Presets MASTER THREAD -- AustinBuddy's 200+ BASS TonePack for Axe-FX III/FM9/FM3 Cygnus X3, and Legacy AX8/Axe-FX II

Third party presets and packs for Fractal Audio products
Hi everyone -- there is now a LATEST_JUNE2023_200BassTonePack zip file in your accounts. You'll want ot use this one which has some minor corrections to a few amps (see below).

This June 2023 Update replaces the last March 2023 update/version (which will not be visible in your account now, replaced by June).

Only three kinds of changes, to just a few of the presets, per release notes included:

  • Fixed Output 2 in Blackglass Direct preset having Scenes set to -20db instead of zero. Thanks to @TravisG406 for discovering this issue.

  • Fixed Scenes 5-8 DI not working correctly for roughly two dozen Basic Bass section preset starting half way through Ampeg SVT section into PortaFlex bass and beyond. For most basic bass amp presets, Cab A (used in Scenes 1-4) should always be panned hard left -100, and Cab B (used in Scenes 5-8) should be set to Center, so that the bass amp signal comes in on the left, and the bass DI signal comes in on the right. When using Scene 5 to 8, those stereo outputs can be sent to two mono channels in a DAW or console and blended to taste at the console or board with faders.

  • The Axe-FX III version was saved on new DynaCab firmware 22. The Bass Tonepack does not used DynaCabs, but may in the future as bass cabs are added.

Hi everyone -- there is now a LATEST_JUNE2023_200BassTonePack zip file in your accounts. You'll want ot use this one which has some minor corrections to a few amps (see below).

This June 2023 Update replaces the last March 2023 update/version (which will not be visible in your account now, replaced by June).

Only three kinds of changes, to just a few of the presets, per release notes included:

  • Fixed Output 2 in Blackglass Direct preset having Scenes set to -20db instead of zero. Thanks to @TravisG406 for discovering this issue.

  • Fixed Scenes 5-8 DI not working correctly for roughly two dozen Basic Bass section preset starting half way through Ampeg SVT section into PortaFlex bass and beyond. For most basic bass amp presets, Cab A (used in Scenes 1-4) should always be panned hard left -100, and Cab B (used in Scenes 5-8) should be set to Center, so that the bass amp signal comes in on the left, and the bass DI signal comes in on the right. When using Scene 5 to 8, those stereo outputs can be sent to two mono channels in a DAW or console and blended to taste at the console or board with faders.

  • The Axe-FX III version was saved on new DynaCab firmware 22. The Bass Tonepack does not used DynaCabs, but may in the future as bass cabs are added.

Hello Sir!

Just wanted to alert you to the fact that this June version of the Bass Pack is no longer showing up in my Account available downloads?

Maybe just a temporary website thing, but just thought I'd let you know..

Hello Sir!

Just wanted to alert you to the fact that this June version of the Bass Pack is no longer showing up in my Account available downloads?

Maybe just a temporary website thing, but just thought I'd let you know..

Can you message me here via forum with your email?

I hade this happen recently to another user for anotherTonePack. I could see the update appearing in his account on my end, but this person could not see it.

I need to figure out what is causing this - isolated or not. Thanks
Hey 200+ Bass TonePack users and fans...

Just letting you know, from now on, for FM3, FM9, and Axe-FX III 200+ Bass TonePack users, you will only see two (2) available zip downloads in your "My Downloads" account area -- the LATEST ONE (year) and then one prior version (OLDER), usually from the year before.

From now on, I'm going to limit what you see tin "My Downloads" area of your account to just two most recent 200+ Bass TonePack download files (different firmware versions), on a rolling annual basis. That will clan up some clutter of a long list...

If for any reason you need an older firmware version than the one shown in your account for your unit, just contact me.

If for some reason you don't see the LATEST June 2023 200+ Bass version but see older ones, contact me direct at -- and let me know the email you ordered under. That way I can check and can manually add the file to your account if need be. Note that this only applies to FM3, FM9 and Axe-FX III users.

If you use a the legacy older units -- AX8 or Axe-Fx II/XL/XL+ -- you'll now only see one download file -- it is for for the last available software update for that unit (Q10 for AX8 and ARES 2.0 for Axe-FX). Thanks all!
That is a safe upgrade if you are using latest firmware - no amps are affected.

Only a few amps, like the Satriani ones, changed a good bit and need adjustment for new firmware. But none of the amps in Bass tonepack should be affected.
Are there any settings on the axe FX 3 I can use to globally boost output 3 volume? With output 3 being unity gain by default, I’m not getting enough signal to drive my power amp which expects line level. I know I can go into each preset and manually bump up the output gain for out 3, but I’m not sure if there’s a more convenient or maintainable way to do it.
Are there any settings on the axe FX 3 I can use to globally boost output 3 volume? With output 3 being unity gain by default, I’m not getting enough signal to drive my power amp which expects line level. I know I can go into each preset and manually bump up the output gain for out 3, but I’m not sure if there’s a more convenient or maintainable way to do it.
I am not at a unit right now until Monday, but there are two thinks I can think of off hand.

