Sound of Silence on Stick

Per Boysen


Today I made a simple plug-n-play recording with my Chapman Stick and Fx fw18x and got really surprised that I did not have to do any "riding the track" for Volume or EQ in my recorder DAW. Normally when recording the Stick a few notes here and there pop out with an ugly narrow frequency band peak but this time that did not happen. All twelve strings routed 6+6 through two parallel Axe rows sounded equally balanced. After having mixed the track I opened my patch in AxeEdit to check the two Ultares cabs setting... and yes: they were both on high resolution pre amp "bipolar" with level 4 on Drive, Saturation and Treble. So that was why it sounded so smooth right away this time! I haven't noticed much difference when playing live but in recording these Preamp algos truly rocks.

The reverb in this patch has a setting I like a lot and will start using more. It's the old Medium Spring at Normal Quality, all wet on a parallel row and passing through a Chorus set to Dimension 2. Important is that the reverb time is modulated by Envelope with the range 2 seconds to 20 seconds. The louder notes I play the longer Reverb Time. This makes the reverb come out more like a synth strings pad behind the strings but when I stop playing it still shuts down with a normally short room ambience tail.
Brilliant!!! Just Brilliant! You totally rock dude.
Thanks for sharing your etherial song clip as well as the ingenious and innovative reverb setup info. :encouragement:
That's very interesting the way you have the reverb set up. I would have thought there was a synth pad going on if you hadn't said it was done using reverb. I'm going to try that on some of my more 'airy' patches.
Very nice Per! really like the reverb. Can you maybe share the reverb block or patch? just so I get any idea about the exact settings in the reverb block and Chorus and envelope.
Beautiful, Per. Rich and broad and haunting. I love what you figured out with the reverb.
Well done Per! That was awesome!

Love your Reverb!! Hoping you can do a walkthrough for that sometime! :)
Very nice Per! really like the reverb. Can you maybe share the reverb block or patch? just so I get any idea about the exact settings in the reverb block and Chorus and envelope.

Copy what you want from the patch. Uploaded at
Axe-Change - Download Preset - PBoy Stick PEDAL ext#5 - by perboysen.

If increasing the range for Envelope Modification of the Reverb Time from my current max value 20 seconds to 30 seconds it starts sounding very much like a synth pad in the background. My current setting is kind of a middle position where you still hear the tone of the strings in the reverb but you do get some self oscillating synth-like ghost tones happening. Experiment!

You need to turn off the amp block's Bright Switch to make this sound good! I happened to upload the preset without noticing that the 18.06 update had changed that setting, and you can't replace uploaded presets or delete them to repost.
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This is dark and beautiful. What's your live set up?

Thanks. These days I tend to use the AxeFx II for the most instruments I may play at a live gig; for electric guitar, electric cello, Chapman Stick, alto traverse flute and electric harp guitar. I run a Gordius Little Giant MIDI foot control pedalboard. When playing out with the AxeFx II I'll often go line-in into existing house PA or, for smaller gigs like for example a church or up to 100 ppl, I'll bring my two studio GENELEC monitors.

On some gigs I pop in a laptop by USB to my AxeFxII in order to run the Mobius looper. That is if I need to loop as in this live looping piece:

For doing street busking gigs with the STick Guitar I play a battery driven Roland Street Cube amp with a small pedalboard (volume pedal, Tube Screamer, TC Flashback delay) driven by one rechargeable Volto battery. When I play tenor sax I use whatever in-house PA available with my own clamp-on fly mic (same one I use for the alto flute). Maybe I'll try the sax too through the AxeFxII, there just hasn't come up a suitable situation for that yet.
Great version Per, playing & tones.
Creative usage of the reverb effect.
Thanks for sharing your preset.
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