Presets MASTER THREAD -- AustinBuddy's 200+ BASS TonePack for Axe-FX III/FM9/FM3 Cygnus X3, and Legacy AX8/Axe-FX II

Third party presets and packs for Fractal Audio products
Hi everyone:

Just a heads up, starting at 11AM CST May 4th (Wednesday) and for up to 48 hours/May 6th, my website will be down for annual maintenance.

During that time the website cannot accept new orders and you will not be able to access your account or downloads.

I'll post here when it is back up and running. It may be down less than 48 hours (probably) but we have to test it. There should be a message that appears on the website while it's down.

Thanks! website is back up - and running much faster now! Saw an order go through.

Customers should be able to login to access your account and "My Downloads."
Okay - I've finished the update for the 200+ Bass TonePack for the Axe-Fx III, FM9 and FM3. It should be in your accounts now for downloading and is available to buy for new comers.

200+ Bass TonePack is now updated for Axe-FX III firmware 19.08+, FM9 firmware 2.03 (beta) and FM3 just released firmware 5.03.

Mainly I've fixed all the compressors to work under the new bloc versions of several types, and fixed the the Blackglass drive, plus a few little errors corrected.

Sorry - posted this in the FM3 Thread initially, but I guess it should have been here...

Hi @austinbuddy ,

First, Big Thx for updating the Bass Pack!

I don't know if it's just me, but I am having issues loading the bank on my Axe-Fx III. Fractal Bot tells me the bank file will overwrite my systems settings, etc... like if it was a Full Backup file (system dump) instead of a saved Bank maybe?

I can't seem to convert the Bank to Individual Presets using Fractal Bot either.

The Bank loaded fine on my FM3 though.

Thx in advance for looking into it when you have a chance.
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Sorry - posted this in the FM3 Thread initially, but I guess it should have been here...

Hi @austinbuddy ,

First, Big Thx for updating the Bass Pack!

I don't know if it's just me, but I am having issues loading the bank on my Axe-Fx III. Fractal Bot tells me the bank file will overwrite my systems settings, etc... like if it was a Full Backup file (system dump) instead of a saved Bank maybe?

I can't seem to convert the Bank to Individual Presets using Fractal Bot either.

The Bank loaded fine on my FM3 though.

Thx in advance for looking into it when you have a chance.
Hi @Joce - did you email me? If so, sent you some things to try.

Anyone else having this issue - let us know here? The III TonePack update was saved on 19.08.
Hi. No, I have not emailed you yet. I am on 19.08, so not sure what's wrong. I'll try restarting my computer first and try again. I also had both the Axe and the FM3 running when I tried to load the Bank, so maybe that confused the USB hub somehow..

Will email you if the problem persist. But I also try to slide it on Fractal Bot and it recognizes it as a System Dump and tells me Fractal Bot is not yet able to handle these types of files!?

In any case, thx for the reply. I'll let you know if I figure it out on my side.

Hi. No, I have not emailed you yet. I am on 19.08, so not sure what's wrong. I'll try restarting my computer first and try again. I also had both the Axe and the FM3 running when I tried to load the Bank, so maybe that confused the USB hub somehow..

Will email you if the problem persist. But I also try to slide it on Fractal Bot and it recognizes it as a System Dump and tells me Fractal Bot is not yet able to handle these types of files!?

In any case, thx for the reply. I'll let you know if I figure it out on my side.

Ah. Do not run the editor when you are runninng FractalBot. Both can’t talk to your III at the same time. Try it with editors shut, and let us know if that fixed it! 😊
Sorry - meant to write 'FracTool', not FractalBot...

I'm using the FractalBot instance within the Editor to load the Bank..
Yeah, it looks like I messed up on the Axe-Fx III 19.08 version as I re-labeled a global file instead of the bank. I will fix in the next hour and post back here. The others ones are fine (FM9, FM3).

Thanks for catching this. This is what I get for hurrying to get the update out! ;)
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Ah! Just glad to see I'm not going crazy! ;-)

Thx for looking into it so quick!

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Our long weekend was actually last week up here in Canada...

Okay, I messed up on the 200+ Bass TonePack III bank file (FM3 and FM9 are fine), but just fixed it.

Go back to website, login, go to “My Downloads” are re-download the file;


Note this file label header you can see on website says “fixed.”

The actually zip file will have the same name as the prior one…. but just let it overwrite your old zip download, and then unzip it and let it overwrite the folders. The only thing being changed is the Bnak file for the III.

I updated the III Bank file ot be correct, its the right one now, file will be dated as of May 27 at 6:10pm CST.

