Nice Job on the New Website!!!

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One suggestion I would offer is to make it easier to see where one reply ends and another begins. I'm having trouble seeing much separation when I read a thread, so it's pretty fatiguing to my eyes. Maybe add a dark-colored bar across the top of each person's post, with a time stamp on it.

Also, the background colors of this new forum are so bright, it's almost blinding. How about adding some gray or other darker colors into the mix?
And Tapatalk had massive security risks for enabling it -- they cache passwords to the sites in their own DB. Not to mention: forced ad injection is plain old icky.

Far too common in a lot of online services nowadays I'm accident waiting to happen...
How predictable that no matter what the subject, the members of an Internet forum should find a way to devolve into bickering about it. The good news is that with "styles," we should be able to customize the experience so both the majority and the minority can be happy (and whichever group is which doesn't matter).

It would probably be great for morale around here if the conversation could turn back to music now.

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You don't understand: I meant directly when browsing a subforum.

In the old forum, you could instantly destinguish read and unread threads from just the font on the thread and the symbol in front of it.

Anyways, here is some constructive criticism:

It's an important feature of every board that you can instantly tell read and unread threads apart. I'm not sure how this is done right now. I'm not even sure this feature exits... Is it just the font color that changes from blue to black? The last design had icons to support this.

Second, I think the new forum is too colorful, especially with the Avatar pictures displayed next to the thread title. I liked that thread icon to be something that actually carries information: read/unread/closed/"hot", etc. ...
I usually like colorful designs, but in this case it is visually distracting and serves no purpose.

Also, I do think that for a forum run by a company, some "coorporate design" would be a much better fit and in that way the colorful elements clash with the Fractal colors (black, white, dark blue?).

Another thing: the "latest post" below any thread title in the forum view is grey-on-white. It's very hard to read in low-contrast environments.
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Initial impressions based on home computer screen
  • Too much vertical space used at top of page. Just profile, mail, flags takes a whole line. No need for that.
  • Below that, all lines take up more vertical space than needed (forum, members, "mark forum read" and the breadcrumbs...all are burning up vertical space.
  • Too much vertical space per post. Even a one-line post takes up nearly 1/4 vertical screen height on a typical home computer screen. Perhaps avatar can have pull-down for user stats vs. always displaying and taking up space. Honestly, I don't get this design trend. Monitors are going wider, not taller, so why is UX going taller to force more scrolling on the user?
  • There's no reply button at top of a thread.
  • Across forum, all pages. Date needs to be at top of a post in high contrast text, not below in low contrast text.
  • I don't see a way to bookmark a user's activity thread.
That's a start. As I've said before, I'd love to be a user experience designer for Fractal. It's been a weak link for a long time.
My only suggestion is I wish there was a dark/darker overall theme. I like everything else about the far...
You don't understand: I meant directly when browsing a subforum.

In the old forum, you could instantly destinguish read and unread threads from just the font on the thread and the symbol in front of it.

In the current style there's a banner that says "New" on posts you haven't read before, when you're viewing the thread:


And if you're viewing the forum, threads with new posts have bold and blue font titles:


And if you're viewing the forums on the site, forums with new posts in threads or new threads have a "New" banner on them:


It's an important feature of every board that you can instantly tell read and unread threads apart. I'm not sure how this is done right now. I'm not even sure this feature exits... Is it just the font color that changes from blue to black? The last design had icons to support this.

See above for how this is currently indicated.

Another thing: the "latest post" below any thread title in the forum view is grey-on-white. It's very hard to read in low-contrast environments.
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you take a screen shot and point it out?
You can use a RSS feed to see new activity, per forum.
Is a RSS feed available for new posts across all forums sections?
I really wish there was a way to see all new posts in Recent Activity from all of the forum without the "likes" and who has posted a new avatar and such.
Two ways to do this:

1. Follow them. Then when you go to "Your News Feed" you'll see activity from people you follow.
I just followed Cliff and bookmarked the news feed. Thanks. That works, but it's only latest posts. I used to bookmark a members postings page. I think that option is gone. You can bookmark their page, but you can't bookmark their postings because that content is now in a non-bookmarkable tab.
If I bookmark Recent Activity or Postings I always end up at Profile Posts when clicking the bookmark. Is this how it should be?
I just followed Cliff and bookmarked the news feed. Thanks. That works, but it's only latest posts. I used to bookmark a members postings page. I think that option is gone. You can bookmark their page, but you can't bookmark their postings because that content is now in a non-bookmarkable tab.

Right clicking on the tabs in that page and saying "Open Link in New Tab" reveals that there are URLs that can be used to address the postings, recent activity, etc. tabs directly using bookmarked URLs. You can have the bookmark select a tab.

For the Postings tab to be shown automatically add #postings to the end of the bookmark URL like this:


For the Recent Activity tab to the shown automatically add #recentActivity to the end of the bookmark URL like this:

Isn't that exactly what the NEW POSTS link gives you?

On my HTC one M8 with lollipop 5.0.1 this link give me the title of the thread and the OP of the thread and the info that "someone" has posted "something" in the thread.. But it does not give me the info of who posted the latest post and the first 2-3 rows of the latest post.

Before the forum change i could very quickly scroll through this page and get a very quick resume what the latest post where about.

Now I have to click the link of the actual thread in which someone has posted something and then go back to the NEW POSTS page and check the next thread and back to NEW POSTS again.
Very time consuming.
On my HTC one M8 with lollipop 5.0.1 this link give me the title of the thread and the OP of the thread and the info that "someone" has posted "something" in the thread.. But it does not give me the info of who posted the latest post and the first 2-3 rows of the latest post.
Turn your phone sideways -- the view shows more and more information the wider your browser window gets.

Very time consuming.
Right clicking on the tabs in that page and saying "Open Link in New Tab" reveals that there are URLs that can be used to address the postings, recent activity, etc. tabs directly using bookmarked URLs. You can have the bookmark select a tab.

For the Postings tab to be shown automatically add #postings to the end of the bookmark URL like this:


For the Recent Activity tab to the shown automatically add #recentActivity to the end of the bookmark URL like this:

Thanks. This works on chrome .
Regards Jesper
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