Introducing the Axe-Fx II

From G66

Waiting List
The price will be EUR 2.299 including VAT (1.931,93 excluding VAT). Please email to get on the waiting list - everybody who was already on the Axe-Fx or Ultra waiting list will automatically be moved to the Axe-Fx II waiting list.
Sorry, I don't understand. Did your Ultra stop working when Axe II was announced? Do some of the features you paid for no longer work?

No. But I concluded that this caliber of equipment of high technology with rapid developments in terms of hardware does not deserve such a large investment on my part. Is a great product without a doubt, all material is first class but as soon as another model comes out quickly devalue it´s not the case with real good amps.
I´m not depreciate the AXE-FX! It´s a hell of equipement and i´m happy with it.
All I can say is Cliff has always taken care of his customers. All the feelings are fine, we are entitled to feel however we feel, yet why not wait to see what options become available before passing judgment. If you have an Ultra already, then you know that it is an awesome machine and you will not be disappointed with it's performance. Cliff continually has offered FREE firmware updates to us, and I for one have no other feelings other than gratitude.

I hope all at Fractal and the amazing products they produce continue to amaze me and that I continue to get the oppportunity to enjoy them.

Wishing Cliff and all at Fractal a warm Congratulations on the new Axe II. I am loooking forward to spending a good long time with one as soon as possible!!

By the way, I know a company that holds all of their new products VERY tight to the vest, maybe you have heard of them, APPLE...

Too right GtarLover... if product evolution stopped, then we would all still be using Apple IIe's... or worse still, sinclair 80's... now how ridiculous would that be?

Yes, and all of Apple's products are MADE IN CHINA -- which doesn't seem to bother most people ...

not only that, they pay a pittance to their staff who also have to sign suicide clauses so that if have a breakdown... they can institutionalise you at their call; interesting reading...

So the Axe_Fx II is made in the USA by US citizens who contribute to their ailing economy... I don't see a problem with Fractal Audio systems at all... unlike other "made in China" companies.

Cheers and hats off to Cliff and FAS...

I guess I will just have to add a second unit to my rack... off to get a 4U rack case right now :D
Axe-Fx II

FML, literally just bought my Ultra like last month after much deliberation lol. To everyone with the "it will still sound just as good mentality", I agree 100%, only it won't have USB to MIDI or a plethora of other nice features(not to mention processing power and silent operation).

Don't get me wrong, my Ultra is still a great piece of hardware... only a lot of the features that it didn't come with that I would have preferred it did are now available. Like most people, I just don't have another $2,000 to drop on the new feature set, and haven't had my Ultra long enough to get $2,000 worth of use out of it (yet).
... will us "pre II" owners (Ultra and Standard) still be getting upgrades for these models (with new amps and effects) on a regular basis?

And how long will the support for the Ultras and Standards last for?

PS, still in love with my Ultra, and waiting to for the Axe FX III... :)

You ultra/standard guys will likely get 2-3 more firmware updates. Maybe one of them major.

But I think as far as adding new amps and stuff, those units are about done.
FML, literally just bought my Ultra like last month after much deliberation lol. To everyone with the "it will still sound just as good mentality", I agree 100%, only it won't have USB to MIDI or a plethora of other nice features(not to mention processing power and silent operation).

Don't get me wrong, my Ultra is still a great piece of hardware... only a lot of the features that it didn't come with that I would have preferred it did are now available. Like most people, I just don't have another $2,000 to drop on the new feature set, and haven't had my Ultra long enough to get $2,000 worth of use out of it (yet).

Absolutely correct
... will us "pre II" owners (Ultra and Standard) still be getting upgrades for these models (with new amps and effects) on a regular basis?

And how long will the support for the Ultras and Standards last for?

PS, still in love with my Ultra, and waiting to for the Axe FX III... :)


Can Fractal answer this QUESTION?
Congrat's to Cliff and everyone at Fractal for bringing out another "over the top" product. The feature set in the new AxeFx II appears spot-on for the kinds of things we've been asking for. I have no doubt that this new product will have an even greater impact on the industry to the benefit of Fractal Audio.

Unfortunately, once again I find myself embarrassed by the responses of some of our community. My Ultra is only two years old and while it no doubt depreciated in resale-value overnight, it's still a much better tool than I am an engineer and is and has been worth much more than I paid for it. I'll no doubt upgrade at some point in the near future but my Ultra is still a better unit today than it was the day I bought it at full price. No sour grapes here - it's just the inescapable march of progress. I for one am happy to see that Fractal has "raised the bar" once again!

cheers and again - Congrat's!
Congrat's to Cliff and everyone at Fractal for bringing out another "over the top" product. The feature set in the new AxeFx II appears spot-on for the kinds of things we've been asking for. I have no doubt that this new product will have an even greater impact on the industry to the benefit of Fractal Audio.

Unfortunately, once again I find myself embarrassed by the responses of some of our community. My Ultra is only two years old and while it no doubt depreciated in resale-value overnight, it's still a much better tool than I am an engineer and is and has been worth much more than I paid for it. I'll no doubt upgrade at some point in the near future but my Ultra is still a better unit today than it was the day I bought it at full price. No sour grapes here - it's just the inescapable march of progress. I for one am happy to see that Fractal has "raised the bar" once again!

cheers and again - Congrat's!

Congratulations Cliff, I can't wait to buy it... My Ultra will now be my back-up....!!
Congrats and Thank You to Cliff and Team....

I have an Ultra and am very happy. I sent a few emails over the years asking for more memory, processors and a USB port. Cliff and team came through.

I recall when Tom Sholz (Boston and MIT grad) came out with the Rockman and started a company that made effects gear (but ultimately got beaten by the digital age - his stuff was analog I believe). Well, Cliff is following in Tom's steps, just decades later when technology has so much more to offer.

Tom and the rest of the gear freaks out there should be proud. Cliff and team, I'm a former EE and appreciate the incredible advances in engineering (especially the code) in this new unit.

Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to start Fractal and produce an amazing product. Your team deserves all the benefits that come with entrepreneurship.

A huge fan,
I have dreamed of the Axefx 2! This box looks like everything that was wrong with the original has been fixed. And then supercharged for future additions. I'm so happy about the processing upgrade I was getting really annoyed at not having any cpu left in any presets running dual amps. Thanks cliff this box is a beast!
Hmm! The good folks over at G66 are not showing any Fractal product at all at this time. I wonder ...


Mats N
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