Sorry about that! I’ll send emails out to those that bought in last few days.


PS thanks to both Tony and @Joce for catching this and alerting me to it!
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A little update for you guys....

1) All TonePacks are on sale (discount) until midnight December 30th. Discounted amount is $79 for LiveGold, Naked Amps, and Brit Rock #1 (Led Zep albums I to IV). The 200+ Bass TonePack is discounted to $69.

2) No AustinBuddy TonePacks are yet updated to the very recent, new Axe-FX III firmware 21 public release, and thus are not updated either for any forthcoming corresponding other unit new firmwares (that will soon follow from Fractal Audio for FM9 and FM3 to mirror the III).

Before I update all the TonePacks, need all three units to align firmware-wise before I will put in the volume of work to create a complete update. All TonePack updates will be free and show up in your account on my website when available.

I don't control the timing of the firmwares of course. Wiill start working on updating LiveGold for the III next week into December, and when complete it should port of easily to the FM9 and FM3, once those firmwares catch up to the III.

So it may be very early 2023, or with luck I can get LiveGold out by Christmas/New Years, IF all the FM9 and FM3 firmwares line up by/before then.

Then I'll start on updating 1400+ Naked Amps into early 2023, then 200+ Bass, and last, Brit Rock Royalty #1. Every TonePack gets updated at least once a year, if new firmware comes out.

Wanna be brave and try new firmware with existing presets? You CAN try to use the presets under new firmwares before an update, but be aware the LEVELS can change with Cygnus X2. For Example some Marshalls may sound louder and hit the "red" now, or some Class A amps may seem a little quieter. So you'd have to adjust for that yourself.

If you want to be brave and try that, PLEASE back up your banks in FractalBot first on your existing firmware BEFORE updating to new firmware (and keep a copy of the preexisting firmware handy), to protect the preset amp settings. The Cygnus X2 firmware installation can overwrite/change presets custom amp block values I made in the current Cygnus X1 available version, such as Lo Input EQ in the amp block - those will get zero'd out or reset in Cygnus X2!

3) You can still use LiveGold, Naked Amps, Brit Rock and 200+ Bass on the firmwares that existed before Cygnus X2 without any issues, that is up to 20.04 for the III, 5.03 for the FM3, and 3.00 for the FM9. This is true even if they were made for firmware 20.01 like Naked Amps was. 200+ Bass TonePack made on 19.08 works fine on firmware 20.

4) With all this, for now am going to temporarily suspend on-going work on my 1000+ FX Warehouse forthcoming effects block TonePack, given beta work and likely TonePack updates, but that TonePack WILL happen/be released in first half of 2023.

Hope everyone has great holidays!
For those who love to "go down low...: Bass players I mean. Just a "stay tuned, 200+ Bass TonePack update coming soon" message.

Will be doing the free update for this tonepack in the next few weeks. Scott Nelson is coming over today. Your sounds should still be prety good form that last version.

Mainly want to make sure the new compressors play nice and adjust levels, and then in the amp speaker impedance curve page, re-work a few things from firmware out over the last 9 months. For example, Speaker comp will globally go from 0 to 1, because I like that setting better in newer firmware. Speaker Thump will go from 0 to 1, but that can be dialed to taste by ya'll.

This will be an update for AX3 users from firmware 19.08 to 21.04; from firmware 2.03 to 4.01 for FM9 users, and from firmware 5.03 to 6.01 for FM3 users. The 200+ Bass updates will come out once a year, last update was May 2022.

Now, the FM3 has not yet caught up to the 21.04 AX3 firmware-wise...BUT, because you get all three unit versions in any update, you will kind of have a second "mini" update built in once the FM3 does, because you would be able to import the updated new AX3 presets over to your FM3 (after the next FM3 firmware catches up to the AX3) by using FM3-Edit and Present Manager (not FractalBot) to import them, and things should work.

My sense is that this will go fast as an update; my firm deadline target is to have it done before end of March and there is a greater than 50% chance it will be sooner than that.

So stay tuned -- will announce here when the new update is available in a few weeks!

Cheers all!

Hi everyone, I am working on the 200+ Bass TonePack update. On my Axe-III, Austin bassist Scott Nelson and I finished the "basic bass" amps section this past week - progress! Just minor tweaking really and some careful re-leveling under the lates firmware for the III.

Main things that change are the compressors and levels. I do adjust Speaker page to set Speaker Comp to 1, Speaker Drive to 2, and Speaker Thump to 1. I did change a speaker impedance curve here and there(less than5%). We did add some '59 Bassman amp models and some JMP- for Bass new presets/models, so there will not be any "empty for your use" area left.

