Looking for Amps on Craigslist and Found This

Just in case someone forgot to click on the second image in his post...


here's a lil' thought…

when I demo'd the Axe-II at the British guitar show a few weeks back, even the die-hard tube heads were nodding and smiling and saying stuff about how great it sounded..
along the lines of "well… I hate to admit it.. but yeah.. I get it.."

the proof is always in the eating..
I must be really daft....
more than 5 power chords?
Isn't there only 1 power chord? "I - V"

As much as I would like to blame my stupidity on the AxeFx
I went thirty years prior to owning an AxeFx under sheer ignorance there was 1 power chord

To add insult to injury: I had a two channel Dual Rectifier for years!
I seriously feel cheated! It didn't teach me a damn thing!
The guy I sold it to laughed at all the dust that accumulated in the back.
I apologized and said it had been just sitting there, as i became content with the AxeFx.
He simply said "Ya, it's on my wish list"
No "Oh you must know more than 5 power chords" or "You must be too stupid to keep this Rectifier. You only know 1 power chord?"

Personally, I love cheese....
I do to, but I can't stand the GAS it gives me.

BTW, this is what my Ultra looked like before the Axe FX II arrived. Nice big laptop screen. Nice virtual buttons and knobs. I guess the guy never used Axe Edit in any form.
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I sold my real Mesa Triple Rectifier for an Axe FX II ... it was the fizziest amp on the planet without a large array of pedals, what's the point when it's all built in to the magic box?
ooooh, this is my local Craigs List....funny.

I am sure this guy is having a hard time selling his tube gear on Craigs List and is just pissed.
Sounds like this guy is trying to sell his tube heads to fund an Axe purchase.
Some people are literally too stupid to insult. This is what happens people when your mother and father are siblings.

I didn't know King Joffrey played guitar.


I still have my Mesa Mark IV and F-50 plus cabs, and I believe it's been at least nine months since I turned them on.
I would go back to my Dumble and Trainwreck and Diezel and Tweed Deluxe and ... oh wait, I never owned those tube amps. Darn, guess I will have to use them on the AxeFx ...
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