MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

Thanks! Just tried it and I Like there a reason that you have moved to the 3rd row in the grid after the reverb instead of going straight to the output?
When does the next Axe-Edit come out? I'd love to try these, but I'm correct in assuming I can't use them right now?
When does the next Axe-Edit come out? I'd love to try these, but I'm correct in assuming I can't use them right now?

You can use the preset I just posted. the next Axe-edit should be released any time now. It was announced at and used Axe-fest II.
Thanks! Just tried it and I Like there a reason that you have moved to the 3rd row in the grid after the reverb instead of going straight to the output?

I just cleaned up all the comparison stuff I did. I A/B with a mixer and expression pedal. So it had things like fx loop block, volume blocks, mixer blocks, etc. that I use to match and compare stuff. I just cleaned all that out and it was just faster to leave that row where it was.
Where does the medium control block go?

What folder name do I need to create?

EHX Electric Mistress

First sold in 1976, the Electric Mistress Flanger has certainly made its mark in guitar effects history. The two most popular variants of the Electric Mistress Line were the standard Electric Mistress and the Deluxe Electric Mistress. The Deluxe had an internal power supply (no batteries), a wider range of settings and fixed a volume drop affected early Mistress's. The one compared here is a version 2 of the Deluxe Electric Mistress. My unit is very old and has a ton of self noise. The difference between the Axe-fx portion of the sound clips and the real thing should be quite apparent due to this.

Here is a brief description of the various control from the Mistress manual:

The flanging effect can be thought of as a pitch slowly sweeping between high and low limits superimposed on the guitar signal. The RATE control allows you to change the rate at which the effect occurs. With the RATE control fully counter-clockwise, the effect occurs at the slowest rate. Turning the dial clockwise increases the rate to the point where the frequency of the input signal appears to be shifted in a vibrato-like fashion.
The RANGE control allows you to set the lower limit of the sweep. Fully counter-clockwise settings, where the lower limit is just below the higher, creates a very narrow sweeping effect. Turning the RATE control clockwise lowers the low limit so that the sweep extends further into the bass. In general, a faster rate (more cw) call for a narrower range setting (more ccw). A convincing rotating speaker effect may be obtained by setting the rate near maximum, the range near minimum, and the color approximately half-way.
Pushing the slide switch into the FILTER MATRIX mode disengages the RATE control. The RANGE control will now manually adjust the filter matrix. Proper manipulation of the range and the COLOR controls will enable you to simulate the sound of chimes being played in unison with your instrument, as well as many other effects.
The DELUXE ELECTRIC MISTRESS has been set at the factory for maximum color capacity in the FLANGER mode. Setting the COLOR control at its most clockwise point could cause an oscillation noise. This is normal! This oscillation may be reduced by a slight reduction of the COLOR control.

Comparing this to the parameters we have available on the Axe-fx II:
Rate = Rate
Range = Depth
Color = Feedback

As has been said, putting the Mistress into Matrix Mode disengages the Rate control. This means no modulation of the delay time. Turn the depth time to 0 to do this on the Axe-fx.

From my measurements the Electric Mistress uses a very straight forward triangle waveform. I have been told by another person that there unit exhibited a rounding at the top of the triangle on their unit.

On my unit at full depth the delay time goes from ~.8 - 6ms in normal mode
In Matrix mode the delay times go from ~1-10ms

The range on my Deluxe Mistress go from ~ .07 - 10hz. It is hard to tell at highest speed because the oscillation becomes total unstable at extremely high values. It is actually a v
ery cool effect actually (like the voltage drain/charge can't keep up). It is similar to "No Quarter."

Maximum feedback on the Mistress = ~50% on the Axe-fx II.

Also, with flanged and direct outs. It looks like the mix is still 50/50 on the flanged out but the direct out is 180 degrees out of phase with flanged out and is (of course) dry.

I am publishing the examples as blocks rather than presets. The Normal mode will also need the Controller block as well as the Flanger block to work correctly. I can get a more precise delay min/max using the LFO in the Controller as compared to the Depth parameter.

The Matrix mode doesn't sweep so that is not needed. Turn the delay time and feedback in the flanger up or down to tune the comb filtering.

