Sold a guitar. Shipped it via UPS. Receiver claims he did not receive it...

How can Reverb issue this guy a payment on his "word" alone? I've STILL not heard from UPS concerning this.
I'm sure when you explain the status of the insurance claim, Reverb will back off.

However, this perfectly illustrates my earlier point about how Reverb, eBay and Paypal bend over backwards to favor buyers in these disputes. When you sell online, you must factor in the unavoidable fact that the buyer can easily avoid paying you.

I think you've actually lucked out here (although it probably doesn't feel that way right now) because this buyer seems to be inept rather than genuinely trying to scam you.
I'm sure when you explain the status of the insurance claim, Reverb will back off.

However, this perfectly illustrates my earlier point about how Reverb, eBay and Paypal bend over backwards to favor buyers in these disputes. When you sell online, you must factor in the unavoidable fact that the buyer can easily avoid paying you.
You are 100% correct. It is next to impossible to sell anything locally as I live in such a backwards, rural area where there's few musicians let alone anyone who has heard of anything different than Fender or Marshall. Nothing wrong with either brand, but I'm sure you get it.
Here's the latest from Reverb, they cancelled my phone appointment:

Cancellation Reason: Hey Don,
This is Nick W with Reverb's Resolutions team. I hope you're well. I'm not able to accept this invitation as I'm not going to be available for the call due to a prior commitment. Please respond back to my original email with any questions. Thank you for your time.
Nick W : Reverb Resolutions Specialist

Couldn't even get my name right.
I have no comment until I get a phone appointment.
I responded to his original email. When I chatted with someone on Reverb, they asked me to respond to Nick W's original email, when asked that, I responded back that I did, copied and pasted my response to Nick then sent it to the chat person. No more listing on Reverb. I'm done with them.
Brought a bunch of stuff to Long and McQuade (Canada's GC) recently for trade-in. Was kinda bummed at the time about the low value received but reading this it seems, sadly, to be the least painful way to sell gear.

Hope it works out ok for you after u get thru it all.
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It's a shit show. The whole thing has been a big disappointment. From dealing with anal boy buyer and the lack of communication or support from Reverb.

Twice I set up a phone appointment with Reveb, 1st time they cancelled on me and the 2nd time they informed they were in contact with UPS and are siding with the buyer.

I'll get my money back from UPS, but to not communicate with me except email (when I responded Nick W said he didn't receive my response, but did receive it through chat when I copied and pasted my response with another employee) is bullshit.
This sucks, and I'm sorry you are going through it. I was just about to list some gear on Reverb, including an Axe8. Not any more. I'll try selling through Craigslist and FB Marketplace with local pickup only. I'd rather take a bath on the price that deal with drama.
I use reverb cause I’m in a limited market where I live. But they do suck. The safe shipping is legit, they made good on that for me once. They boycotted Fulltone over some bs. You’ll see they won’t list new Fulltone products. But siding with a buyer who UPS said was delivered to is just wrong. I hope UPS pays up for you!
UPDATE: UPS paid the claim. I have the check. Reverb has refunded the buyer (by my initiation) and I was told by Reverb's Nick Wilkinson that they would deduct monies from my account when I listed/sold an item. From the looks of it, they will be deducting it from my bank account so that's another strike against them.That's fine, I'll be depositing the check in that same account. I'm done with Reverb and will more than likely close my account. The way they treated me was bullshit. They also made it so I couldn't leave that punk feedback. I have to wonder, do you guy's think they monitor this site and others for negative publicity?
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