Outboard gear Input 1 A/D Level


I have a question, on Interfaces like the AVID 16x16 etc. I can't adjust the Level of the Analog input signal going to the converter, on the Axe fx II I have, so where's the sweet spot on the Input Level control in % I should set when want to adjust what's coming in at the Output Level from an Outboard gear/Pre to Axe Input 1 rear? Hope you can help to find a straight answer
Thanks for the Advise but I know how to set the Input level usual, but Iam curious about if there is a sweet spot at it so I would rather adjust the level at the Pre Output before the Axe fx, because that alters the tone. Is the Axe Input level % only Volume not what goes into the converter??
it sets the signal to noise ratio, as mentioned in the blog and video i linked.

set your outboard gear to the tone you want, then adjust the input volume accordingly. like normal.
Ah so I setting the SNR there, so up to 100% would be very good for low Input noise right?! When I send a processed hot line level in Input 2 from the Preamp for example to the grid end with FXL, the perfect SNR input setting should be very low % or? Somebody know how much -dB the Axe SNR is?
Ah so I setting the SNR there, so up to 100% would be very good for low Input noise right?!
Set it so the Axe's clip LED just barely flickers. That's the best SNR you can get from the signal you're feeding it.

Somebody know how much -dB the Axe SNR is?
According to the manual, dynamic range at the input is greater than 110 dB.
Somebody know how much -dB the Axe SNR is?

Ironwill, with all respect: you worry too much. If it works, it works. Don't stare yourself blind on specs and the technical stuff. Have fun making music! Hitting the right note is so much more important than that other stuff.
Yes, I actually have a lot fun playing with my Axe-fx II, its a awesome magic box,excuse me when I bother a bit here, to me its also to learn and understand the tech side to what I do and get out of it, at least I try, are these SNR spec a secret of Fractal?

So there's no ideal Input setting apart from "before tickle the red"?
Yes, I actually have a lot fun playing with my Axe-fx II, its a awesome magic box,excuse me when I bother a bit here, to me its also to learn and understand the tech side to what I do and get out of it, at least I try, are these SNR spec a secret of Fractal?

So there's no ideal Input setting apart from "before tickle the red"?

SNR specs secret? They are in the back of the manual. > 110 dB
when you start to tickle the red you are at -6db dBFS (I believe that is what Cliff has stated).

The "best" level will be as high as you can get it w/o clipping (ever). That being said, your dealing with 24 bits and usually a guitar signal; that is way more dynamic range than you will probably ever use. It is very typical to give yourself some headroom record at.

Here is a decent article on ot:
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Alrighty, will check the article then, I think I understand how it works with the Input Level setting 0-100%, a low signal can get increased by it that its the perfect Level for the A/D converter, so I could set it to 0% and adjust my level before the RED tickle or rather the level I record my guitar in the DAW with my preamp Output, should work right?
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Alrighty, will check the article then, I think I understand how it works with the Input Level setting 0-100%, a low signal can get increased by it that its the perfect Level for the A/D converter, so I could set it to 0% and adjust my level before the RED tickle or rather the level I record my guitar in the DAW with my preamp Output, should work right?

Does it make sense?
Theoretically for the best SNR you should get as close to 0db as possible without clipping but in reality that gives you no margin for error. Somewhere in the -12db to -20db range is usually a good place to start. That gives a good ballance of ample headroom and a good SNR. The dynamic range of 24 bit audio is huge and the Axe is very low noise so it's largely a non-issue.
Theoretically for the best SNR you should get as close to 0db as possible without clipping but in reality that gives you no margin for error. Somewhere in the -12db to -20db range is usually a good place to start. That gives a good ballance of ample headroom and a good SNR. The dynamic range of 24 bit audio is huge and the Axe is very low noise so it's largely a non-issue.

Right, it is balancing headroom with SNR. It is program dependent, a highly dynamic signal with lots of transients like drums is going to require more headroom than something a sine wave.
Is there a certain reason actually why the default Input Level is 49.8 % ?

It is just a good starting point (at half) and probably where Cliff guitars are set nicely. It is where where mine are set. It also is probably where there is no digital boost or cut after the A/D converters. This would give you maximum range for unity gain.
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Is there a certain reason actually why the default Input Level is 49.8 % ?

It is just a good starting point (at half) and probably where Cliff guitars where set well. It is where where mine are set. It also is probably where there is no digital boost or cut after the A/D converters. This would give you maximum range for unity gain.
yeah.. on my XL, I have it set up to 85% for my main guitar... I don't adjust for other guitars/bass I use with it. I assume the 49.8% is a factory default value.. never paid much attention to the starting point as I immediately adjust the level to suit my guitar "tickling the reds".
It is just a good starting point (at half) and probably where Cliff guitars are set nicely. It is where where mine are set. It also is probably where there is no digital boost or cut after the A/D converters. This would give you maximum range for unity gain.
If it's right what you assume with no cut/boost to the converters then that is the right spot I was looking for Maybe.
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