Paging Fender nuts - The Reference Clips thread


Hey guys,

A while ago, we had one of those monster thread on the Fender Twin and in that thread, Jay posted a clip of a clean 68 Twin as a reference. That clip was instrumental in giving me the raw stuff I needed to build my best patch so far on the Ultra.

Here's the clip Jay offered:

Fender Twin

I'd like to do the same thing for the other Fender models in the Axe-Fx, and it would be great if you guys could post the same kind of good, clean or very light breakup reference clips as building guides. Here's what's needed:

Brownface Vibroverb

Deluxe Reverb

Tweed Bassman

Tweed Deluxe (if putting the DR tonestack to Vintage is still valid)

Ideally, the clips will have been made with a Strat, but a Tele will be fine too. I'll post the patches for review after I'm satisfied with them.
Deltones said:
Hey guys,

A while ago, we had one of those monster thread on the Fender Twin and in that thread, Jay posted a clip of a clean 68 Twin as a reference. That clip was instrumental in giving me the raw stuff I needed to build my best patch so far on the Ultra.

Here's the clip Jay offered:

Fender Twin

I'd like to do the same thing for the other Fender models in the Axe-Fx, and it would be great if you guys could post the same kind of good, clean or very light breakup reference clips as building guides. Here's what's needed:

Brownface Vibroverb

Deluxe Reverb

Tweed Bassman

Tweed Deluxe (if putting the DR tonestack to Vintage is still valid)

Ideally, the clips will have been made with a Strat, but a Tele will be fine too. I'll post the patches for review after I'm satisfied with them.

Nice idea. Did you post that preset you already have?
It would be great to have a couple of these references indeed. Anyone can build their own patches to correspond to their own gear.

We should do this for other amps too.
yek said:
Nice idea. Did you post that preset you already have?

Yes, it was posted HERE and the clip I made with this patch is posted HERE

One thing though guys, if possible, try to post reference clips of the Fender models we have in the Axe-Fx. The first Bassman clip that Morphosis posted, while nice, is from a Blackface Bassman, not a Tweed Bassman. So here's what we need:

Brownface Vibroverb

Blackface Deluxe Reverb

Tweed Bassman

Tweed Deluxe (if putting the DR tonestack to Vintage is still valid)
Morphosis said:
If you`ll nail this: Fender Bassman 1966

write me a PM :D

pm'ed :)

I was trying to get that sound with two bassman amp blocks in series, the first one with disabled power amp section.
didn't work to well ;)

turns out the vol, bass & treble settings he uses are really nice (copied) and I just had to use a treble booster in front to get into the same kind of territory. A post cab GEQ does the rest, although I have to admit that I like the patch without the GEQ, too.
I made the GEQ a little less extreme and more pleasing to my ears, the reference tone is a bit 'honky'

here are the technically more correct settings for the GEQ, in case you want to ty them:
from left (63Hz) to right (8kHz)

no reverb (yet) ... runch.html
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Thanks for posting Don.
I played around a little bit last night as well. I tried 2 bassman's in parallel using the setttings shown on the vid. got kinda close...then just started playing around because I was enjoying the tones I was getting.
I think your approach is probably a more efficient way to address it.
DonPetersen said:
Morphosis said:
If you`ll nail this: Fender Bassman 1966

write me a PM :D

pm'ed :)

re-pm`ed :)

Hi Don,

big thank you for the patch! Just could`nt try it before thursday, `cause the Axe is in the rehearsal room ... I really will give the patch a try and hope sounds on my gear as well ... will A/B the patch with the youtube clip on my 2x12" Beyma 12GA50 Cab with my strat.
copied your "more accurate" GEQ setting in GEQ2 - will try both!

Will let you know my experience then ...

Best to you
yek said:
Dutch said:
We should do this for other amps too.

Because Dutch always has good ideas, here are LOTS of nice clips here (thougb not all with the right cab): ... ID=1130931


no more clips!!!
this stuff is like candy to me! Candy! CANDY!!!

If it were at least frustrating to tweak the Axe, but noooo - since 10.03 the damn thing sounds so good I just turn a few knobs, start playing and forget what day of the week it is. not to mention the drooling.

why would I drool about gear I already own?

