Nice Job on the New Website!!!

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Well, 5 minutes on Google and I see what you mean about Tapatalk! Eff that then. It's easy to see this is the right direction (away from apps, and responsive html5 so one website fits all screens).

You could probably block them with something like Ghostery.

Looks promising, I'll DL the IOS version and play with it later (when I get on wifi) :)
What makes you think you're in the majority though? :D
I very well may not be in the majority, but there are people voicing their distaste of certain features in the updated forum. Maybe FAS will look into making some tweaks.
I very well may not be in the majority, but there are people voicing their distaste of certain features in the updated forum. Maybe FAS will look into making some tweaks.
Like I said before: good luck finding a style that makes everyone happy. There'll always be some who don't like what you do. What you think is a sane change, someone else will go off about because it's nonsensical to them. We always think our view of the world is the most rational, but logically that's so untrue.

That being said, it's an iterative process and things are being looked at now.
When I click on videos using my iPhone6+ it doesn't respond right away. It takes a while to respond or it doesn't at all.

I don't have this problem on any other forum or website. Never had this problem on here with the past forum.

Thumbs down!!! lol
First of all, congratulations on a successful migration! Anytime you make a software change like this it will take some adjustment time and people will grumble. I'm optimistic that this will be a great platform going further.

I do have just a couple of observations of places that I would like to see improvement:

I wish you could see very clearly at the top of a post when the post was made. Right now you have to pass over the whole post because post date/time is at the bottom of the post's content.

I also fee that the font is not as readable for some reason. Puts some strain on the eyes. This may also be due to background color.

I'm using the default style/template. Otherwise I haven't dug in enough yet to comment further.
We always think our view of the world is the most rational, but logically that's so untrue.
You're comment makes sense in evaluating objective statements. However, this is a music forum, not a science lab. So, we are dealing with subjective statements.

How do you test who's subjective statement is the most logical? The most rational? The truest?
You're comment makes sense in evaluating objective statements. However, this is a music forum, not a science lab. So, we are dealing with subjective statements.

How do you test who's subjective statement is the most logical? The most rational? The truest?
The answer is: you can't. They're all equally valid, and thus the maddening conclusion that you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Honestly, I have two people I really care about making happy and one of them isn't right now. So I'm working on that. The rest of you can queue up over there. ;)
I absolutely hate this new forum with a passion and I will fight tooth and nail until the experience is satisfying.
Well, considering I'm pretty pliable it won't be much of a fight I'm afraid. Matt and I are discussing things.
The answer is: you can't. They're all equally valid, and thus the maddening conclusion that you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Strawman argument.

I never once said that we need or can please everyone. Remember that word I used earlier? You know, the one that you made fun of?

Strawman argument.

I never once said that we need or can please everyone. Remember that word I used earlier? You know, the one that you made fun of?

Still disagree you have a majority opinion here. Add up the "great" to "i hate it" posts and you'll see that your opinion does not represent a majority. But whatever. I told you who my customers are with this place.

Any change we make is bound to bring a few like you, a vocal minority, out to complain.

All I care about is Cliff's unhappiness here.
I absolutely hate this new forum with a passion and I will fight tooth and nail until the experience is satisfying.

Thank goodness you said it because I have been thinking the same thing since it launched but assumed I would be flamed off the forum for mentioning it.
Still disagree you have a majority opinion here. Add up the "great" to "i hate it" posts and you'll see that your opinion does not represent a majority. But whatever. I told you who my customers are with this place.

Any change we make is bound to bring a few like you, a vocal minority, out to complain.

All I care about is Cliff's unhappiness here.

Are you ignorant?

I commented earlier that I might not be in the majority.

I'm done conversing with a fool. I'll hold you back no further from doing your job.
Are you ignorant?

I commented earlier that I might not be in the majority.

Far from it. Your comment that started this entire exchange is right here. And I quote:

True, but they could look into making some tweaks to the forum that would make the majority of us happier.

Emphasis mine.

This is what we've been discussing the entire time.

I'm done conversing with a fool. I'll hold you back no further from doing your job.
Fool, eh? Mmmm....sure.
Boy is the title of this thread misleading...

Regardless, can everyone settle down for a second. 'I hate it', and 'This just sucks' are not helpful. Offer suggestions, explain exactly what you don't like, be constructive. The bickering and '+1' on your disatisfaction is counterproductive.

Fractal is well known for listening to us. Try to make it WORTH listening to.

Yea, it's a big job migrating to new servers and a whole new forum backend and that seems to have gone well indeed...the rest is tuning/theming, etc....and the admins can get on with that now...kudos for the hard work that a migration takes...I know what that involves and it's a tough job...
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