I'm so glad the Axe is not made in China

To clear the water. I don't like China. The list of countries I would not live in is short and China is on top. Just the general MIA vs MIC stereotypes are so "meh" to me.

If an American airport worker would be paid the same wage that guy is making he'd be doing the same thing. :D This guy was an idiot but there are idiots everywhere.

Just trying to keep it real. :)
I think China is strong because they do as they are told and not because they are generally smart.

If he was doin as he was told, he wouldn't be doin that. Whether he was kept very long, we don't know, but I'd bet not because you hold up the plane, that costs money.

Ah.. I forgot American's need to bash the Chinese since China is stronger than US nowadays. ;) Just so everyone knows... US is in more debt to China than there should be money on this planet. I don't mean to be too political. I simply don't like the China bashing when their money is holding US together.

If Truman had been any smart, he would've turned his atomic sights on Russia and said 'make your move, beau'. (Actually, he probably should've just bombed them, covert style-like.) Then to seal the deal, he and Churchill would've split the middle east between each other. Total dumbass fucks. You and I wouldn'tve been born, but the world would likely be a damn sight better.
You are definitely not an engineer, then.

There is 'cheap china' and 'not so cheap china' nowadays. The latter often at the same level of quality than what is being made in US or western europe, but at a much lower price.
The reasons why you probably never encountered a 'not so cheap china' product yet is that
1) most companies are not interested in 'not so cheap china'-parts as 'cheap china' usually does the job
2) 'not so cheap china' plus taxes, shipping cost and delay (6 weeks for the average freighter transport from china to europe) makes 'not so cheap china' less of a good deal.

I remember when I was in purchasing for an electronics company maybe 8 years or so ago, you could get great stuff made in China for waaaaay less than doing it locally. Or you could save a little more money and go for the cheapest possible option, but you'd get product that's inconsistent at best. We were getting a lot of our metal work done over there, all nicely powder coated or whatever other finish, wrapped up well, and shipped over... for a fraction of the local cost. We also had some boards run there, and later they were producing the whole unit fully assembled.

And then there was the engineer who insisted on going for the cheapest possible option. Locally for prototyping he used one company that were cheap, but for a reason. Probably 90% of the time they delivered utter rubbish. Half the time he'd be out the back modifying the product he'd just received because it was otherwise unusable and he didn't have time to send it back (and because he seemingly had no concept of tolerances). Other times they'd send products with the finish not chosen as per the drawing, but by some kind of lottery. And then when it came to production runs out of China, again he'd want the cheapest possible option, which was indeed absurdly cheap. So we'd get mangled boxes turning up, full of panels of the worst quality, barely packaged so they'd all scratched the shit out of each other in transit. Finishes were wrong, spelling mistakes in the printing, edges weren't even straight, nothing lined up properly, quantities were always (and I mean ALWAYS) wrong regardless of what the paperwork said. Then to top it all off, the guy we were dealing with kept suspiciously trying to tell our accounts to pay into different bank accounts. Then at some point he "left" the company (i.e. he'd been re-directing company money into his own accounts and was booted), got in contact with our idiot engineer and tried to get him to give him all the business for this new company he'd started. Being offered even cheaper rates, our idiot wanted to go with him. Really? WTF mate. :lol
If an American airport worker would be paid the same wage that guy is making he'd be doing the same thing.

Question!... how much do you think or do you know how much he makes and do you think it justifies treating someone else's property with that much disrespect?

If people in that country (China) are used to making a certain wage for that particular job then that's what he signed up for plain and simple. A quick google search shows the average salary for an aircraft cargo loader is around 30K a year, not a whole lot but considering it's an entry level and unskilled position you can't really expect much ether so there's that to consider.

Now if Fong is having a bad day... well then maybe he needs to take a few days off without pay then he might understand the meaning of work ethics... :? maybe. The other disturbing thing that comes to mind here is what do you think the cargo compartment looked like after they were done? now there's a friggin scary thought.

Personally, I would make this guy the poster child for what not to do and fire his ass infront of the entire work force, I'm quite sure there would be a few 100,000 more lined up for his job, just being real :mrgreen.
China has 26 TRILLION in debt, with a debt bubble that could make the US's look like a joke...

Please go bash your own country, not ours...
China has 26 TRILLION in debt, with a debt bubble that could make the US's look like a joke...

Please go bash your own country, not ours...

I'm not bashing. I just don't like these things to be swept under the carpet. Americans laugh at Asia because it's "cheap" but in reality US takes advantage of Asia's "cost effectiveness" all the time. "Assembled in America" just like the Axe-Fx. :) This is from Wikipedia:

United States 16,734,344,500,000

China 710,700,000,000

Which means that the US has about 24 times more debt. So who is looking "like a joke" now?

And I do understand your need to find out where I come from which is totally irrelevant in this subject. You want to attack my country which is how your country deals with issues when you lose debates. I come from Finland. So let me guess how this will go. You will call me a communist for living close to Russia. Then I'll give you a history lecture on how we rather joined the nazis than the Soviet Union. Then I will tell you how without the nazis the US wouldn't even exist anymore... but it would get too political for this forum so let's not go there.

Angry Birds is from Finland.
Talking of debts, should we be indebted to the Nazis or not?

After WW2, Britain ended up very seriously in debt to the USA.... But then we invented rock music. Our workers also throw packages around. This is a sensitive issue for me as I'm waiting delivery - today - on a new Macbook Air. I'll let you know if it arrives intact.
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I'm sure even Nazis threw boxes like UPS does.

Actually that's not even funny. The assigned carrier for my delivery is UPS, and I've just been told it's somehow been "delayed due to prior weather" whatever that is.

If they're that fascist then the Mac label on the package might as well read "Frisby".
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 19/06/2013 15:26 Arrival Scan
Incheon, Korea, Republic of 19/06/2013 13:54 Network disruption due to prior weather conditions, check ups.com for further updates.
19/06/2013 12:57 Departure Scan
19/06/2013 7:49 Arrival Scan
Shanghai, China 19/06/2013 4:57 Departure Scan
Shanghai, China 18/06/2013 22:06 Export Scan
18/06/2013 17:06 Arrival Scan
18/06/2013 16:06 Departure Scan
18/06/2013 12:35 Origin Scan
China 18/06/2013 0:11 Order Processed: Ready for UPS
There are idiots to be found in all nations of the world! That freight worker is clearly a very stupid and careless person, let him into a round room and tell him to stand in the corner and he will be busy for the rest of his life.

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