Small/Cheap MIDI Pedal for AXE-FX-II?

Quick search on this forum:

Search on Midi Mate and you'll find plenty.

Bottom line is that if you want to go on the cheap, you'll have to learn a bit about MIDI capabilities within the footcontroller, and how to map that to the Axe FX. It's a bit more complicated, but it's doable.

Yes I know-Found it , that's why I edited my post the same day....I know midi fine-The midi mapping idea in the Axe is what I forgot about Thanks for the reply and excuse me for having to go on the cheap.
No worries. It's not about 'cheap' (maybe bad choice of words), but I used a MIDI Mate for years, and for simple uses, it's the best out there...IMO. Takes some massaging, but it's tough, reliable, and small.
No worries. It's not about 'cheap' (maybe bad choice of words), but I used a MIDI Mate for years, and for simple uses, it's the best out there...IMO. Takes some massaging, but it's tough, reliable, and small.

Yes, I get it-I suppose inexpensive may have sounded better to me, but it's the same thing really.I know........If the MFC had LCD's I would buy one today. I really like those LCDs. Only experience was that LF+jr+ I sold on the forum (what a dope) I posted a while ago that I believe that Fractal must be looking that way. I also feel that the RJM stuff is way too expensive. My opinion. I have read a lot about it and besides "maybe" better support, the LF+ stuff is just as good and so is it's software. I never had a problem getting an answer from FAMC. I know some have though
I don't play out anymore except on rare weddings and stuff. So for home studio it's OK...I guess :)
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