Now, we need for the FM3 firmware to catch up to the most recent III/FM9 before I can port over the update for the FM3 users as an actual bank file. Right now for example some of the compressors used values (release, and knee type) do not port over from the III to the FM3 correctly (which is perfectly understandable, since the Fm3 does not yet have the latest compressor updates by Fractal).

Scott and I work on the updating any needed changes to the artist styles presets next 5-10 days - should go fast.

What may end up happening is, I could release the update with new banks files for the III/FM9 firmwares updated, but would still be the current FM3 version you guys have (although I could fix the speaker curve stuff in those pretty easy).

Then whenever the firmware update for FM3 comes out that matches the current III/FM9 firmware Idid these on, you could just use Axe-Edit Preset Manager and import the 200+ Bass TonePack III or FM9 presets into your FM3 that way (not FractalBot) -- basically because that would be a mini-future FM3 update "baked in."

Just an FYI. I'd love to get the above out before March 22- that's the goal. Will post here when it's done. Just wanted the FM3 folks to know we need the firmware update for everything to sync up correctly to make a specific FM3 200+ Bass TonePack bank for you. Will be sure to do that once available at that time as well.

Cheers all!
The March 2023 200+ Bass Tonepack update is now complete!

Existing customers can now login into your accounts and go to the "My Downloads" area to retrieve it.

The file is labeled as LATEST - MARCH 2023 and Cygnus X2. As always, you get all versions with folders for the III, FM9, and FM3.

It sounds great! Read the release notes if you are an existing customer to understand what's new/has changed.

A quick summary of main changes:

- all presets re-leveled. A few had minor gain or EQ adjustments.

-all updated preset names now end in "-CX2", so you know they are the latest version and won't confuse with prior versions on your units.

-added new bass amp model presets for the JTM45 (Plexi) Jumped, '59 Bassman Normal and RI Jumped, JMP-1 Clean 1/2 and JMP-1 Bass OD1/OD2

-adjusted both the main compressor before the amp and the compressor block for Scenes 5-8 post-cab, to work better with the new compressor algorithms especially with auto-gain makeup.

Enjoy the tones!

The March 2023 200+ Bass Tonepack update is now complete!

Existing customers can now login into your accounts and go to the "My Downloads" area to retrieve it.

The file is labeled as LATEST - MARCH 2023 and Cygnus X2. As always, you get all versions with folders for the III, FM9, and FM3.

It sounds great! Read the release notes if you are an existing customer to understand what's new/has changed.

A quick summary of main changes:

- all presets re-leveled. A few had minor gain or EQ adjustments.

-all updated preset names now end in "-CX2", so you know they are the latest version and won't confuse with prior versions on your units.

-added new bass amp model presets for the JTM45 (Plexi) Jumped, '59 Bassman Normal and RI Jumped, JMP-1 Clean 1/2 and JMP-1 Bass OD1/OD2

-adjusted both the main compressor before the amp and the compressor block for Scenes 5-8 post-cab, to work better with the new compressor algorithms especially with auto-gain makeup.

Enjoy the tones!


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The March 2023 200+ Bass Tonepack update is now complete!

Existing customers can now login into your accounts and go to the "My Downloads" area to retrieve it.

The file is labeled as LATEST - MARCH 2023 and Cygnus X2. As always, you get all versions with folders for the III, FM9, and FM3.

It sounds great! Read the release notes if you are an existing customer to understand what's new/has changed.

A quick summary of main changes:

- all presets re-leveled. A few had minor gain or EQ adjustments.

-all updated preset names now end in "-CX2", so you know they are the latest version and won't confuse with prior versions on your units.

-added new bass amp model presets for the JTM45 (Plexi) Jumped, '59 Bassman Normal and RI Jumped, JMP-1 Clean 1/2 and JMP-1 Bass OD1/OD2

-adjusted both the main compressor before the amp and the compressor block for Scenes 5-8 post-cab, to work better with the new compressor algorithms especially with auto-gain makeup.

Enjoy the tones!

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Thank you so much AB (and Scott) for all the hard work and dedication to all your presets. Every pack is amazing!!!
Has anyone tried any of the bass presets on the new beta firmware? I know they don’t have bass cabs yet but I was going to mess around with guitar a bit. But bass is my main instrument so I want to make sure the presets still work. It’s the “various other fixes and improvements” line in the patch notes that has me wondering.
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