I could have dialed this in closer by using EQ before the flanger, but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible for maximum portability. This one isn't as close as I would like and I may revisit it.

Here is a comparison of the Normal Mode:

Here is a comparison of the Matrix Mode (note the resonances are almost impossible to match up for comaprison purposes even the smallest change in delay time alters the sound - Just tune the delay time where you want it):

Here are the blocks:

You won't be able to use the blocks until Axe-edit 3.02 is released

This and other effects emulations found here:
Fractal Audio Systems Forum - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs
Just put the blocks files in Documents\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\Blocks. Restart AE and it will read and process them itself.

Requires AE 3.02!
Just put the blocks files in Documents\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\Blocks. Restart AE and it will read and process them itself.

Requires AE 3.02!


I created a folder for the flanger and placed the flanger blocks in there --- all good.

I placed the JJMistressMediumCTRL.blk in the Blocks folder, restarted AE and it did not process itself. Not visable.

So I am not sure where the CTRK.blk goes and if I need to create a different folder for it.

What folder does it reside on your end?
The Flanger block (not the "matrix" one) is attached to an internal controller (LFO) so it needs to know the LFO settings.
That CTRL block contains the saved internal controller settings.

Click on the Controller button (left below the grid), and then on the block library widget beneath it, and you'll see the CTRL settings.
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That is it!


So those types of blocks do not go into their own folder?

Do they just sit by themselves inside the Blocks master folder?

The Flanger block (not the "matrix" one) is attached to an internal controller (LFO) so it needs to know the LFO settings.
That CTRL block contains the saved internal controller settings.

Click on the Controller button (left below the grid), and then on the block library widget beneath it, and you'll see the CTRL settings.

So I am not sure where the CTRK.blk goes and if I need to create a different folder for it.

What folder does it reside on your end?
any Controller blocks reside in a folder called, wait for it... Controllers.
That is it!


So those types of blocks do not go into their own folder?

Do they just sit by themselves inside the Blocks master folder?

Actually after I save it -- it created its own "Controllers" folder
Actually after I save it -- it created its own "Controllers" folder
yes. AE creates a folder for each block type as soon as you save a block of a certain type for the first time. it's just to have things a bit tidier on your hd.
That is it! Thanks! So those types of blocks do not go into their own folder? Do they just sit by themselves inside the Blocks master folder?

Blocks can be placed ANYWHERE in the blocks directory. For example: I have a subdir called JavaJunkie and I put all these block files in there. The directory a block is in has no impact on how Axe-Edit reads it or understands what it's for. It just scans the blocks directory tree for block files on startup.

By default it'll put blocks you save from AE in to directories named the same as the block. But that's not an organization you have to stick with. I put other people's blocks in to directories named after them.
Blocks can be placed ANYWHERE in the blocks directory. For example: I have a subdir called JavaJunkie and I put all these block files in there. The directory a block is in has no impact on how Axe-Edit reads it or understands what it's for. It just scans the blocks directory tree for block files on startup.

By default it'll put blocks you save from AE in to directories named the same as the block. But that's not an organization you have to stick with. I put other people's blocks in to directories named after them.

This also includes sub-subdirectories. I just created a structure blocks/JavaJunkie/Mistress Flanger/ with the 3 files in there and it was picked up by Axe Edit (3.0.2) just fine. Great for file organisation.

Also, this means that by adopting a structure like this. If I want to make changes to this, or any other downloaded preset, if I save them, it won't overwrite them (even when selecting save instead of save as) as anything saved from within Axe Edit will go into blocks/Effect Type/, so blocks/Flanger for these ones. This means that the orginally downloaded blocks will be retained.

Oh, I'm soo looking forward to seeing recreations of classic effects and creating a library of effects to choose from. The potential of this is really cool.
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Oh my, I couldn't figure out why couldn't get these to load for life of me, looked at the raw sysex and could see extra stuff before header/trailer and thought they were corrupt, removed the extra stuff and the block loaded fine. After all that realized I had loaded AE1.9 (DOH!)... time to uninstall that.

Appreciate the info on what to do with controller file, didn't dawn on me how that worked.
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