Introduction thread

hi im matt, another ex line6er, had my ultra for 2 months now and i am thrilled with it so far , and it keeps getting better and better, :lol: , i dont miss my vetta at all anymore!!! , very cool forum and users, glad to be here , HI to all
Hi guys,
I'm Roger :) Boss GT10 user and I've been reading about AxeFX and no doubt this is the most powerful modeller and if ever i retire my GT10, AxeFx would be my final and no more maybe but absolutely and i'm definitely sure. More Power to this Forum!!

I'm Alec. I've been a regular over on TGP from day one and make the occasional appearance on the Seymour Duncan Forum.

I play in a roots rock band that's been working so long on a CD that I'm gonna suggest we call it Chinese Democracy 2. :lol: I recently traded a Two Rock Emerald 50 for an Ultra (and some cash), mainly because I'm not playing out much and am volume-limited since much of my weekend playing time comes during my boy's nap time.

I've owned a few modeling devices in the past with mixed results. I started with an AX2 about ten years ago but ditched it when I started acquiring tube amps. The film score I did with my Variax and Pod XTL turned out quite well but too often I've found something lacking in the L6 amp models. They didn't sound bad but I didn't find them particularly inspiring.
I'm Ian. Another TGP regular, also on GuitarGeek and Guitars Canada.

I started digital + solid state many, many years ago when I first picked up the guitar. Running a Zoom 9030 into a Fender SS head + cab. I've always kept modelers around. I've recorded silently for years and thought it sounded great. When the Fractal stuff broke on TGP I was hit with a lust for gear I've never known before. I'm still pretty green with it, but it's delivering the goods in spades. :)
Like rogeryu, i've been a boss gt central member for years, and now i have recently purchased my AXE-FX ULTRA. I have been reading these forums for the past few weeks, and looking forward to getting my ULTRA.
My name is Armin,
I love all kind of music gear - mainly guitar and keyboard stuff.
In addition to a lot of tube amps did I test almost all available modelling stuff from POD to AxeFx.

I own one of the first AxeFx ultra here in Germany - and love this box very much - I can say it's the best modeller available.

But have to make my comments every now and them - since IMHO does NO available modeller sound close to a tube amp ;-)
Greetings. My name is Justin, and I aspire to become an Axe-FX owner. I write music for film, TV, and the web for a living, and have been using modeling gear in my home studio for over ten years. It started with a Tech 21 pedal, and has evolved / devolved through Line 6, Vox, Boss, Rocktron, and Digitech gear. These days I'm very happy with a Digitech GSP1101, and have my eye on an Axe-FX, eventually. It's a big leap, financially, but I'm sure will be worth it.

In the meantime, this forum has been a treasure trove of information for me, both Axe-FX-specific and applicable to all modeling gear. I lurked and read for a long time before registering. For example, my forum research has recently helped me decide to acquire an FBT Verve 8ma and ditch my traditional guitar cab. Thanks for that!

Hello, good people!

My name is Ragnar and I'm your the freezing land of Norway. I'm not an Axe-Fx user yet, but I have ordered an Axe Fx Standard from G66 now. It says it's going to ship the 4 of october, and I am pretty damn exited! :D

I've played guitar for about three years now and my music-interests involves a good chunk of metal, but also some alternative stuff. I personally mean that good music can be found in any genre.
I play in an semi-metal band, but we are struggling with finding a steady drummer and vocalist as I live in a very small town (about 3000 inhabitants) :?

I play with a Esp Ltd M-1000, a custom Warmoth RR and a Fender Highway One Stratocaster
My rig as of today goes like this: Guitar -> Tuner -> Hughes & Kettner Switchblade combo -> ISP Pro-rack G -> TC G Major -> 2x12 V30
I'm going to sell most of that, and the only thing I am going keep is the 2x12. :)
Buying the Axe-Fx mostly because it is a bit more practical to carry a guitar and a 2U rackcase than a guitar and that rig between my practice space and my home studio. :lol:

I am really looking forward to my Axe-Fx journey! :)

Best Regards!
finally adding an intro for myself after Rogue's post inspired it...


I'm 27 and I've owned one amp in my life (a Marshall Lead 12). Zero traditional pedals, but I do own a Boss ME-30 multi-effect pedal, bought new in 1994 to complement the Marshall. I wasn't entirely happy with the Lead 12, but it was free, I didn't have money to spend, and I wasn't really trying to do anything serious -- just a few high school talent show gigs.

After HS, I strummed the guitar off-and-on. Barely kept in practice.

Fast forward to four years ago (geez, has it been that long!? -- almost to the day! Oct 4th, '05), and I picked up a used PODxt Live off a forum where people record live shows. Saw the Variax jack on it, looked it up, liked the looks of the 700, liked the reviews, put in a very low bid for one on eBay and much to my surprise, won my first auction. The music bug was back.

Another friend was spending a lot on music studio gear, so that didn't "help" -- but on the other hand, it's also probably what made me more particular about my sound. My XTL was not "good enough" -- I could eventually hear how it didn't sound like a real amp and I started looking more seriously at the Vettas (largely because NIN used them) so that planted the appropriate budget seed.

Roughly a year after picking up the XTL, I heard about the Axe-Fx. I didn't like the clips. But I couldn't find *any* substantially negative reviews on it, and the positives were absolutely glowing. I read the Music Gear Source interview with Cliff (sadly, this is no longer online), saw a couple U2 vids on YouTube, and the deal was sealed.

So for me... I never "switched" to digital in the traditional sense.
I've always wanted a compact portable unit with many effects (like my ME-30 from 15 years ago). And I've never had tubes to be snobby about (microphone purchases might change that).

