I'm so glad the Axe is not made in China

it goes on everywhere... us, china, uk - you name it.
the way of the world in 2013.

I saw exactly this happen to my rack in Schippol Airport, Amsterdam
on the way TO the tour...

as expected... I wasn't exactly calm, quiet or polite in the departure lounge
:D Maybe it's easier to outsource software engineering to Asia so there's no shipping issues like this. :D Axe-Edit MIC?

Wasn't there a "hot shot" programmer in the US who actually paid some Japanese kids to make the programs so he got paid for nothing? And he only paid like 10% of his salary to the kids. :) Like a boss!!
To clear the water. I don't like China. The list of countries I would not live in is short and China is on top. Just the general MIA vs MIC stereotypes are so "meh" to me.

If an American airport worker would be paid the same wage that guy is making he'd be doing the same thing. :D This guy was an idiot but there are idiots everywhere.

Just trying to keep it real. :)

Airport workers don't give a damn either :) esp if it's a guitar they're putting on a plane! Lololol
wasn't there a "hot shot" programmer in the US who actually paid some Japanese kids to make the programs so he got paid for nothing? And he only paid like 10% of his salary to the kids. :) Like a boss!!

There have been several cases of things like this is the news lately. Absolutely hilarious. Guys outsourcing their jobs for pennies and sitting at work catching up on Netflix movies and HBO GO for $50 an hour! There's some smart thinking for ya. I'd promote the guy.
There have been several cases of things like this is the news lately. Absolutely hilarious. Guys outsourcing their jobs for pennies and sitting at work catching up on Netflix movies and HBO GO for $50 an hour! There's some smart thinking for ya. I'd promote the guy.

Yeah that sounds genius. It's a win-win-win situation. Imagine having your Axe-Fx in the office while doing that. :D
Ah.. I forgot American's need to bash the Chinese since China is stronger than US nowadays. ;) Just so everyone knows... US is in more debt to China than there should be money on this planet. I don't mean to be too political. I simply don't like the China bashing when their money is holding US together.
Dont lump in in there, just because I am American.

I had always looked at it as, there are allot of of cheap Chinese products out there in allot of cases, garbage.
And these products are exactly what the American businessman contracted for.
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btw, to all of you hanging on in there waiting to see if my MacBook Air all the way from Shanghai on Tuesday was now a frisby..... Nope. delivered, set up and now providing you with this post:)
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