Sold a guitar. Shipped it via UPS. Receiver claims he did not receive it...

That sucks! Reverb used to have an online presence at

But I don't know if that is the case anymore.

So can I ask where the guitar is, if anyone knows?
I don't know what happened to the guitar. UPS lost it so it seems...I'm not a conspiracy type of person, but wouldn't be a bit surprised if asshole has it in his possession.
UPDATE: UPS paid the claim. I have the check. Reverb has refunded the buyer (by my initiation) and I was told by Reverb's Nick Wilkinson that they would deduct monies from my account when I listed/sold an item. From the looks of it, they will be deducting it from my bank account so that's another strike against them.That's fine, I'll be depositing the check in that same account. I'm done with Reverb and will more than likely close my account. The way they treated me was bullshit. They also made it so I couldn't leave that punk feedback. I have to wonder, do you guy's think they monitor this site and others for negative publicity?

Sorry to hear about this crappy situation!

So you got a check from UPS, but you had to give the money to the buyer? So you have no guitar and no money from the claim?
I have to wonder, do you guy's think they monitor this site and others for negative publicity?

Nope. The internet is chock-full of negative publicity for just about anything. I seriously doubt they care. What's the alternative? eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist. Not a lot of competition really.
Sorry to hear about this crappy situation!

So you got a check from UPS, but you had to give the money to the buyer? So you have no guitar and no money from the claim?
I was refunded money by UPS, but not the full amount. Buyer got his full amount.

Nope. The internet is chock-full of negative publicity for just about anything. I seriously doubt they care. What's the alternative? eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist. Not a lot of competition really.
Well, Reverb seems to be taking a lot of flak lately.
Also, Reverb has new owners. Don't think that the current Reverb is anything like Reverb used to be. It's like many sites that had a great reputation, that gets sold, and continues to coast on that reputation until the new owners ruin it.

As a side note, Bandcamp has a new owner as of yesterday. RIP Bandcamp.
I've got a pending refund request on Reverb right now, the buyer seems to be claiming one preset in an effects unit doesn't work properly, and since I said "fully working" he's justified. I'm pretty sure it's not true, but not looking forward to how this is going to go. I'll probably just give up and keep it, the money gained here is just not worth the hassle of dealing with people.
I've got a pending refund request on Reverb right now, the buyer seems to be claiming one preset in an effects unit doesn't work properly, and since I said "fully working" he's justified. I'm pretty sure it's not true, but not looking forward to how this is going to go. I'll probably just give up and keep it, the money gained here is just not worth the hassle of dealing with people.

I sold a Kingsley pedal last week, and it was fine, and the buyer now says an LED is not working. I
request a video and he sends a pic instead. Easy to not turn the pedal on and claim the LED is not
working. Duh!

He squeezed me for $100 partial refund to NOT send it back to me and ask for a return from Reverb.

I paid the ransom.
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I only sell gear locally, and lately just do trade-in (see my post above), but when I was selling locally more frequently I was so paranoid of the
bullshit I would often short change myself by listing almost always pristine home-used only gear with full packaging at less than the going price. I knew I was ripping myself off when the same guy bought multiple items from me over a few years period (I live in a city of 2M so this seemed more than coincidence) - the last time the guy bought something he says "oh ya - I recognize yur stuff the way you post it n jump on it cuz it's like new and always a good deal!" - I'm hopeless at the game, so now just bring the stuff to the store and get my 40%
Yup. My FM9 was supposed to be signature required, the miscreant left it on my front porch.
All of the shippers started just leaving packages. The pandemic led to this. Not saying I agree with it, but that is part of it.
My FM9 was left on my porch. But I knew it was coming. Signing up for Fedex and UPS and the USPS is FREE and you can get pretty detailed info about delivery.
Certainly would not have helped the OP.
I hope this turns out OK for the OP..................
ya - even though pandemic rules are ending, they still seem to ignore getting the sig - imo the signing option only seems useful to put the blame squarely on the shipping company when they lose it or it gets porch pirated.
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Etsy is the new owner of Reverb.

That is so brutal. I can tell you as an Etsy seller who's had horrible experiences. Man, that sucks. Etsy started out awesome, but over time, they are just more and more like Amazon. And it's such a weird jump to make, and telling of their priorities. They started out as a place to buy handmade stuff, directly from the people who make it, but now it's far beyond that, and they use a lot of high pressure tactics to get makers to run their shops exactly the way they want, and to take the soul and the values out of it. Man, my stomach is in knobs just writing about it. Funnily enough, I was about to put my first item up for sale, a pristine Whammy V in the original box, on Reverb, when I happened upon this thread, so I think now I'll take the hit to consign it at the local store, which is run by cool people.
I don’t sell on Reverb anymore. My strategy is just to ABUSE of Reverb.

I list at a higher price the same gear I sell locally so I have Reverb SEO and marketing and when the buyer find it in the local marketplace at lower price thinks he made a deal.

If it sells on Reverb at that price…well I’m doubling the money. 😅
Greetings, all. This is my first post here. I leapt into the Fractal Universe this month and am ticked stupid.

The guitar in my avatar, a PRS Reclaimed Limited CE 24 Semi-Hollow, was shown as delivered. I got the text and was at the porch in seconds. No guitar. The idiot FedEx driver delivered it two doors down and ignored the siggy required order. Both my porch and the other one had very clearly marked addresses and the paperwork was correct. I walked the block, saw my box, and recovered it from the errant porch. Their cat gave me the big time stink eye thru the window, surely figgerin' me for one of them dang ol' porch pirates.

My FC12 MkII arrived yesterday. UPS, siggy required. The driver ignored that and just dumped it on the porch. At least it was the right porch. As I checked tracking once more, my girly suddenly waltzed into the room bearing a Fractal box. Bummer part was that the delivery window was 1400-1900h and I had to greatly curtail my Saturday playing volume to ensure I'd hear the door knock that never came.

A heavily half-assed world seems, for some odd reason, to spew many half-assed results. Whodathunkit?
Bringing this thread back up. Buyer claimed he did not receive guitar some months back. UPS had lost it, but tracking showed guitar arrived in Visalia, CA. Buyer's sons name is Derrick which the guitar is now listed on Reverb under Derrick's Studio. Looking closely, I don't think these guitars are the same, but it does seem awful fishy. What do you guys think?

My original listing:

Original buyer:

Listing I stumbled across this morning:
different serial#

That seems to be correct. My first thought was, this guy got me. I then started digging and thinking that the original buyer was looking for this particular model, bought mine, didn't get it and continued his search, found one, didn't like it and passed it on to his son...
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