Poor sound via usb


Hi, just after alittle bit of info, i have been using logic to record a few clips via usb, the sound quailty is very bad, very distorted, the recording volume is low, any idea what it can be? or is this how it is?

Many thanks
Not sure whats happening, but it is not how it is for me. Through Protools, Reaper, Sonar,
or Soundforge.

Are you recording at 48kHz?
Sorta distorted like these?:

Pretty sure they run USB too. Also pretty sure that Cliff wouldn't feature USB recording if it were even a tiny bit less than fantastic sounding. In any case it should be on par with XLRs.

Check your settings, watch your gainstaging, uninstall the drivers for the Axe-FX, reboot the computer and reinstall the drivers (or have it reinstall itself, not sure how it works, I'm in Europe)

Put up a recording of what it sounds like.
To me the usb volume seems low on record but on play back it's ok. what I'm experiencing is a noise (like electrical noise or ground noise) when I try to reamp in the mix.....
I hope it's not my FF400 that being power via bus firewire with Axe2 on wall power and being but together.
(not sure that's clear) any ideas?
Rock On!!!!!
still having sound problems via vogic and reaper, any ideas?

I am also using Logic, and have been able to record with the Axe Fx 2 via USB with no problems. Few things to check:

- Make sure you installed the USB drives for MAC. Available here: Fractal Audio Systems Support
- In Logic open Preferences > Audio and check all your settings. Axe Fx 2 should be set as your input.
- Check your Sample Rate in Logic. To see the sample rate on the transport, right click the transport and check off the "show sample rate".
- Check the input levels of the Axe Fx 2. Make sure you are not sitting in the red. You can adjust your input level by clicking the I/O button the on the front of the unit
- Check your output levels on the Axe Fx 2. You have meters on the front if the unit ... you can change your output levels by selecting the amp block on a particular preset and adjusting the Output level.
- Make sure all your cables are working properly. (including the USB cable)
That simply sounds like a severely clipping solid state input. I don't know about soundcloud but it seems the waveform is accurate and it's off the charts. Or is it compressed?
Do you have input metering on your recording solution? What does it do? It's strange that it would clip something and still have low volume.
For limiting the output of the Axe-FX see a couple of posts above and I've read about other places on here where they explain how to. I don't have a II yet, so I don't have experience with the USB recording. I'll better leave this to the experienced...

Nice lo-fi vibe, BTW.
But I imagine you don't want it all the time.
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i'm sorry I'm not sure what that means, i run select the usb axe input in logic and it record. I have been messing around for weeks and can't seem to get it right, reaper sounds the same also.
It almost sounds like you cab sims are off.

I see you normally run into a power amp and cab. Did you put a cab in the patch and are the cabs sims turned on globally?
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