Main stream music in your country

I'm quickly reminded by my wife and friends that not everyone likes to listen to the Allman Bros and Dream Theater. Wait a minute I say - this is our house and this is the music we enjoy listening to - why do I have to cave in to listen to top 40?? Its always a source of frustration for me.

She says that because mostly it's the women folk that like music that has no musical merit at all, and can be mostly ignored unless/until they wanna dance, and then that's all they care about. They want beats and repetitive meaningless lyrics they can sing along to when half-blasted on wine.
I'm in the camp of not understanding the lament here?

I'm old as dirt but pop music is mostly throw away and has been forever... right? I personally like a lot of current music but don't see the need to bag on anything I don't like.
I'm in the camp of not understanding the lament here?

I'm old as dirt but pop music is mostly throw away and has been forever... right? I personally like a lot of current music but don't see the need to bag on anything I don't like.

Not bagging on anything specific, really. Ok, here's one. Beyonce's "Single Ladies" has four writers credits and 18 individual words. That's 4.5 words per writer, and the music is just the same few bars over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...

...and that about sums up the conversation.

It's just the lounge. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking discussion or have much merit. Just like "Single Ladies".
Without reading the thread or listening to the video, you get out what you put in: if all you have is a laptop, a sh*tty sample library, quantizing, autotune a wannabe producer/engineer and a non-talent on vocals...the output matches the input.

To the OP's original point, the fact that product being sold is not focused on the highest quality input you can find but something else is why so many youth are diving into and/or discovering music from when the input actually mattered. In the end, true art (that doesn't get bombed, burnt down or otherwise destroyed) lives longest.
The problem is, an entire generation is growing up on 'product', not music, as the link I posted above details.

You are 100% correct. The "product" aspect has always been there of course, but there used to be room for talent as well. Not anymore. In todays world where the currency of trade is likes and views...everything has become a disposable today gone later today. People are now famous just for being famous...and somehow people buy it hook line and sinker. Talent, content, and creativity still exist, and the same technology that has us speeding towards idiocracy can also be used to find it. But you have to make the effort to get past what is shoved down your throat as "trending or hot", or that someone you went to school with thinks it's important that you know he's "having a root beer right now"...if you can wade through that you can find the Plini's, those kids that sound like zeppelin, and other emerging artists.
I was hoping some of you would share the big product music that is force-put in their country ear...
It's clear that American pop music is spread all over the world so no need to share it but i'm sure other countries listen to total shit too but, an unknown total shit from my point of view and maybe someone else's...
Share ;)
Since living in China for soon 15 years I can share some stuff. Even though club scene seems pretty much same as everywhere else, Chinese tend to like songs more romantic styled


This kind of thing really starts in the home. I blame the parents and the schools, especially those that decimate their arts programs for budgetary reasons. As a childhood consumer of both arts and sports, I submit that both are essential to the production of well-rounded humans.

Yeah I just took this in a whole 'nuther direction. Further, schools that are trying to win a numbers game based on testing and standardized scores are more than willing to sacrifice the ephemeral things that make a well-rounded, cognitive, thoughtful person, not just a well-trained test-taking unit.

Recent electoral results are a secondary indicator of failures in these and many other areas (globally).
As far as what's being made and is popular, I'll refer to an answer I have in the chamber for a lot of things lately: There are over 7 billion people on this planet. A lotta good stuff is being done, but also a lot of crap. This is , for instance, why Hollywood is on a comic book movie and reboot/remake rip. That's an industry with a lot of money to be made and a lot of mouths to feed. The machine has to keep churning out stuff to keep that keeps 7 billion people working and entertained.
This kind of thing really starts in the home. I blame the parents and the schools, especially those that decimate their arts programs for budgetary reasons. As a childhood consumer of both arts and sports, I submit that both are essential to the production of well-rounded humans.
BINGO! Couldn't agree more.

I started playing instruments in 4th grade band (coronet) and branched out from there. I played in school band (marching band) through high school and was also in drama for 5 years though Jr High and High School. I don't know if I could bear putting my kids (if I had any) through the public school system today. It's no longer an education, it's indoctrination.

Here you go. Mainstream music in germany is as stupid as everywhere else.

Beware this gets salty:

It makes me really sad to see more and more people around my age (around 20) just listening to german "Schlager" music or "Ballermann" as they call the hits today. This stuff is just a bad excuse for drinking alcohol till you shit in your and everybdy else pants.
Mostly there is absolutely NO melody going on, since most of the "singers" can't even sing with autotune. The lyrics are pathetic at best and tend to work around "lalalalal" or sexual based themes. Sometimes it's both so they can call it more creative and the stuff based on only one of those.

Salt off.

The big problem with todays music is that people often don't even want to listen. It's just background for the next "supercool drinking party" or the typical everyday live stuff as driving, working etc. The times where friends meet because one of them bought the next cool record and they all want to listen to it seem to be gone. At least in the mainstream world.
The hardest part is that radiostations TV and everybody else kind off forces people into hearing all the shit that's going on because of that.
The few chances to see Live music around my hometown can't change a thing about that when most of them are just cover bands playing the same stuff as everybody else over and over. There where times I liked songs like cocaine, ACDC Cover, Knocking on heavens door, or everything deep purple. But i don't want to eat the same stuff all day long.
Today it's better to turn off the radio, TV and enjoy the possibilities the choose the stuff you WANT to hear. Or even make your own stuff! Someone has to...
I have a strong dislike for hearing the same songs over and over, so with the exception of some Internet-based stations, I quit listening closely to music on the radio years ago. I have a decent collection of recorded music, but here again, I don't like listening to anyone over and over (even myself). These days I mostly listen to the comedy channels on SiriusXM when I'm driving, and poke around YouTube when I'm at home. I'm an old fart, and a lot of the current progressive and metal really doesn't float my boat. (I admire the musicianship, but the end result is not to my tastes.)

My primary exposure to popular music these days is at the bar where I play on a pool league team weekly. They have an Internet-based jukebox, and the music played is all over the map, from classic rock to country to the nastiest, ugliest hip-hop you can imagine. A lot of hip-hop. I can deal with rock and country, but hearing the same 2 measures of simple bass and keys looped over and over again while some foul-mouthed gangsta wannabe spends 5 minutes spewing crap about his hos and blunts and 40s makes me want to strangle someone. That's NOT music, regardless of how anyone wants to characterize it. It's pablum for a generation who has little to no idea what constitutes real music.
Wait, I've heard that before ... Right, that's what my dad said about my music. And what his dad said about his music.
My son likes my music (and hates contemporary pop). And I like my dad's music (Chuck Berry, John Denver, Johnny Cash, etc.), and my dad likes my music (most of it). What is considered "good" is not generational. This perception is exactly the result of the merchant machine I discussed earlier. Product is generational. Great music is forever.
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