not sure about the new delay mix law

Thanks. In that last setup when you attach a modifier to the Delay level do you hear a volume increase or decrease when rocking the pedal? Tried adding a modifier to the (parallel) delay level or input gain but I got a volume increase with higher level or input gain settings. Is there a way to have it at the same volume level while increase the the amount of delay with an expression pedal?

With the parallel setup, if you attach a modifier to the delay level to only change in output level would come from having more or less delay signal in the mix. The dry signal level is constant.
Yes but how do I get a constant output volume when wanting to control the amount of delay with an expression pedal when having a parallel delay block?
You must be doing something wrong. If the Delay block is in parallel, with its Mix at 100%, and you're using its Level (with Input Gain at 100%) or its Input Gain (with Level at 0dB), the signal level is constant, with only the delay more or less louder. Just as Ian explains.
Yes but how do I get a constant output volume when wanting to control the amount of delay with an expression pedal when having a parallel delay block?

If Mix is 100%, and Input gain 100% then if you increase the Level above 0 dB you will get an increase in output volume.

You must then limit the maximum value of the Level in the modifier page so that the highest value is 0 dB.

I'm not in front of my Axe now but I think that is how you do it.
ok, so 0 db delay level is the equivalent of 50% mix?
tried it again and increasing the delay level also results in a volume increase, even causing my patch to clip (red light).

Here is how I have it set up. Also the modifier.
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I am trying to post a screenshot but somehow it doesn't work. Never had problem with posting screenshots before. Not sure what the problem is. Using a mac.

Here is my preset. Delay level is attached to expression pedal 2:


  • MDS Masquerade 2.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 8
Jeppe is right. The Min/Max values in the Level modifier are messed up. Max should be at -6 (higher than that will bump the entire signal level). Min can be -80.

BTW, you have very "high" noise gate settings. They affect the attack.
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But my max delay level setting does not exceed 0 db? it is -2 db...
even with this setting it is causing my preset to clip a little. Where the level is -80 it doesn't clip at all.

thanks for the noise gate tips. I have set it that high because I can hear the noise kick in when I let ring a chord for some time. What would be your suggested noise gate settings for this preset? It's my default simple go to preset for one band. I take this as a base for my other presets with that particular band.
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Your controller settings looks OK. ( A little high IMHO) Adding that much delay signal to the dry signal is going to be pretty wet and the combined wet and dry signals will increase your overall level.
This is what I would do. Put the delay block in series instead of parallel. Output to 0db, mix at 50%, use the input level to adjust the delay level. Assign a modifier to the input level control, adjust to taste, assigned that same modifier to the output control, set the start
to 0, set the end to -2 or -3 or whatever it takes to get the volume way you like it.
I am trying to post a screenshot but somehow it doesn't work. Never had problem with posting screenshots before. Not sure what the problem is. Using a mac.

Here is my preset. Delay level is attached to expression pedal 2:

As with the others, I'd adjust your Level controller on the delay block to Min:-80 dB, Max: -10 dB (or there about).

If you find the delay, at -10 dB level adds a significant amount to your overall signal so that your preset clips I'd dial it back at the AMP or CAB block to prevent the clipping.
And speaking of clipping, you need to lower the output level of your amp block. You are maxed out on your headroom.
But my max delay level setting does not exceed 0 db? it is -2 db...
even with this setting it is causing my preset to clip a little. Where the level is -80 it doesn't clip at all.

thanks for the noise gate tips. I have set it that high because I can hear the noise kick in when I let ring a chord for some time. What would be your suggested noise gate settings for this preset? It's my default simple go to preset for one band. I take this as a base for my other presets with that particular band.

My mistake, it's not 0dB. Max should be around -6 dB. If the delay level is louder than that, the entire signal wll be boosted because of the sum of signals.

Noise gate: I'd reset the settings by doubleciicking Bypass. Now Attack is back to its minimum value, where it should be. Set Ratio at 2.30. This single adjustment already works for me. For earlier gating set Threshold at 75%. If you like the settings, you can save them as a global block and load them in other presets.
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My mistake, it's not 0dB. Max should be around -6 dB. If the delay level is louder than that, the entire signal wll be boosted because of the sum of signals.

Noise gate: I'd reset the settings by doubleciicking Bypass. Now Attack is back to its minimum value, where it should be. Set Ratio at 2.30. This single adjustment already works for me. For earlier gating set Threshold at 75%. If you like the settings, you can save them as a global block and load them in other presets.

Thanks Yek! So -6 db delay level with delay in parallel equals a 50% mix when delay is in series -80db is 0% mix? and -37db would make it 25%?
@Moke: the whole idea was to put it in parallel and not in series so I don't have a volume increase when adding delay with a modifier and to have the extra benefits of delay in parallel. Also sometimes I need a 50% mix for rhythmic delays.

As for the noise gate. Yes, just finding out about the global noise gate in FW11 which is a great addition!
also noticed that the attack 'law' did change in FW10. My noise gate settings where the same as pre-FW10. Forgot to initialize the noise gate.

So you mean treshold at -75db and ratio at 2.30? what about the attack and release? I keep those at default 1.00 ms and 100.0 ms now. Just trying to find some good example settings
With this setting I can really hear the noise kick in after 2 or 3 seconds when a chord dies out. And I am not using really high gain.
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Thanks Yek! So -6 db delay level with delay in parallel equals a 50% mix when delay is in series -80db is 0% mix? and -37db would make it 25%?

Yes, at -6dB that should be right.
And no, -80 dB is just the minimum. You can't translate that to mix percentage values,. When in series you'll reach the 0% mix mark a whole lot earlier than at -80dB.

So you mean treshold at -75db and ratio at 2.30? what about the attack and release? I keep those at default 1.00 ms and 100.0 ms now. Just trying to find some good example settings. With this setting I can really hear the noise kick in after 2 or 3 seconds when a chord dies out. And I am not using really high gain.

I keep threshold at 80 and ratio at 2.30. Attaack and release at default. They give me a functional, non-obtrusive gate.
For nosiy stuff I increase them to 75 and 2.60, and that's it.
Doesn't 50% mix result when the parallel delay is set at 0 dB? Wet signal = dry?
Yes, at -6dB that should be right.
And no, -80 dB is just the minimum. You can't translate that to mix percentage values,. When in series you'll reach the 0% mix mark a whole lot earlier than at -80dB.

Would be nice to know at exactly what delay level db (delay in parallel) the 0% mix (delay in series) would be. Same goes for the values of the Input gain when using delay in parallel: is 100% input gain (delay in parallel) the same as 50% mix (delay in series)? and 0% input gain the same as 0% mix?
Knowing this would make it more easy to dial in the right amount of delay. Especially when using an expression pedal to control the delay levels.
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