Sooooo Sexy

Geez... that's pricy. I'm using an Axess Electronics MFC-5 and it's enough for me. 4 presets in one bank and I'm not an expression pedal kinda guy. No time for that when you are jumping around the stage. :D
With regards to the MFC101 price, it's not clear yet. PaulMapp contacted G66 and heres the quote from the MFC101 thread

"Dont know where you got that from. Just EMailed Sussi for an update. She said they have no idea how the 800-850 euros made it onto the board - there not expecting it to be that high. There expecting an exact price in the next day or 2, and will receive their first shipment soon. People on the list will be EMailed when that happens. she didnt say how many units there getting, how big the list is , or whether EVERYONE on the list will get the EMail (or just when your name reaches the top)."

Hope some of the high figures turn out to be false. Fractal could do with being a market leader with this not only on features but on price.
Clark Kent said:
Wow those cost like 5 times more than what I paid for my current pedal which is also high end gear. :? Thanks but I'm good.

I don't undestand these prices when: is half the price and still high quality.

I agree. Ground controls are made well and although they don't do "it all", they're great controllers. I had the smaller, older ground control and mine flew out of my jeep after a gig doing 40mph. It had a little ding on the corner, but no issues at all otherwise. That's quality.
paulmapp8306 said:
tonygtr said:
Where did you get the 1000 bucks number?

FAs order page.

Rubbish. Its $749 on their order page:

Ties in with what Suzzi said about EU prices. Normally the same in Euro as in $ - though may be 800 due to current Euro/$ exchange.

Is that how you talk to all people? Talk about an attitude. The price was $999 on the webpage when I wrote that, they've changed it.
Note that waitlist folks get $100 off that price once their name comes up (*posted multiple times by Cliff).
Dtune said:
Mfc 101 Serial # 00001

Actually there is no serial number on this one....

I will give updates on its performance shortly.
Do you have instant random access to banks (on the MFC) or are you stepping up/down through banks?

I can't seem to get anyone to answer this so I thought I'd ask you.
tonygtr said:
paulmapp8306 said:

Is that how you talk to all people? Talk about an attitude. The price was $999 on the webpage when I wrote that, they've changed it.

Didnt mean to offend. The price was $749 when I looked yesterday (before you post) and I had to back tpday in case it had changed ($1000 would put it out of my reach). Price was the same. Just thought you were posting false information which is not good.
Shreddy Better said:
I'm sure that after all those on the waiting list are taken care of, than the price will drop to $649 American for all.
Don't bet on it.
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