand new Mogami (both XLR and guitar cable), speakers are brand new Adam A7V. There's nothing faulty. I've been experiencing this in 3 different rooms over the years, different guitars, bought top of the line hardware to try and fix this by way of cables and speakers, I'm at a loss as to why this thing sounds as bad as it does.
Guys have requested a preset.....nothing
Somebody requested a recording.....nothing
People have suggested a reset.......said that's been done before years ago?
Suggestions have been made of a bad cable.......said new cable, even though there are new bad cables too.

Seems you have to be willing to try some things or....what's the point?
Guys have requested a preset.....nothing
Somebody requested a recording.....nothing
People have suggested a reset.......said that's been done before years ago?
Suggestions have been made of a bad cable.......said new cable, even though there are new bad cables too.

Seems you have to be willing to try some things or....what's the point?
Suggesting I'm not willing to try anything is ridiculous. So let's go through this again since there must be some confusion on your end...

Recording - I have nothing to record, since my last reset I've only been loading up factory presets and trying to make them sound decent (which I have not been able to do). I've tried also tried some very popular presets off the AxeChange and run into the same issues. So if anyone really wants to run the same preset I am, have at her because we can all access the same place I procured them from.

Reset - yes, I said I have done that over the years. Is there some sort of sorcery I'm not aware of that's achieved by performing the same reset over and over again?

Bad Cables - I spent over $400 in brand new Mogami/Best-Tronics cables, on top of buying brand new Adam A7Vs. I'm not sure how much more money you want me to spend. The chances of all my cabling being faulty is laughably low.
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Suggesting I'm not willing to try anything is ridiculous. So let's go through this again since there must be some confusion on your end...

Recording - I have nothing to record, since my last reset I've only been loading up factory presets and trying to make them sound decent (which I have not been able to do). I've tried also tried some very popular presets off the AxeChange and run into the same issues. So if anyone really wants to run the same preset I am, have at her because we can all access the same place I procured them from.

Reset - yes, I said I have done that over the years. Is there some sort of sorcery I'm not aware of that's achieved by performing the same reset over and over again?

Bad Cables - I spent over $400 in brand new Mogami/Best-Tronics cables, on top of buying brand new Adam A7Vs. I'm not sure how much more money you want me to spend. The chances of all my cabling being faulty is laughably low.
No confusion here.......good luck with it................roll eyes.gif
Recording - I have nothing to record, since my last reset I've only been loading up factory presets and trying to make them sound decent (which I have not been able to do). I've tried also tried some very popular presets off the AxeChange and run into the same issues. So if anyone really wants to run the same preset I am, have at her because we can all access the same place I procured them from.
We can access the presets, but we can't access the sound you're hearing. A recording would help.
Suggesting I'm not willing to try anything is ridiculous. So let's go through this again since there must be some confusion on your end...

Recording - I have nothing to record, since my last reset I've only been loading up factory presets and trying to make them sound decent (which I have not been able to do). I've tried also tried some very popular presets off the AxeChange and run into the same issues. So if anyone really wants to run the same preset I am, have at her because we can all access the same place I procured them from.

Reset - yes, I said I have done that over the years. Is there some sort of sorcery I'm not aware of that's achieved by performing the same reset over and over again?

Bad Cables - I spent over $400 in brand new Mogami/Best-Tronics cables, on top of buying brand new Adam A7Vs. I'm not sure how much more money you want me to spend. The chances of all my cabling being faulty is laughably low.
Did you ever open a ticket? I think your issues may be beyond the abilities of this forum. I can access the presets and they mostly sound pretty good to me. This means either:
You have a broken AxeFxIII or
You have something set very wrong or
You have something else broken in your signal chain or
You have a really bad listening environment.

So as far as the help I’m able to give, barring any other possible troubleshooting from what you’re willing and the forum is willing to do, I’m of the feeling we have very different opinions on what good tone is. This is why a recording would be very helpful. If you upload a recording of this alleged bad tone and I think it isnt bad tone at all, it is just difference of opinion.

As I stated before as well, there are a ton of tone shaping options available. It would be impossible to not find something you like. your best bet would be to get a ticket open and see what support can do for you.
Again, maybe I'm just Fractal illiterate, but I find it crazy that you can't just plug this thing into a set of studio speakers, pick a factory reset such as...let's say their Dual Rec, and it sound completely un-usable and nothing like a Dual Rec.

Right, should be able to do exactly that. People do it all the time.

None of the factory presets I tried were quite to my liking, but they didn't sound bad, they just weren't sounds that I wanted. People praise the factory presets all the time, and according to cooper carter, one of them was used unchanged in some huge thing like a bowl game halftime show or something (can't remember the details).

