New BabyMetal video out

Ok I will try my best to explain my issues that I'm having with this tune...I'm not trying to play the moral police here, just simply stating how I perceive this tune which to me is quite disturbing that's all.
No worries, man. I know you're not playing moral cop. You're just speaking your mind. It would be great if everyone played things that way. :)

I just see it way differently. This is happy, fun (and at the same time satirical) music. Despite the words. Just about every Pink Floyd song ever written is darker than this.
over here we call this "jailbait" :D (preparig to get stoned to death)
There is a GLORIOUS anime called "detroit metal city" that I always recommend even to anime-haters...

It's basicly a satire over expectations of death-metal musicians and the truth behind it. Watch it! I'm perfectly sure you will piss your pants in laughter.
There is a GLORIOUS anime called "detroit metal city" that I always recommend even to anime-haters...

It's basicly a satire over expectations of death-metal musicians and the truth behind it. Watch it! I'm perfectly sure you will piss your pants in laughter.

Yep, hilarious masterpiece. Episodes are short too!

In Japan, they depict rape in comic books. Of little girls. In fact, the have a super-hero called "Rape-man". I couldn't even make this up if I tried... Yet, at the same time, they have very low violent crime rates towards each other.

The peoples of the East are very intense, and to your Western "gaijin" sensibility, they are barbaric. Japan still maintains an isolationist mentality towards the west. They love western things, but they don't understand you either. (and frankly, they don't want to understand you)

Indeed, I sense this is so. Certainly the energy of the show is evident in the me at least....and it's quite....playful.
My only concerns are that they have adequate hearing protection (because it would be awful to mess up your hearing at such a young age) and that they are being managed responsibly. I'm not seeing any skimpy outfits or terribly suggestive dance moves, which is more than I can say for basically every televised kids "pageant" from the States I've ever witnessed. There's a fruitful debate to be had as to whether anybody under a certain age ought to be subjected to the pressures of showbiz and big live performances... I've always felt sorry for the tweens doing gymnastics at the olympics, for example.

As for the music itself, I think it's hilarious. Metal has always been great to poke fun at, with all these super-intense self-serious men howling about pain and darkness. There's lots of metal that is great music - hardly anybody's going to say that Metallica never made a good album. But the genre is also unavoidably absurd, so it's great for satires like this.
Old stuff was better.

These girls were quoted as saying they never heard of heavy metal before joining this band. Don't give them your $. They are using metal against you to get into your wallet.
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