MFC101 pics!!!

browlett said:
I'm starting to get a little concerned about the silence. When you consider that Cliff reads all of these boards and is not shy about chiming in to keep customers interested / happy / informed with most things, his silence says something to me.

I almost get the feeling that the lack of news is bad news. I worry that it's going to be a long time (if ever) and he's afraid to create some level of mass disappointment. This might explain why we've heard nothing in a long time and some people have had no response to specific questions asked to Fractal about it.

I hope I'm wrong.

As I just said in another thread on another page in these forums, I'm eagerly awaiting information about this Fractal floor controller. Money is tight and I'm desperately hanging on to needed funds for the purchase of the unit. If too much more time goes by with no updates on when it might be available, I may have to purchase an alternative. My Boss GT-8 is not cutting it for me.

I'm hanging on for as long as I can. I want to support this company & I want a Fractal controller, but I can't wait too much longer. ...Or, at least not if there's no real information about a definitive availability date. :?

I don't think it's vapor ware as supposed above, nor is Cliff 'holding out' information. I think it's strictly a manufacturing issue; prototyping these sorts of manufacturing jobs takes time and patience. Heaps of both.

It's cool to voice your opinion (that's what I was doing, or trying to do) about wanting it. But don't start leaping to conclusions because there's no official word or anything else. It's simply a matter of when, not if.
I am not sure if Cliff and Tom have some priority in which they are working on stuff. It seemed like the Axe-PC thread was a bit more active and Cliff posting that it was in private beta and public beta was not too far off. Based on that I assumed that Cliff is probably driving the Axe-PC now, Tom is working the Atomic FR. Figure that maybe Cliff gets interupted for a break/fix now and again and we have a firmware update. I think maybe once the Axe-PC comes out and gets stabilized we'd start to hear more about the foot controller.

Kind of like the LiquidTracks. The LiquidFoot is out and is being supported. Looks like that guy (sorry can't remember his name, my apologies) is working on a software editor so I imagine for that once that is done and stabilized we'd start to hear more about the LiquidTracks coming out.

That what keeps me coming back checking this forum everyday... to see if there is any news. It is very addicting.
Same here.
I'm constantly checking for news about the Atomic and the MFC101, also replies to posts about speakers....
Also trying to help where I can.
For now I'm looking for a solution to be able to use the Axe-Fx live.
And you can't do that without a pedal of some sort.
It's not for me to judge what should get the most priority but it seems that an Axe-fx without a pedal-board is seriously handicapped.
And what I meant by the LFP being easy or difficult to program is:
will the MFC101 be plug and play like the FBV's or will it involve some kind of programming like the LFP (as demonstrated in the video)
It seems as if hooking up the LFP is quite straight forward, just a matter of going through some steps.
But the way the FBV's work is simpler still.
It's just a matter of hooking it up et voila...working.
Will it be the same for the MFC?
For now, I'll use my Mitigator and program it with songs and presets per songs..
It's a lot of work since you have to program each switch for each song with the preset you want and the CC's for fx you want switched on.
The most work though is programming the sysex for the Harmonizer.
I use one preset with a Pitch block and use sysex to change the key, scale voice1 and voice2.
Scott Peterson said:
I don't think it's vapor ware as supposed above, nor is Cliff 'holding out' information. I think it's strictly a manufacturing issue; prototyping these sorts of manufacturing jobs takes time and patience. Heaps of both.

It's cool to voice your opinion (that's what I was doing, or trying to do) about wanting it. But don't start leaping to conclusions because there's no official word or anything else. It's simply a matter of when, not if.


I realize that. I'm sure it's "when" and not "if". The question in my mind is whether or not I can hold out for the "when" before having to buy something else. Understand that my intention was not to stir anything up or irritate anyone. I was simply stating an opinion that the silence from Cliff / Fractal with regards to the floor controller (as a contrast to how involved he is on these forums & how much info he's sometimes willing to give with regards to his other products) might say something about the status of the unit. If I'm right about that, silence could possibly mean that it's nowhere near being available any time soon. Just speculating amongst other eager customers who want to give Cliff more of our money. I figured that it was relevant conversation in this thread. And, why can't we "leap to conclusions"? As long as it's done politely and with logic, fact, or even a little thought behind it, what does it hurt?

Anyway, I've never bought an expensive product that I was more satisfied with than the AXE FX. Cliff is a visionary / pioneer in my eyes. I fully appreciate his time, efforts, and energy spent to provide top notch service to us. My speculation on what may be going on with the MFC101 has nothing to do with my level of appreciation for Cliff and those who work with and for him.
MisterE said:
And what I meant by the LFP being easy or difficult to program is:
will the MFC101 be plug and play like the FBV's or will it involve some kind of programming like the LFP (as demonstrated in the video)
It seems as if hooking up the LFP is quite straight forward, just a matter of going through some steps.
But the way the FBV's work is simpler still.
It's just a matter of hooking it up et voila...working.
Will it be the same for the MFC?

From the initial info from Cliff, he said it will have several different modes.

