MFC 101 update ?

May 1st what does that mean ?

Or are you just messing with us ?

I could put May 15th I will be married 18 years on that day

Inf you have real info please pass it on
Yeah.. just messing with you. :D May 1st is just my completely un-informed prediction of when the MFC will be officially unveiled. We shall see!
On the subject of midi controllers, I know the Rocktron AA and GCP controllers can't display the Axe-Fx tuner or tap tempo status, but can one of their switches be used to set the tap tempo or does this require a different kind of switch, eg non latching?

GCP can be used for Tap tempo, I use it like that on my GCP.

Main things GCP can't do it display tuner, and pull in patch names, you have to put them in manually (painful). MFC 101 will have a few more IA's and 5 patches per bank rather than 4 of the GCP.

Switches on MFC are much closer together but the board is tiered which may offset the closeness and risk of a double stomp up and down but not side to side. That is my biggest concern with the MFC.
I presume though that although it can set the TT, it doesn't flash and LED to indicate what the tempo is?
Correct, it does not show the tapped tempo in the GCP- If I'm not sure I turn around and look at the Axe itself.
benson said:
On the subject of midi controllers, I know the Rocktron AA and GCP controllers can't display the Axe-Fx tuner or tap tempo status, but can one of their switches be used to set the tap tempo or does this require a different kind of switch, eg non latching?

Tony, I use a Rocktron AA, and yes, you can use it to set the tap tempo on the Axe-Fx. I'm sure you could use it to access the tuner too, but I haven't tried it...yet.

finleysound said:
benson said:
On the subject of midi controllers, I know the Rocktron AA and GCP controllers can't display the Axe-Fx tuner or tap tempo status, but can one of their switches be used to set the tap tempo or does this require a different kind of switch, eg non latching?

Tony, I use a Rocktron AA, and yes, you can use it to set the tap tempo on the Axe-Fx. I'm sure you could use it to access the tuner too, but I haven't tried it...yet.


As far as I know only Liquid Foot and Gordius can display tuner so far...
Thanks for the responses folks. Have managed to pick up a second hand Rocktron All Access to tie me over until either the Liquids becomes more widely available or the Fractal pedal is released.
SparkyG said:
Switches on MFC are much closer together but the board is tiered which may offset the closeness and risk of a double stomp up and down but not side to side. That is my biggest concern with the MFC.
Pointy shoes seem to be in style around Dallas.
So much for my May 1st. That turned out like most of my stock market predictions. D'OH!


Oh well, still hangin in..
Man my tuner just fried and now I have to buy a new cuz if the Fractal pedal were available I wouldn't waste money on a pedal that I don't need once it is.....ahhhhh.....oh well.
Well the real sad part is

I started this thread hopeing to get some sort of a responce or update from fractal on the MFC-101.

So lets look at the facts

Orignaly posted on March 29 2010 , 116 replies 7405 vewis and not one word from Fractal Audio

and all I asked for was a simple update.

Either fractal is not reading their own forum or they just dont care , but they got time to redesign their wep page
I came to terms (a while ago) with the reality that they don't really "owe" us anything. I'm sure that there's a good reason for them still not updating us formally on this product. I'm as disappointed as everyone else is that this product isn't available, yet. But, I can't really copmplain. From every other respect, this company's customer service has been second to none. The good I get from being an AXE FX Ultra owner far outweighs this 1 let dowwn. I just stopped expecting it to ever be released. I'll keep my spot on the waiting list, but kind of forget about it until the day comes where we do hear something. If it ever does come available and I need something at that time, then - cool - I'll buy one.
wnlively said:
Either fractal is not reading their own forum or they just dont care.

I am afraid you're wrong with your guessing,
Fractal did few "updates" and "announcements" earlier which were sadly impossible to follow.
What's more sad is that many people were quite frustrated with that, even mad or angry.
So it's obvious that Fractal is gonna stay under the radar until the controller is finally done
and I am sure they have been working hard on that project,
well, along with redesigning the site. :D
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