
There will be folks complaining about the new "spot on" Rectos when Cliff releases them......they will be asking for Cliff to also include the Recto "mistake" models because they had some magic that they can't dial in anymore.

Cliff, thanks for being honest, open & passionate(even though you know some folks will want every amp re-checked now!) lol
Thanks for rechecking the amp(s) and being up front about it Cliff. "Shit Happens"... with all of us.
The Recto models are messed up. When we were at the studio last I did a Tone Match. Usually the Tone Match data is nearly flat but it was considerably non-flat. I initially dismissed it as something probably being set different between the amp and model since it was late and we were rushing. The other amps all matched perfectly.

So I did a MIMIC on the orange channel today and the data indicated something was very wrong. I rechecked everything and found a bunch of wrong values. I must've copied the data wrong or something.

So...yeah, mea culpa. I'm going to have to go back and do all the channels, ugh.

On a related note I got permission from Mike at Redwirez to also include the cabinet IRs from V9 so now you'll be able to choose the raw-sounding V10 cabs or the polished-sounding V9 cabs.

Here's a mad suggestion! How about releasing new Recto models based on the new corrected values, and keeping the old 'wrong' ones? You could call it 'Cliffs Special Sauce Recto' or something...... :D
I use gain at around 6.5.... If this is what a fubar Recto sounds like, the corrected version will kick my teeth in.
Always 100W High for me (Super Lead, treble channel).

I always reset amp and cab blocks before i start building my sounds.

Mainly i use the 4x12 G12H30 cab (since v2.xx firmware). When using mic i always prefer the mic to be as far as possible. Still i am getting the same results with or without mic (if using mic that would be the R121).

Also by default it feels and sounds (to my ears/hands) with excess compression. Not normal from my experience with my plexis even on 8 (with guitars like les paul or any other hums that's another story but i don't use any of these).

Like i wrote, not trying to prove that this is a real "issue", might just be me. Tried all 3 guitars (yes with new strings), still same.

I remember at some point (v5.07??? can't remember) all i had to do is set the amp's EQ the same way i would do it in the real amp and then fine tune (a little bit) the EQ via the cab's hi/low cut (juuuust a little bit) and take it from there for the final shaping of the sound/behavior.

Yes sounds strange to me especially after of 1.5 years of owning it (not the best tweaker around but still i have an significant knowledge/experience after all this time). What can i say...maybe i am just going def, lol...

The G12H30 Redwire? If so it's totally different in 10 than it was in 9!
This is precisely why I love FAS. It would've been super easy for Cliff to release the next version and say, "Based on customer feedback, tweaked the recto models", but instead he admitted that he made a mistake. Bravo to you, sir!
Thank you for your transparency and integrity to your customers. You are a fine human being.

Any idea when the amended firmware will be released?
I have a hard time saying ANYTHING Fractal does is a "mistake"...maybe an oversight...or a misstep...miscalculation....but mistake, no I dont think so :)
Here's a mad suggestion! How about releasing new Recto models based on the new corrected values, and keeping the old 'wrong' ones? You could call it 'Cliffs Special Sauce Recto' or something...... :D
+1 !
It would maintain ascendant compatibility !
I thought I couldn't be even more impressed by Fractal, but I'm proven wrong again:) Scott and everyone in Fractal: I'm deeply impressed by your work and the quality in everything you do! The attention to customers are beyond any of your competitors (especially TC Electronic which desperately need a lesson and learn the Fractal Method).

Keep rocking!
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