Post Your Axe-Fx III Rigs Here!

When you first posted pics of that guitar case/stand, I started jonesing for something similar, but I didn't have my woodshop set back up following a cross-country move. Now that the shop is back up and running, I really need to look into building something like that for myself. How have you liked using it? Any gotchas or other insights you care to share? Would you do anything different on the next one?

If I were to do it again I would make the individual guitar slots removable/interchangeable So when I get gas for a new guitar it will fit the slot. I built it for 3 PRS and 2 Ibanez guitars. I have since replace one Ibanez with another PRS and ditched one PRS for a Line6 JTV-59. PRS doesn't fit the Ibanez slot right so its sticks out too far to put the cover on. Not that I want to use the cover much but I'm lugging so much stuff to gigs these days it would be nice to have the cover for transport.
it works
:p lol
No man, its awesome, i just spoke with someone a few minutes ago and said, “ i cant believe i finally got my studio up and running after like 10 years of trying to get it together, and I’m finally putting out pro quality sounding stuff!”

Partially thanks to awesome members like you Fred (and shout out to unix and chris for always helping me out too)
Hey thanks RC glad to see you getting everything together man.
I really wish I could get mine together but it’s probably not going to happen for a pretty good while.
But it’s not keeping me from playing :D
As long as you keep on rockin and playin, thast all that matters
I play my Xitone now more than my monitors or through the studio like i used to everyday
I love playing through the cab just to jam
I have a II XL and a nice little studio space. Just haven't been able to get some funds squared away for the III quite yet. Hopefully before the end of the year.
You’ll love the axefxiii it has so much potential and I’m just scratching the surface. I’m putting together some really cool presets an Ir’s.
The forum members have helped me a lot sharing stuff that they have put together which is really nice when I can tweak it to what I’m playing through.
And I have to say AustinBuddy has some great presets also I’m still trying to audition all of them. Lol
You’ll love the axefxiii it has so much potential and I’m just scratching the surface. I’m putting together some really cool presets an Ir’s.
The forum members have helped me a lot sharing stuff that they have put together which is really nice when I can tweak it to what I’m playing through.
And I have to say AustinBuddy has some great presets also I’m still trying to audition all of them. Lol

From what I gather, it looks like the III will update tweaks on the fly. That's one thing that drives me insane about the II XL, is that it does the 'Communications paused. Click to resume...' in Axe Edit if you make any changes via the front panel.

And yeah, I bought the 'Dream Rigs' pack and like that a lot.
It’s a dark picture, and the pedal part of the rig isn’t quite done yet, but you get the idea. Weighs a ton, but everything just hooks up out the back right to the inputs at the front of the stage, so no snakes or cables cluttering up the stage. Two expression pedals, a KTR, a Blackstone, a FreqOut, and a Mimiq at the moment, and I have a little room for future expansion.


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From what I gather, it looks like the III will update tweaks on the fly. That's one thing that drives me insane about the II XL, is that it does the 'Communications paused. Click to resume...' in Axe Edit if you make any changes via the front panel.

And yeah, I bought the 'Dream Rigs' pack and like that a lot.
Yeah I have been using axe edit and I love it and I’m still learning every time I use it and it’s quick an easy I’m all about the easy lol. (More time to play) lol
I’m using AustinBuddies Naked Amp Pack so many different tones. So much sound Very cool.
I’m also using a lot of stuff that has been shared on the forum and Axe Exchange.
Dream Rigs sounds pretty cool also.
It’s a dark picture, and the pedal part of the rig isn’t quite done yet, but you get the idea. Weighs a ton, but everything just hooks up out the back right to the inputs at the front of the stage, so no snakes or cables cluttering up the stage. Two expression pedals, a KTR, a Blackstone, a FreqOut, and a Mimiq at the moment, and I have a little room for future expansion.

Pretty impressive! Does it have a case with wheels?
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