Is FAS prepared for high demand at launch?

Cliff already provided an answer.
Sure, with about the best generic non-answer a manufacturer could give. "We're doing our best." He didn't answer anything, he basically just said "maybe." I've dealt with manufacturing companies, and there's never a definitive answer, even with there isn't a fab shortage.
Sure, with about the best generic non-answer a manufacturer could give. "We're doing our best." He didn't answer anything, he basically just said "maybe." I've dealt with manufacturing companies, and there's never a definitive answer, even with there isn't a fab shortage.
There is simply no upside for fractal in providing additional information. I am sure from a business standpoint they want dollars coming in as soon as possible so all of our interests are aligned.
Sure, with about the best generic non-answer a manufacturer could give. "We're doing our best." He didn't answer anything, he basically just said "maybe." I've dealt with manufacturing companies, and there's never a definitive answer, even with there isn't a fab shortage.

He didn't simply say they're doing their best, though he could've just left it at that. He provided specifics by stating that he believed they had the issue of fab cap shortages sorted out. If he didn't believe they had it sorted, he likely wouldn't have opted to mention it at all.
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He didn't simply say they're doing their best, though he could've just left it at that. He provided specifics by stating that he believed they had the issue of fab cap shortages sorted out. If he didn't believe they had it sorted, there'd be no point in mentioning it at all.
Actually, it's quite the opposite, if it was sorted out, why even mention that there ever was a shortage to begin with. It's all about PR. He can't really say anything definitive, because he doesn't know, and no one can know. It's risky business for a company to even speculate for their customers, because often, in the eyes of the customer it makes promises that they might not be able to keep.
There is simply no upside for fractal in providing additional information. I am sure from a business standpoint they want dollars coming in as soon as possible so all of our interests are aligned.
I agree, and I'm not knocking Fractal, I'm just stating that they are giving a typical PR type answer, and honestly I don't think that's a bad thing.
Actually, it's quite the opposite, if it was sorted out, why even mention that there ever was a shortage to begin with.

That's the point. It's a specific detail he didn't have to offer at all if, in fact, he didn't think it was squared away, and it was reassuring.

It's all about PR. He can't really say anything definitive, because he doesn't know, and no one can know. It's risky business for a company to even speculate for their customers, because often, in the eyes of the customer it makes promises that they might not be able to keep.

Cliff didn't have to respond, much less offer specific details, assuming he wasn't fairly confident. This thread would've simply disappeared in a day or so and that would've been that. It's not altogether uncommon to see companies reassuring customers that they can meet demand. A little over two months ago Nintendo promised they'd be able to meet demand for Switch during the holiday season.
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That's the point. It's a specific detail he didn't have to offer at all if, in fact, he didn't think it was squared away.

Cliff didn't have to respond, much less offer specific details, assuming he wasn't fairly confident. This thread would've simply disappeared in a day or so and that would've been that. It's not altogether uncommon to see companies reassuring customers that they can meet demand. A little over two months ago Nintendo promised they'd be able to meet demand for Switch during the holiday season.
You missed my point, it's really not a specific detail, it's a non-point. It's like calling your boss to tell tell him you thought you were going to be late, but you got it sorted out, and now you're pretty sure you're going to be on time. Why even bother to call? I've dealt with enough PR to know the difference between details, and fluff. This is fluff.

As for This thread dissapearing, I doubt it, speculation threads tend to go on far longer than threads with definitive answers. This one has only gone on because it really wasn't definitive.

And Nintendo has a VERY bad habit of making promises they can't keep. In fact, much of the gaming industry has a bad habit of making promises they can't keep.
Hoping the next couple of weeks we will know what’s up.
Cross fingers and I can’t imagine the pressure the team is under to have this a successful launch.
I know when I bought the Standard years ago, I waited till I knew it was what I wanted.
The forums were an immense guide to that decision.
When the II came out, I didn’t really understand the improvements until a couple of the Firmware updates happened, then I was hooked. Same with the Ax8, same sound but portable? Sounded too good, but when I saw the scenes and simplicity I was hooked.
Now we await to see what they can make the III into.
Right now, sound wise, might not be a huge jump, but give the team a few months to tweak and suspect I’ll be hooked again.
Cheers everyone, it’s a great time to be a guitar player no matter what you choose to use.
You missed my point, it's really not a specific detail, it's a non-point.

