It Never Fails

Right after I release a firmware I always realize something I wanted to add and forgot about. I had been working on passive EQ (which sounds massive, wink, wink) and forgot to add it to the firmware release. Oh well, next week.

With all that's on your plate, "to do list" modeling amps, capturing IR's, new ideas, etc,
I'm surprised you even remember to put out an update at all.

Very interested in checking out this new eq and what it will add. Everything already sounds kick ass, so ...we shall find out.
I want to try this out so badly, "next week" has almost gone by, any news on this?
Not meaning to stress you out, sorry if I am, just very excited about this.
Going on 2.5 weeks since the "release next week". Something good must be cooking with our favorite mad scientist.
But did he forget to add something..?
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