Now... music is roughly a quarter of my life -- graphic arts, programming, and life-in-general being the other three fourths.
I've been hanging around here for...well...a long time.
My Ultra arrived downunder in Feb 2008 yet still i've barely scratched the surface.
I've been playing in bands since about 1978.
I play in 3 bands at the moment. All cover bands in the corporate arena.
I've been a visual display artist for 20 years & a professional painter/artist for one.
I just started a new job three days ago in a guitar shop (guitars only) in Brisbane.
My first foray into retail music's fun!
I thought i new a lot about guitars but i'm working with some real pros now.

My son turned 18 two days ago - just as well music keeps me feeling young.
Hey guys -

I'm 23 with 22s in my shoez. I just bought an axe-fx ultra after hearing my friend and luthier rave about it for months. His website is here:

He tunes his guitars and basses in 5ths. Mines tuned G D A E B F#. Sounds and plays better than anything I've ever touched. He does fanned frets and very large, stainless steel frets. After making friends and buying a guitar from him two years ago (mines the Solid Hollow with no strings on it in the pics) and re-learning everything from the ground up in 5ths, I'm finally ready to get an awesome rig, so I decided to go with an Ultra. I do video work and documentaries for a living, and I actually have been making a documentary on Todd for a little over a year. You can see some of Todd's very interesting playing here:

That's a Ztar, created by Harvey Starr but built by Todd. You can also see a totally insane "grand ztar" in the background that Todd built. Anyways that's my story - I get my Ultra on Friday after watching tons of youtube vids and reading a shitload on here. You guys have a ton of great info! I want to get a Fratomic ASAP, it sounds like its a great solution (and not exhorbitantly expensive!).
Hey all,

I discovered the Axe-Fx only in the last 2 months - I had never even heard of it before.
I had another effects pedal of mine lifted from a burglary and was negotiating it's replacement with the insurance agency. That replacement turned out to be a Digitech RP1000.
Perusing various forums, I had heard mention by some that it was "90% of the way to being an Axe-Fx".
Of course, others said this was rubbish - and that's how I heard about it and started my own research.
So while the RP1000 is a very good pedalboard, it's not an Axe-Fx...and my nature is such that if there's something better, I want it :) I figured going all the way to the top, by getting an Ultra, would put an end to this :)
I should also add that in all the years I've been playing, I've never found a tone that truly makes my mouth water. The samples I've heard of the Axe-Fx, and of songs done with others playing through it have indeed made me go "Whoah!".
So I wanna do that too :)
Hi! Some of you guys might recognize my user name from the Music Man and Mike Portnoy forums. I currently have a Mesa Boogie Roadster, and while it is miles and away better than anything I've ever played through, I can't afford to use it at such volumes and don't want to struggle through the complex recording process to get song ideas in digital form; hence, the Axe-FX. I'd love to try one out sometime, especially the Ultra, so I'm here to just learn as much as I can before I really "take the plunge", so to speak.

Cheers! :D
Karl Houseknecht said:
I'm Karl. :D Some of you might know me from the Line6 and Atomic Amp forums. I'm a prospective Fractal customer that will definitely be purchasing something from Fractal in the near future.

So, hell must have just frozen over. Because after a journey through a couple of Line6 Spider Valves, an X3 Pro, and a couple of tube Marshall heads, I've got an Axe Ultra on the way. Crossing fingers that this is everything everyone says it is because I've put almost all of my other gear up on the eBay auction block.
Karl Houseknecht said:
[quote="Karl Houseknecht":bpmyrpbh]I'm Karl. :D Some of you might know me from the Line6 and Atomic Amp forums. I'm a prospective Fractal customer that will definitely be purchasing something from Fractal in the near future.

So, hell must have just frozen over. Because after a journey through a couple of Line6 Spider Valves, an X3 Pro, and a couple of tube Marshall heads, I've got an Axe Ultra on the way. Crossing fingers that this is everything everyone says it is because I've put almost all of my other gear up on the eBay auction block.[/quote:bpmyrpbh]
Hey Karl! Congrats!
I hope you love it. I think you will. :)
Karl Houseknecht said:
I hope so too! Who would have with an Axe-Fx? Certainly not me, that's for sure.

I knew this day would come. Welcome aboard. I hope it fits your needs and meets your expectations.
Hello All:

I always wanted to play electric guitar ever since hanging out at a friends house in the late 60s / early 70s, sitting on blowup furniture listening to my friends big brother's Black Sabbath and Led Zepplin Records. 4 Years ago at the age of 44, I picked up the guitar for the first time. Being a an IT guy I quickly got attracted to the digital side of things so started immediately down the modeller route even though I'd probably have been better off picking at an accoustic for a few years to learn some chops 1st. I've owned a Boss me50, gt8, gt10, Digitech gnx3000, zoom g2, spider valve, peavey valve king, traynor ycv80, pod xt, and have fiddled with computer simulations (Revalver Mkiii and Pod Farm, misc VST type stuff). With my GT8 I got into FRFR and bought a couple behringer kx1200 keyboard amps which work pretty well but are now for sale as I'd like to get some powered Traynor Wedge Monitors. I've also gone the Cabs route with an SLA-1 and and 2 Marshall 2x12s. I bought an Ultra last July after realizing that I would spend far more $ in the long run on middle of the road gear that I'd never be satisfied with instead of just going strait to the top and getting an AxeFx.

I play for personal entertainment at home in my "manhole"
mostly. Needless to say the gear I use far out classes what I can play at my level - but man - what a great way to learn and keep interested while I practice those scales!!

I've learned a phenominal amount hanging out here and previously on the Boss GT forum which is pretty good also in terms of getting really intelligent feedback on related topics (I can't say the same for the L6 forums which I found much less useful even thought the POD is the best souding mid-level modeller to my ears).
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