Rainbow in the Dark Cover

I'm curious. I have heard good things about Transcribe, just have never tried it. Why do you like it over Amazing Slow Downer? What sets it apart?

To me it doesn't get as "warbly" sounding as you get really slow. It does a great job on slowing down videos too.
Video support sounds great! Thanks, I may just give it a try. Been using ASD for so long now. Time to expand my horizon.

I just bought Transcribe, I had been using Capo for the mac. The coolest thing for me about Transcribe, that I have found so far is that I can use a midi pedal ( I use a midi buddy from RFX)and setup pedals to do specific things, such as play, rewind, fast fwd. Plus create loops its got tons of different options for doing different stuff.

I have a pedal that starts a selection, the next pedal increments by 5 seconds, then the next decreases by one second. Your hand never leaves your guitar.
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