It's not a matter of being fractal illiterate. Something is wrong, and we've been trying to figure out what.

I don't think it's cables....broken/flawed line level cables don't sound muddy. They sound like crackling, dropouts, or silence. A bad guitar cable can sound muddy if it's crazy long or super high-capacitance. But it won't also sound thin if that's the problem.

There's also no reason I can think of that a MIDI cable should cause audible noise either unless they're run alongside certain unbalanced audio cables running into a gain stage (amplifier, powered speaker, the guitar input, etc.). If that were the problem, you'd also get it from your phone when you get a call or text message and probably would have noticed. Either way, shielding the audio cable seems like a better approach than shielding the MIDI cable...or just not running them right next to each other. But, I really can't imagine it being a huge problem either way. Or, at least, I've never noticed it being a huge problem either way in a long time.

There are some hifi or "audiophile" data cables out there that are objectively crap because the snake oil salesmen that make them ignored the published specs and did something silly to make their cables more expensive and then flat-out lied about them being better. But, even they don't generally cause the symptoms you're describing...they just drastically reduce the maximum usable length compared to what's in the published spec. But, AFAIK, the worst offenders are USB cables. And they still don't cause these kinds of audio problems...they just don't work if you try to use one that's too long.

The Adam A7Vs have some DSP controls on the back that could make them sound thin if you have them set wrong for your placement, and they'll integrate corrections from Sonarworks if you want to go that route. I would have suggested it except that it's kind of a PITA (and costs money)...and there are a lot of things you have to get more-or-less correct before that correction really works...and you won't give us/me information about how they're set up in your room.

The fact that it's happening in 3 different rooms is concerning. I can imagine certain physical placements of those speakers (the Adams and the Friedman) in certain "bad" rooms that could cause those kinds of sound problems, but you didn't answer questions about the physical speaker setup. So, I can't know that. It also shouldn't be the same in every key that you might play in - e.g., some keys would sound thin and others would sound too least most of the time.

At this point, cel phone pictures of the setup/room and audio recording (also with the phone) of the sound in the room may help.

Taking out as many variables as possible is also something that will help, which we've suggested:

1. Factory presets (you do this, good)
2. Default global settings (it seems like you've done this in the past...maybe you've changed something and forgotten about it)
3. Plug the fractal straight into one speaker at a time (I don't think you've done this)
4. Picture of the speakers/room from your listening position (you haven't done this)
5. Even a cel phone recording of the sound in the room may help us hear a bit of what you hear.

Maybe those will help us narrow it down.
Re: MIDI interference — I’m assuming that your electrical circuit in the basement has a good ground? If not (or if you’re not sure) I’d be giving a close look to how I’m powering my AFX3 and associated equipment. .
Re: MIDI interference — I’m assuming that your electrical circuit in the basement has a good ground? If not (or if you’re not sure) I’d be giving a close look to how I’m powering my AFX3 and associated equipment. .
And the safety of the rest of the house for that matter.
I can't make any suggestions more than anything that has been said. But I have suffered muffled presets that have had me thinking that my AX8 was a piece of "rubbish". And I have tried all sorts of things including buying brand new ADAM monitors (after buying some cheap s/h monitors). I expected to plug the ADAMs in and have sound perfection. And I did not achieve that. I have been checking out the s/h ads looking for an FM3 or possibly an FM9 hoping that if or when bought my sound would suddenly sound like the examples I so often hear in demo videos etc. I usually play Les Paul guitars but a day or so back tried things out by plugging in a MusicMan Sterling AX40 and noticed a HUGE difference in the sounds I was achieving. My fave 2 LP's are beat up but well worn guitars that could do with new pots but as I said in my post elsewhere (A change of guitar) the change of guitar has changed the sound dramatically. For the better. My question with the utmost respect would be, have you tried your setup with a different guitar rather than perhaps your usual number 1 type of guitar?
I am not in a band by the way, I am just a home guitarist who plays at low decibel levels in the sitting room or the bedroom.
Just as a thought, which sadly won't be relevant on the axe fx111 section, a preset that I uploaded onto my AX8 that sounds massive and loud in comparison to most of my presets is a John Mayer one (and I am not even a Mayer fan) uploaded onto Axe Change by (with thanks to) @elintonlemes, for the song Gravity. As I type this I am thinking about looking at all of the settings within that preset to see if I can find out why it sounds the way that it does and transfer any interestingly found settings over to other presets in my unit.
Don't give up, the answer is out there. Could you hook up with anybody local to yourself who is a Fractal user and see if you could try out their equipment and them yours? A side-by-side A/B comparison would be interesting to hear about.
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