I'm lucky to have a very understanding girlfriend.
DonPetersen said:
If it were at least frustrating to tweak the Axe, but noooo - since 10.03 the damn thing sounds so good I just turn a few knobs, start playing and forget what day of the week it is. not to mention the drooling.

LOL :lol: Yeah, that's the ugly truth!
Sebastian said:
DonPetersen said:
If it were at least frustrating to tweak the Axe, but noooo - since 10.03 the damn thing sounds so good I just turn a few knobs, start playing and forget what day of the week it is. not to mention the drooling.

LOL :lol: Yeah, that's the ugly truth!

I am really just now getting into 10.3
I ended up restoring all amps to default and can get the tones i want from the first page of the amp block- no more digging into the advance page etc.
Dont want to get too far off topic here so I will stop there-I am a fender nut so it's related ;)
Joost Assink said:
so does anyone have some presets to share of their clean Fender patches that resemble any of these clips?

Don and I posted patches based on BF Bassman and Twin respectively already. Check a little earlier in the thread. So far, no clips of the amps I listed in the first post have been linked, but as soon as we get some good reference ones, we'll see how it goes.
DonPetersen said:
Morphosis said:
If you`ll nail this: Fender Bassman 1966

write me a PM :D

pm'ed :)

I was trying to get that sound with two bassman amp blocks in series, the first one with disabled power amp section.
didn't work to well ;)

turns out the vol, bass & treble settings he uses are really nice (copied) and I just had to use a treble booster in front to get into the same kind of territory. A post cab GEQ does the rest, although I have to admit that I like the patch without the GEQ, too.
I made the GEQ a little less extreme and more pleasing to my ears, the reference tone is a bit 'honky'

here are the technically more correct settings for the GEQ, in case you want to ty them:
from left (63Hz) to right (8kHz)

no reverb (yet) ... runch.html
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Yesterday i checked out the patch of Dons `66 Bassman. Played in our rehearsal room with my 2x12 Beyma 12GA50 setup and also (with muted IR) with 2 x 12" KOCH Cab.

Like often when i try presets created by other members on this forum they did not work that good with my monitors (or cabs) as it should. In this case the terrble booster was too much, i muted the block and compensate with highs. this work better on the Bemya speaker with cab on. With the Koch guitar cab i got the best results by muting the drive block and switch on "bright".

So, a notify for myself: Take a look inside presets from the other guys an learn why they do it as they do it! How did they wirk with the effects, routing, etc. But don`t try thinking the sound of others could be 1:1 translated on your gear! This does not work. The sound out of my speaker is a mixture from the preset in the axe in combination with my monitors, my guitar and my playing. Nothing less, nothing more. Work on your own stuff - Morphosis ;-)
Morphosis said:
So, a notify for myself: Take a look inside presets from the other guys an learn why they do it as they do it! How did they wirk with the effects, routing, etc. But don`t try thinking the sound of others could be 1:1 translated on your gear! This does not work. The sound out of my speaker is a mixture from the preset in the axe in combination with my monitors, my guitar and my playing. Nothing less, nothing more. Work on your own stuff - Morphosis ;-)

This is the best way to approach the presets...use them as a starting point and go from there. That is why there are so many that say....use your ears.
I have become much more efficient dialing things in then when i first started using my axefx. Now, i can get what i want very quickly.
Im gonna bump This,

Has anybody Taken the axe FX "there" Yet I spent a couple hours with the axe-change in edit. I dont think anyone has come close.

What you got
Im gonna bump This,

Has anybody Taken the axe FX "there" Yet I spent a couple hours with the axe-change in edit. I dont think anyone has come close.

What you got

If you're talking about Fender presets, I'm working on it. In the old forum, I posted a Twin patch at one point. Give a listen to this clip, it comes from that patch. Rythm is Gibson SG and lead is with a 54 RI Strat. If for you, that's "come close" to the Fender sound, I'll be posting what I got later after I'm done with them.

So far, I've been working on these patches:

59 Bassman Clean (50's slightly overdriven sound, really)
59 Bassman Dirty
63 Showman Clean (which was really the Vibroverb model, but I used a D130 cab)
63 Showman Dirty (which was really the Vibroverb model, but I used a D130 cab)
65 Deluxe Reverb Clean
65 Deluxe Reverb Dirty
68 Twin Clean
68 Twin Dirty
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