Sold a guitar. Shipped it via UPS. Receiver claims he did not receive it...

I always thought it should spray adhesive before the glitter
While that would be way more amusing, the guy doesn't want to be sued. In many states you can be sued for wrongful death if you happen to kill someone who was attacking you or your family after breaking into your home.
My wife and I were the victims of porch pirates years ago when we rented a house, and it happened to be on a day with about $750.00 worth of stuff sitting in boxes on the porch (Christmas presents). We are night owls by nature and would sleep during the day. When the doorbell would ring I’d get up, bring in packages, and get back to bed. But that day the UPS driver just dropped everything without ringing the bell. Since then I’ve made sure to use Informed Delivery with USPS, My Choice with UPS, and Advanced Tracking with FedEx, plus the Shop app to keep track of everything on the way. Plus, for general business reasons we’ve forced ourselves to be day people, which is personally miserable but helpful in about 1,000 ways, including avoiding porch pirates. You bet when the Axe-FX III and FC12 were in the truck on the way to our apartment complex, I tracked that driver and went outside when I saw the truck approaching on the app.

And I’m joining the chorus here that you’re probably dealing with a bullying scam artist.
Along with the money question, just look at how much hassle this has created. It's one thing to deal with for a day or two and get resolved, but a week of this BS with no resolution in sight... I'm sorry OP has had to deal with this.

I think one of the delivery issues is that a lot of them aren't done by "real" UPS or Fedex drivers - we get all sorts of vans and cars with people dropping stuff off and probably none of them care at all about ringing the bell or anything.

I have a few things I'm about to sell and all this just makes me want to go to my local GC. I'll get less $ out of it, but at least when I walk out the door, it's done. There's no price to make OP's hassle worth it.
I'd like to rig a package for porch pirates that let's loose an entire can of great stuff expanding foam. That shit just doesn't come off unless you use gasoline.
I submitted the claim. The buyer claims he's heard from UPS concerning the payout, but I have not. I thought from the beginning there is something not quite right with the transaction and this guy after he told me he was home all day and UPS didn't even drive down his street.

Once he informed me of that I asked him to call me which he refused to do and still has not to this day. Messaging through Reverb, text, etc. tends to get lost and I find it best to talk on the phone. You get a better feel for the person you are dealing with and most aren't cocky and aggressive as this guy has been through Reverb.

We're talking a 900.00 transaction here. I get it, that is a nice chunk of change, but if you work for a living, know how to manage your money and don't live beyond your means, 900.00 is not going to put you in dire straits as this guy seems it has done to him. You guys have made me even more wary of this clown and I can't help but think he's dishonest. He wants his cake and eat it too. Meaning the guitar and the money.
Shipped tens of thousands of packages with UPS with my business; many shipments in the tens of thousands of dollars, and the sad fact is that some people are assholes, and that’s just the world we live in. Luckily, the VAST majority are not, and it is always possible that a person didn’t receive a package that was left for them in this day and age.

Having said That, UPS, if they delivered the package without handing it to an actual person, have the responsibility to place the package “out of sight and out of weather”, so any “porch pirate” crap can be collected via insurance when you file a claim through UPS.

You file the claim, it’s your shipment. When you do so, Generally, UPS will look up the driver’s GPS (for stops), his scanning history for your package delivery, contact the local depot, driver, etc., and many-times the receiver, to confirm the package wasn’t received on the date (or thereafter), of the indicated delivery of the package.

If this guy is an asshole - dollars to donuts - UPS (and Reverb or etc) has had problems with him and his “missing deliveries” before. In UPS’s case, as the driver is responsible for the delivery - that whole “out of sight out of weather” ..”thing” …then the driver can get into trouble and become wary of releasing packages without a signature when they stumble upon such an asshole. Also drivers might be reluctant to leave a package in high-crime areas where porch piracy is a regular thing. Like I say, it’s on the driver to successfully deliver a package in his truck, signature or not.

As to this guy? From experience, If this guy is losing his mind and contacting UPS, that sounds more like a guy freaking out, thinking his package has been stolen and that he’s out real cash and you ain’t helping. So he’s freaking.

Normally, scumbags aren’t too-into making much of a fuss - especially if they have a history of “lost packages” and UPS can so-easily trace those “lost packages” via a driver’s stops reported by a driver’s ‘Board’, which logs if the the driver stopped at that address, for how long, and if he scanned that package or not.


You file a claim. Last we jumped through that hoop (it’s been a while), it takes up-to ten days for an investigation into the loss of a package. In that time they will likely contact the receiver. What was shipped? how much did it cost, did they check around the property, That kinda thing.….

UPS recently changed the way they handle claims under a hundred bucks, but, used to be, they will have You fill out a few forms, send in proof of value - things like that, and this is all then handed over to claims. Claims will contact you and may try to lower the payout, it’s just their job, waste of energy getting too excited about that, just ask for a supervisor the very-second the insurance guy gives you any crap, generally that will hurry things along in your favor, all paperwork matching up, Claims will confirm their payout on the claim in that call, payment shows up in the mail within a few weeks later.