I don't agree with your point, that's the difference. Microsoft's statement regarding the Xbox One X is a perfect example of a generic and non-specific offering:

We’re gonna make as many as we can make. All the signs are that it’s gonna be the number one hit product of this Holiday, so we’re gonna keep up with demand the best that we can.

It's like calling your boss to tell tell him you thought you were going to be late, but you got it sorted out, and now you're pretty sure you're going to be on time. Why even bother to call?

False analogy. Cliff's post was in response to an inquiry rather than offered out of the clear blue. The inquiry wasn't in connection with a major publication for an official interview, thus there was no pressure to respond at all, and most members wouldn't have batted an eye had he chose not to. That you consider his post a non-answer is of no consequence to me.

As for This thread dissapearing, I doubt it, speculation threads tend to go on far longer than threads with definitive answers. This one has only gone on because it really wasn't definitive.

Threads survive for any number of reasons, regardless whether an original inquiry was answered definitively or not. Discussion in threads isn't linear and this one has evolved into speculation about when the III will launch. Cliff's comment was obviously definitive enough though, hence the lack of demand for a more substantive answer. If you want a better example, check out the 63 page "Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software" thread on the Kemper forum.

And Nintendo has a VERY bad habit of making promises they can't keep.

Nintendo was also very candid earlier in the year about potentially not being able to meet demand.
I don't agree with your point, that's the difference. Microsoft's statement regarding the Xbox One X is a perfect example of a generic and non-specific offering:

We’re gonna make as many as we can make. All the signs are that it’s gonna be the number one hit product of this Holiday, so we’re gonna keep up with demand the best that we can.

False analogy. Cliff's post was in response to an inquiry rather than offered out of the clear blue. The inquiry wasn't in connection with a major publication for an official interview, thus there was no pressure to respond at all, and most members wouldn't have batted an eye had he chose not to. That you consider his post a non-answer is of no consequence to me.

Threads survive for any number of reasons, regardless whether an original inquiry was answered definitively or not. Discussion in threads isn't linear and this one has evolved into speculation about when the III will launch. Cliff's comment was obviously definitive enough though, hence the lack of demand for a more substantive answer. If you want a better example, check out the 63 page "Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software" thread on the Kemper forum.

Nintendo was also very candid earlier in the year about potentially not being able to meet demand.
Well, I'm not gonna continue to argue with you, it's very clear to me your reading far more into Cliffs response than you should. If you feel so strongly about it, you can keep living the dream, but my experince tells me otherwise.

Also, my analogy was not "false" it was intentionally broad. If you want, I could have said something more specific like this, "if my boss called me to ask when I expected to be at work, then I told him "my car was broken, but I fixed it, so I'll be there on time." Does that satisfy?
get's to be like a bunch of teenagers in here sometimes. thread is: is FAS prepared for the high demand at launch. Cliff said he's still shooting for early march to begin shipping. No one said anything about #'s available at launch.
Does the first actually mean the first or the week of the first? Or the first part of the month which could be up to the fifteenth?
I know the III will improve the game but hey, the sound is there right now in the II...geesh...what a time to be a guitar player.
My II is going nowhere. I’ve worried about a backup unit and maybe soon that worry’s gone. :)
I agree completely. I was thinking of keeping my AxeFx II for playing live, and just keeping the new AxeFx III in the studio.
I just wish they allowed you to look up how far down the line you are. Aside from having happier customers, there would be a benefit for FAS as well. If people know how far they are down the line, they can plan their finances accordingly. It stands to reason that this would translate to more actual sales (as opposed to folks who got on the waitlist, mismanage their finances, and then miss their window to complete the purchase.)

Trust me, I feel your pain, but I wouldn't be surprised if less than half of people on the waitlist are actually able and willing to purchase at the moment they are invited to do so, because there is no deposit necessary and no disincentive for joining without actual preparedness to follow through. This is not a criticism of how FAS rolled this out, because it's probably tedious to keep all those deposits and returns straight, all before you ever ship a unit. Just means that knowing your position on the waitlist is meaningless, probably close to meaningless for Cliff too...
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