One being a dedicated Axe-Fx mode where it's basically plug-n-play...similar to the FBV (I presume).
Presets will be 1:1 synced to the rack unit.

The other mode is a more generic MIDI controller along the lines of the Axess FX1.
I believe he said the axe-fx tuner functionality would also work in this mode....which is heaven sent.

Personally, I prefer to use this generic controller mode for organizing presets into songs and sets.
Straight up preset mode is useless to me....but I understand that many are likely to use it this way.
If it could be used in both modes, that would be great.
I just wonder if you could switch between the two modes without losing any of the settings.
The song and setlist mode is very usefull for laying a gig.
The preset mode is good for added flexibilty when experimenting with sounds and just have the ability to stroll through the sounds of the Axe-Fx.

I started of with a midi-pedal from Lake Butler, back in'89.
It was the first and only that could stor sets and songs and I always thought it was a pity all the other pedals lacked this feature.
Later on, when playing with my Vetta, I got used to playing with presets.

A combination of both would be ideal of course.
Getting ready to order an Ultra and I inquired about the "Axe FX" midi controller. I recieved this response from Danielle.

"We're working on a foot controller. Probably 2-3 months out."

As far as a silent tuner, why not use a Petersen's or Boss tuner for now?
Warrior said:
Getting ready to order an Ultra and I inquired about the "Axe FX" midi controller. I recieved this response from Danielle.

"We're working on a foot controller. Probably 2-3 months out."

As far as a silent tuner, why not use a Petersen's or Boss tuner for now?

Aw, man... That really stinks. It's going to end up being like a year from when they first announced it by the time that anyone can buy one - when all is said and done. And, that's if you're the first guy on the waiting list. I wonder how long it might be for anyone who was further down on this list. It all depends on how quickly they intend to make them (and how many at a time). Anyway, thanks for sharing the info, though.

It's really too bad, but I think I'm going to buy a liquid foot or another alternative. I simply can't keep waiting for this one. The better MIDI floor controllers are expensive and in this economy, I can't be buying another one, and then still get the Fractal version, too. It's probably going to have to be somebody else's model for me. The good folks at Fractal seem to use words like "probably" every time they suggest another time frame for this to an inquiring customer. I totally respect how busy they are and I honestly agree that they need to do this right, rather than fast. But, each time I hear one of these updates, I hold off on buying any others and cling to my money for one of these, hoping that it will be made available in a few months as they suggest. Then, the few more months come and go and we learn that it may be a few more months. Just disappointed. They make a great product and I really wanted theirs. Not only for my own benefit, but to continue to support this company. Oh, well...

Has anyone else (who was also holding out for one of these) given up and bought something else recently? What did you end up buying and how do you like it so far?
browlett said:
Has anyone else (who was also holding out for one of these) given up and bought something else recently? What did you end up buying and how do you like it so far?

I got a previously-owned Rocktron All Access for about US$450 through eBay last August. It's working great, but I'll probably pass it on to the next owner when the MFC101 is released
jr213 said:
What's this about a silent tuner? What's wrong with the silent tuner in the Fractal?

You can't tune from the available floorboards. So it involves bending over to look at the display on the AXEFX rack unit display. Any activity requiring bending is highly discouraged.
The Fractal controller isn't late you know? It's not like they gave a release date and missed it or something. They announced that they are working on it.............and they are, it will take as long as it takes. If there was nothing out there that can get the job done and allow people to use the AxeFx in a live environment then this would be a critical issue, but there are loads of usable controllers out there that work just fine, in every price range.

I'm looking forward to the MFC101 as well..........and the Atomic cab for that matter. I'm excited to check out the mean time I'll take my mind off of them by playing music, it's a nice diversion. ;)
Well I see there are quite a few lining up for this controller, some more than others showing some impatience. Understandable I suppose. Nevertheless As I am saving my pennies, for my Axe Standard (nearly there now :D ) I am hoping the release and availability of the MFC101 will coincide with me having the fundage, so that I'm not left with no controller for several months. :oops:

This already happened to me early last year when I went and bought a digiTech 1101, and they took seemingly forever to release a foot controller for it. In the end, the foot Controller was the ONLY good thing about the 1101. :roll:
I just checked and I've had my name on the waiting list since Monday, March 24, 2008. I think many others have been waiting longer than that.
JoshuaLogan said:
Yeah... what's the deal with this? Seems it has been put on the back burner due to the Axe-PC

I would guess that the AXE PC and also the tube powered cabinet project with Atomic have both put the floor controller on hold or behind the original schedule.
browlett said:
JoshuaLogan said:
Yeah... what's the deal with this? Seems it has been put on the back burner due to the Axe-PC

I would guess that the AXE PC and also the tube powered cabinet project with Atomic have both put the floor controller on hold or behind the original schedule.

LAME... I think the floor controller has greater demand for existing customers and people who would want the Fractal/Atomic combo, but maybe they are focusing on a new customer base instead of existing customers/customers interested in the existing fractal units.
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