UPS allows $100.00 standard insurance, it’s baked into the shipping rate everybody pays. Anything above that initial one-hundred bucks you will pay for in an additional insurance premium on the shipment. If you didn’t pay for the extra insurance on that package, you won’t be receiving anything past that initial 100 bucks+shipping (label) cost (if you qualify). ..and that’s on you. Insure your shipments for their worth or take responsibility for the loss if it comes to these types of situations.

We have run into quite a few situations where we just accept the loss. For us it’s just business, and business is just ones and zeros for the most part, but we haven’t yet had UPS mess us around on paying out insurance claims when we file them.

Our policy is that we cover all damage and loss in transit to receipt, and we might run into a problem with non-delivery once every two-three years, ..y e a r s …which goes to say that there isn’t that many bad people out there pretending stuff isn’t showing up.

Lots of delays in transit, that’s just a thing, We have had UPS hide packages so well that the receiver couldn’t find them, UPS has occasionally gone back out to find the package for the customer.

If the package has been delivered to the wrong address, the Driver’s ‘Board’ would show where he stopped, where he scanned that package..wherever that address may be. They will go out and reclaim the package if they can, otherwise, it’s on the driver for their inaccurate delivery. And UPS pays.. up to the insured amount.

…This was a big package so, I don’t think it’s ”out of sight out of weather”.

If the client is losing their minds and clumsily calling UPS themselves? …I would suspect porch theft. That being suspected UPS should cover the loss up-to $100.00 or the insured amount on that package+label cost.

Best of luck.
We used to have a real deal douchebag on the opposite shift. Screwing us over day after day, and smug and proud about it. We pumped his rollaway toolbox full of this stuff. From what we heard it wasn’t pretty lol. Management hated the guy too so no one got in trouble. He was fired soon after.
Haha....I had a similar situation years ago with a day shift prick. So one night I brought in a can of sardines and used the thin metal lid to smoosh them in under the bottom drawer of his Kennedy roll around. Then sprayed in a full can of LPS so it was smashed sardines floating in silicon oil in the bottom of the box. Lastly took a thin foot long air nozzle and fed it into the gap....turned the PSI up around 110 and POOOOF!!!
Coated EVERY tool in EVERY drawer in the funkiest, nastiest, slimy shit. It smelled soooo bad we had to move it from our work area to finish out the nights work.

I won.
Haha....I had a similar situation years ago with a day shift prick. So one night I brought in a can of sardines and used the thin metal lid to smoosh them in under the bottom drawer of his Kennedy roll around. Then sprayed in a full can of LPS so it was smashed sardines floating in silicon oil in the bottom of the box. Lastly took a thin foot long air nozzle and fed it into the gap....turned the PSI up around 110 and POOOOF!!!
Coated EVERY tool in EVERY drawer in the funkiest, nastiest, slimy shit. It smelled soooo bad we had to move it from our work area to finish out the nights work.

I won.

😂 That’s awesome!
The latest from Reverb:
Hey Dolan,

My name is Nick -- I work on the Resolutions Team at Reverb. I’m going to be helping you out with your recent sale on Order # 13776323 for the Ibanez RG3520ZE. Thanks for your patience while we looked into the situation for you!

The buyer has contacted Reverb to report that this item has been returned via UPS Shipping Claim and the claim has been resolved. Because this item is no longer in the buyer's possession and has been returned, a full refund is required. We ask that this refund be issued within 48-hours. If this refund is not completed, Reverb will assist by issuing the refund on your behalf. Can you let me know if you have any questions?

Thank you for your time.


Nick W. | Resolutions Specialist

How can Reverb issue this guy a payment on his "word" alone? I've STILL not heard from UPS concerning this.
The latest from Reverb:
Hey Dolan,

My name is Nick -- I work on the Resolutions Team at Reverb. I’m going to be helping you out with your recent sale on Order # 13776323 for the Ibanez RG3520ZE. Thanks for your patience while we looked into the situation for you!

The buyer has contacted Reverb to report that this item has been returned via UPS Shipping Claim and the claim has been resolved. Because this item is no longer in the buyer's possession and has been returned, a full refund is required. We ask that this refund be issued within 48-hours. If this refund is not completed, Reverb will assist by issuing the refund on your behalf. Can you let me know if you have any questions?

Thank you for your time.


Nick W. | Resolutions Specialist

How can Reverb issue this guy a payment on his "word" alone? I've STILL not heard from UPS concerning this.
Dude is 100% full of shit after reading this. He told reverb he turned the guitar he told you he never received.
Doxx this guy so we know never to do business with him.
The latest from Reverb:
Hey Dolan,

My name is Nick -- I work on the Resolutions Team at Reverb. I’m going to be helping you out with your recent sale on Order # 13776323 for the Ibanez RG3520ZE. Thanks for your patience while we looked into the situation for you!

The buyer has contacted Reverb to report that this item has been returned via UPS Shipping Claim and the claim has been resolved. Because this item is no longer in the buyer's possession and has been returned, a full refund is required. We ask that this refund be issued within 48-hours. If this refund is not completed, Reverb will assist by issuing the refund on your behalf. Can you let me know if you have any questions?

Thank you for your time.


Nick W. | Resolutions Specialist

How can Reverb issue this guy a payment on his "word" alone? I've STILL not heard from UPS concerning this.
Reply to Reverb immediately and let them know what’s going on. If you haven’t already, also contact UPS regarding your claim. Be armed with enough information for Reverb to rule in your favor.
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