New Axe-Fx II Drivers for OS X and Windows

Thanks Rex ! I'll get the hang of the Forum soon enough !
I had a feeling that was the case. Have a great weekend !
Then your company can require a working driver, as you payed for. I am very sure that you already have react so.

So while the new next waiting time starting: What can we help here? Can we?

They payed nothing. "The driver" is in the OS, since it's an Audio Class Driver - they use CC specs in their usb controller bootloader software (called "the mac driver") so the Audio Class Driver does what they requested. But it dosen't..... ;) either because it's pain in the ass as they said, or because they didn't request what they should ;)
You can do something - help us (the UOS-Group at beta testing a new thingy comming in the near future, I'll send you a invitation if we're ready :D
They payed nothing. "The driver" is in the OS, since it's an Audio Class Driver - they use CC specs in their usb controller bootloader software (called "the mac driver") so the Audio Class Driver does what they requested. But it dosen't..... ;) either because it's pain in the ass as they said, or because they didn't request what they should ;)
You can do something - help us (the UOS-Group at beta testing a new thingy comming in the near future, I'll send you a invitation if we're ready :D

Count me in for mac beta testing.
You can do something - help us (the UOS-Group at beta testing a new thingy comming in the near future, I'll send you a invitation if we're ready :D

Would be a pleasure to help testing on Mac (Not german speaking, OSX 10.6.8, 10.7.5, or 10.8.4 are used here), as i am quite confused by arguments given on the forum which are not final user oriented at all. Fortunately all my other gear are working like charms on every versions.
Hi ppl... maybe I missed something
some weeks ago I have read about some issues with 1.6.8 USB driver ... and I'm still on 1.6.7 (working fine on Win 7 32bit at last for the basic use of Fractal Bot and AE).
Any news about the issues?
Can/Must I upgrade to 1.6.8?
just want to jump in...
well did some test and can confirm that the Driver 1.6.8 for Mac OS X works very well on OS X Mavericks Beta 5.
No issues in LogicX... no Phase issues also...
I'm on FW 11.03 and use Axe Edit 3.0.1
One thing i noticed is that the Axe react faster to the MFC compared to the 1.6.7 Driver.
I'm very happy that Apple fixed the USB Class Issue and that all is working well :)
just want to jump in...
well did some test and can confirm that the Driver 1.6.8 for Mac OS X works very well on OS X Mavericks Beta 5.
No issues in LogicX... no Phase issues also...
I'm on FW 11.03 and use Axe Edit 3.0.1
One thing i noticed is that the Axe react faster to the MFC compared to the 1.6.7 Driver.
I'm very happy that Apple fixed the USB Class Issue and that all is working well :)

That is good news. So upgrading to next Mac OS shouldn't be a problem it looks like. Good!
Sorry for the bump… I'm DL'ing Mavericks right now. (I've been out of the loop for a while… Didn't even know about Mavericks…) So can anyone confirm if the dreadful issues with Apple, Axe FX II, and PT 10 have been resolved with the release of Mavericks?

I sure hope so. I'm just now getting my life situated after losing my job and starting my own custom woodworking business. I'm finally making some MUCH NEEDED time to record some music.
The AFII and 10.9.x have been rock solid for me under Logic 9 and GarageBand and a bunch of other utility audio apps I use with my AFII as the input and/or output sources. Can't speak to ProTools -- don't use it. But the drivers are solid.
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