In the editor, go to SETUP and then the global output EQs. Find Global Out3 (it will either be parametric or GEQ type). If memory serves there is also an output on those, set to zero. Raise it - i think it can go ip as high as +10 or +12 db at Out3 globally. Fixed.

If not, when I get back, I will explain a trick that can batch-process across a range of presets you specify and can raise the Out3 Level across them.

You do NOT have to do this by individual preset adjustment!
I am not at a unit right now until Monday, but there are two thinks I can think of off hand.

In the editor, go to SETUP and then the global output EQs. Find Global Out3 (it will either be parametric or GEQ type). If memory serves there is also an output on those, set to zero. Raise it - i think it can go ip as high as +10 or +12 db at Out3 globally. Fixed.

If not, when I get back, I will explain a trick that can batch-process across a range of presets you specify and can raise the Out3 Level across them.

You do NOT have to do this by individual preset adjustment!
Here's how to do it Globally at Output 3 -- see the "LEVEL at right. Set it and it will boost output by that.

Screen Shot 2024-01-21 at 2.06.47 PM.png
I just bought this for my new FM3 but I'm just realizing I have FM3 firmware 7.0. Generally ok to install?
Yes you can, with no issues. It does not use DynaCabs.

None of the amps in it have been affected (changed requiring a reset) since it was released by new firmware.

Later, I will get a free 2024 update out for it in the middle of spring, it won’t take long.
Website is BACK UP AND LIVE! I think the new website looks much better.

There is an FAQ and a Latest News section now as well as Videos with TonePack demos and tutorials.

There are roughly a dozen orders from some parts of Feb. 6 to 9 we still have to add back to database in next few days - everybody else should be all set.

If you find that you are in that "Dirty Dozen" and can't see your downloads when you login in, or can't login, just contact me direct. Don't worry - I have original copies of your orders - all good/being fixed.


Here's what it will say if you go there:

Dear Customers:

We are working on various database issues that have prevented some customers from logging in, or from seeing or downloading their past orders.

Not to worry, we have multiple daily backups and can see every order ever placed on our end.

The website will be down for a week or two until we can confidently restore full account access for everyone affected.

If you need a recent zip TonePack file urgently and can’t wait for the website to go live again, please email with the email you used to place your order, and when he can, he will email it to you manually.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.
I was just on the way to buy the bass pack. Can we complete this via other avenues or do I need to wait for the site to go back up?
Hi @NattyBar - it's best to wait. Because you need to create an account/register once the website is back up, so you can get future free updates.
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Hi everyone:

The website is back up now. My web team tells me it can take orders fine and your account access should have been restored, except possibly for a small number of you we can fix manually.

If you login and you still have a problem with a broken download link or missing files, please email me at heybuddy @ or message me here, with your order email and we'll get the web team on it.

Some of the account area menus looked greyed out, but they do work when you click on them. We'll get that fixed soon.

Thanks for your patience!

Head's up 200+ Bass fans -- Cliff has released a new, public beta firmware 25.0 also called CX3.

This firmware will likely significantly CHANGE the sound amp presets in 200+ Bass you are using now from firmware 22-24 sounds.

Read Cliff's all CAPS message here before even thinking about updating:

I'm have two Axe-FX IIIs so I can run them side by side comparing each preset from firmware CX3 to CX2, and dial in a CX3 version accordingly - but this takes time.

If you guys wondered why I wait between firmware updates and only do them once a year, this is a good example -- because with the new changes it's probable that later this year 200+ Bass will need to be re-leveled and gain adjusted for CX3.

I'm gonna start that CX2 to CX3 TonePack update process for LiveGold in April...200+ Bass will follow in sometime in June-July.

SO -- for the time being, I'd urge you to stay on firmware 24 CX2 if you are using 200+ Bass on gigs or recording...let the public beta process work out and bugs get found/resolved...

Onward and upward!
Just a head's up -- my web team has resolved the website database/download/missing order issues that some of you were having with past orders or logging in the past few weeks since we launched the new updated website in January.

There may be a small handful of customers that could still have issues -- and if so, I can personally work to manually fix those as they come up. Just email me with your order email and what issue is (screen shots are helpful). Thanks.

I would not try the 200+ Bass TonePack with the new Axe-FX III firmware 25 public beta -- because that new firmware is going to change and default-out multiple amp parameters when you do the soft or hard amp preset reset necessary to use that new beta 25 firmware. You have been advised!

Starting in early summer, will start to tackle the scheduled 2024 200+Bass update under latest new 2024 firmware...but be aware, if I can't figure out a way to freeze some amp parameters once we do the soft/hard amp block reset save, then it's going to take a LOT more time to manually enter in all the key preset/amp block values that the soft/hard reset will change back to default unfortunately...
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