MFC 101 update ?

Shredgod said:
We all have the right to speak our minds and to give opinions.
When I spoke of customer support, it was in respect to the status of the pedalboard not the support of the Axe Fx.
I know it takes a tremendous amount of effort to keep improving upon the Axe Fx and I'm very happy with the fact that the product is ever evolving.
I agree with "wnlively's" statement and I'll leave it at that.
Actually you don't here. I think Cliff said he is the one who pays the bills for the forum and if you don't have something constructive or positive to say then don't. Your in his house so you have to play by his rules. I like yourself have been waiting for the release of the foot switch. If you need something right now then buy something else. It's that simple.
I will just wait. But I sure think it would be neat if the MFC had a USB port that could serve as an interface for both the controller and the Axe. One less connection to worry about...

Not complaining, just thinking...

See ya,
I purchased my Ultra back in November when it was rumored that the MFC would be out by XMas :p

But, in no way was the availability (or lack thereof) of a Fractal controller ever an issue for me. There are quite a few different controllers out there that work with the Axe-fx and I'm glad that Cliff is still treating the controller as a 'side project'. I would much rather have Cliff spend his valuable time on INCREDIBLE updates to the Axe-fx. For the record, I don't have a controller yet.

I don't understand the desire to get Cliff to commit to a release date, I'm sure that Cliff will release the controller when its ready. I think it would be nice to get an official announcement when it goes out to production or when Cliff actually KNOWS when he will get the first batch back from production. Other than that, I just assume that no word from Cliff means it isn't ready yet.
It wasn't too long ago that I thought to myself, "I'm so glad that people don't fight on these fractal forums like they do everywhere else. It's such a great community of people who all just seem to want to help each other out."

browlett said:
It wasn't too long ago that I thought to myself, "I'm so glad that people don't fight on these fractal forums like they do everywhere else. It's such a great community of people who all just seem to want to help each other out."


True, though even at it's worst, this forum is still pretty tame compared to some of the other forums around... :lol:
browlett said:
It wasn't too long ago that I thought to myself, "I'm so glad that people don't fight on these fractal forums like they do everywhere else. It's such a great community of people who all just seem to want to help each other out."

You must have missed some "events"... :D :D :D

It's man's nature. We want. We want extremely hard.
Everywhere where man communes they disagree. They disagree because they want different things. They want different things extremely hard. Where people disagree extremely hard there's fighting. Whether it's about politics, religion, sports teams, or whether or not Cliff should release statements on the MFC101 or should be left alone to work on it.

I think Cliff has already clammed up on us. He hinted some things were in the works that would be great. But he hasn't wispered about what those poducts would be like in the remotest of directions. Can't blame him.

But I am wondering what's keeping the MFC, seeing there was a working prototype well over a year ago.
In case anyone missed it.. March 4th 2010 Cliff let slip "I've been working on the MFC":


..which implied there was still work to be done as of that time. The only reason he even said that was people speculating why it was taking so long for the pre-announced 9.03 to arrive. Notice there hasn't been a 9.04. Maybe the bulk of his time is still going toward the MFC to get it 100% ready for showtime?
TheOtherDave said:
Dutch said:
But I am wondering what's keeping the MFC, seeing there was a working prototype well over a year ago.
It's not working well enough? <shrug>

There was a hardware prototype- and it even showed it could controll the axefx. But a year ago, we were just seeing the first beta release of the editor; and, Fractal has been working on AxePC for sometime now. In my minds eye...i see the mfc being utilized by the axefx, editor, and Axepc which can only be a growing scope.
A controlling interface between 2 if not all 3 three of those products should not be a bolt on product (in fact, each piece in the suite of products needs to stand independently and also work together efficiently- seemlessly). I have no idea what Fractal is up to- but i've always thought to myself that they are tying all those pieces together- and the mfc sits in the middle.
I could be completely wrong.

If it were only about controlling the axefx, i think we would have seen the mfc by now....the front panal of the axefx is proof enough that controlling the Axefx is not the issue.

I think Fractal has taken the only approach they can at this point. They will release the product when it is ready.
Tremonti said:
Maybe Jack Bauer got to Cliff? J/K :lol:

Could be! (he's a guitar nut too)


Mike Snider said:
TheOtherDave said:
Dutch said:
But I am wondering what's keeping the MFC, seeing there was a working prototype well over a year ago.
It's not working well enough? <shrug>

There was a hardware prototype- and it even showed it could controll the axefx. But a year ago, we were just seeing the first beta release of the editor; and, Fractal has been working on AxePC for sometime now. In my minds eye...i see the mfc being utilized by the axefx, editor, and Axepc which can only be a growing scope.
A controlling interface between 2 if not all 3 three of those products should not be a bolt on product (in fact, each piece in the suite of products needs to stand independently and also work together efficiently- seemlessly). I have no idea what Fractal is up to- but i've always thought to myself that they are tying all those pieces together- and the mfc sits in the middle.
I could be completely wrong.

If it were only about controlling the axefx, i think we would have seen the mfc by now....the front panal of the axefx is proof enough that controlling the Axefx is not the issue.

I think Fractal has taken the only approach they can at this point. They will release the product when it is ready.

My guess is that your guess is on the money, but that's just a guess. :) With Cliff's level of knowledge, I think just a basic control board like the LF etc would have been released long ago. ...the saga continues...
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if MFC101 comes out with USB...even with headphones out!!
Not sure what headphones out would do on a controller but it will certainly make someone happy. :D
From another thread about wet/dry/wet rig setup:

Dtune said:
I am ready to pull the trigger on the Atomics. I stopped into FAS and saw cliff he had 2 sitting there I was gonna see about stealing them for a few days.. He eluded to the MFC101 foot controller status and it is real... honest.

Oh and by the way there is a Santa Claus and Easter Bunny I saw them bench testing the MFC101 and the AXEPC :)

Have a great day

headphone out would be brilliant however, I love what gordius has done with the usb port on the controller. Dead simple setup and would love it if the MFC had this feature.
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