Is FAS prepared for high demand at launch?

My 53rd Birthday is March 3 - so like Smeagol, i’d love to say it was my precious/birthday present. No strangulation or biting off ring finders involved though. Well . . . If that gets me to front of the line . . That might be on the table.
I just wish they allowed you to look up how far down the line you are. Aside from having happier customers, there would be a benefit for FAS as well. If people know how far they are down the line, they can plan their finances accordingly. It stands to reason that this would translate to more actual sales (as opposed to folks who got on the waitlist, mismanage their finances, and then miss their window to complete the purchase.)
Suggestion - have a thread with when you originally received your waitlist confirmation email and when you received email ready to purchase notification. If enough people update it, then it should be easy to gauge how fast things are moving for people further down the list.
I just wish they allowed you to look up how far down the line you are. Aside from having happier customers, there would be a benefit for FAS as well. If people know how far they are down the line, they can plan their finances accordingly. It stands to reason that this would translate to more actual sales (as opposed to folks who got on the waitlist, mismanage their finances, and then miss their window to complete the purchase.)

No consumer electronics company would ever in their right mind allow a link between their own (usually at least a little unpredictable) production schedule and their customer’s own financial planning. Guaranteed shitstorm for very little upside.
No consumer electronics company would ever in their right mind allow a link between their own (usually at least a little unpredictable) production schedule and their customer’s own financial planning. Guaranteed shitstorm for very little upside.

Indeed! No business in their right mind would reveal this information on a new product launch
In case you all haven't noticed , there are 3 days left - to this wicked , horrible month.

( oddly I just realized it was the month I was married in. lol. Glad the wife isn't a forum member )
I didn't expect the AxeFx III when it was announced, so I'm just treating the whole scenario as a bonus and when I get it, I get it. Not that I won't be jealous of those in line before me posting pics and vids, but the AxeII is still handling its duties with aplomb.

I know the III will improve the game but hey, the sound is there right now in the II...geesh...what a time to be a guitar player.
My II is going nowhere. I’ve worried about a backup unit and maybe soon that worry’s gone. :)
Let's see...
24 for Metallica
12 for U2
10 for Misha
3 for Devin
40 for the rest of Artists roster
100 for G66
1 for Chris
10 for Australia
100 for waiting list early worms
that's about 300!!

...second batch shipping Summer '18

ps.- i hope i'm sooo wrong! :)
um 20 for Vai
40 for Petrucci
5 for Abassi
-10 for Meshuggah
( oddly I just realized it was the month I was married in. lol. Glad the wife isn't a forum member )
Me too!

As to the topic at hand, I'll never understand the motivation behind asking questions that you know won't get an answer.

It's almost like asking my wife if I can have money. She'll either look at me like I'm stupid, or it'll start an argument that won't end for months, so I just don't ask.
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