Help the Fight Against COVID-19

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This really needs to happen in CA. Just close for a month, extend the school season into the summer. It feels like one of the easiest things that they can do to control the spread.

It's a shitty place to be in really. Do you trust/wait for your local government to close schools at the appropriate time? At this point it feels as if Bay Area schools are just going to wait until there's an outbreak at the school. There were two students at two different middle schools here in the district that were in direct contact with someone who tested positive. They waited till a Friday to inform parents, then said they were simply "deep cleaning" during the weekend and classes will go on as scheduled the following Monday.

I pulled my kids outta school today. They have no school Friday anyway. I'll see where the district is at on Monday. I'm not terribly confident waiting for them to make the decision. I was in an apartment fire in 1997 and have lung damage from the amount of smoke I wound up inhaling. I don't know if that counts as "compromised" but I certainly don't need to be taking any chances.
I was in an apartment fire in 1997 and have lung damage from the amount of smoke I wound up inhaling. I don't know if that counts as "compromised" but I certainly don't need to be taking any chances.

Initially they told everyone to watch for a fever. Now with more data they are saying that if you start feeling ill
and it immediately hits your lungs with congestion, coughing, and trouble getting deep breaths - most likely
you have COVID-19. That's what happened with Hanks and his wife. They thought they just had a cold but it hit them
both in the lungs bad so they got checked.

ANY compromise with your lungs is going to make fighting it off harder. Best wishes!
It's a shitty place to be in really. Do you trust/wait for your local government to close schools at the appropriate time? At this point it feels as if Bay Area schools are just going to wait until there's an outbreak at the school. There were two students at two different middle schools here in the district that were in direct contact with someone who tested positive. They waited till a Friday to inform parents, then said they were simply "deep cleaning" during the weekend and classes will go on as scheduled the following Monday.

I pulled my kids outta school today. They have no school Friday anyway. I'll see where the district is at on Monday. I'm not terribly confident waiting for them to make the decision. I was in an apartment fire in 1997 and have lung damage from the amount of smoke I wound up inhaling. I don't know if that counts as "compromised" but I certainly don't need to be taking any chances.
I pulled my son out of school Monday. By the time someone in school tests positive it's too late.
Initially they told everyone to watch for a fever. Now with more data they are saying that if you start feeling ill
and it immediately hits your lungs with congestion, coughing, and trouble getting deep breaths - most likely
you have COVID-19. That's what happened with Hanks and his wife. They thought they just had a cold but it hit them
both in the lungs bad so they got checked.

ANY compromise with your lungs is going to make fighting it off harder. Best wishes!

Yeah. It's always tricky cause I have a chronic phlegmy cough due to the smoke inhalation as it is. Just gotta monitor closely and stay away from folks and keep my kids away as well.
Well, not that easy. It requires a parent to stay at home, so it has an enormous impact on workforce. Among those parents are also people who work In daycare, nurses etc.
You're very right, but it's only delaying the inevitable. Schools will close, they'll just close too late to make the closing an effective deterrent for the spread. At the very least, giving those with the option the ability to pull their kids without repercussions would be worthwhile. Lessen attendance as much as you can.

Counties are banning gatherings, canceling conferences for adults, but everyone is okay with the kids getting together? It's an odd state of affairs.
By Monday most of the planet will be slowed to a crawl.

EDIT: The President of the United States of America just told
the collective press that testing in the US is going fine and that
you can get a test easily if you go to the right places (no places were mentioned).

Medical staff and even some of his staunchest GOP allies are furious.
Reality show 'tough guy' leadership is failing bad.
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Well, not that easy. It requires a parent to stay at home, so it has an enormous impact on workforce. Among those parents are also people who work In daycare, nurses etc.
Students are actually mobilised for that over here. This thing is dangerous though. @ 4% casualties of those infected. Without panicking...if 20% of French population is affected that makes about 240k, worst case, disparitions amongst elder and weakest. Admit that's a lot of people.
It's an odd state of affairs.

Uncharted waters.

NCAA officially cancels March Madness. There's another $100+ million in revenue lost for
a lot of folks - both HUGE corporations as well as the people making a living working concession
stands, etc.
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Looks like my prediction of the markets losing 20-30% might've been too conservative. We're already almost at 30%.

At this point the economy is screwed. There are two options:
1. Do what is required to contain the virus. Shut everything down, stop all travel, etc. This will trash the economy.
2. Do what we've been doing (which isn't nearly enough) and millions will die and the economy will be trashed.

So the economy will be trashed either way so you might as well choose option 1.
Closing schools does nothing shy of trying to stop the wind with this virus. It is spread primarily through the air and also on surfaces as we largely have been paying attention to the latter only. The replication rate of this particular cornavirus is far higher than even SARs which is why it spreads so fast. You can be exposed and the virus will immediately latch on to your cells and inject it's RNA into your cells taking over their machinery turning you into a corornavirus manufacturing powerhouse with 10,000s of viroids ready to expel from your body just an hour later all WITHOUT you expressing/feeling a single symptom later.
Point is- Even during the regular flu season during North America's winter break/observation of the Christmas holiday with time off from schools does little to slow the spread. We should all just meet up, cough/kiss/hug and spread till we develop the antibodies.. Stay away from the high risk populations who are prone to respiratory illness related deaths.
1. Do what is required to contain the virus. Shut everything down, stop all travel, etc. This will trash the economy.
it would seem Italy and other places' actions are doing exactly this. i don't know why people are "fine" with the possibility of catching this thing simply because "i probably won't die."

i'm a bit freaking out here because so many people see flights to hawaii as low and their attitude is "if i'm gonna catch it anywhere, i want to be on the beach." well first you'll increase the chance of BRINGING it here. and you won't be on the beach if your lungs start failing.

ugh. i just had a customer call my business and long story short ask for an exception on a product that we have a 2 day lead time and asking us to do something right now. i explained we can't, sorry, we have walk-in items available for you. but he wanted something unique, and i said we just can't do that as it takes time to make a unique item like that.

all the while he's like huffing and puffing, mentions "all that's going on in the world" and he just wants this and is like ranting for a solid 30 seconds straight. really talking bubbles in a panic. i interrupt him and say sorry sir, you're sorta spinning here - we have products for you for tomorrow that will be great.

then he yells and me and says i'm being rude, he's never been "treated like this" before, and wants to talk to the manager. (this is a 2 person company, i am the manager and more.) continues to tell me how there are more tactful ways to talk to someone on the phone and how i should have learned this before taking any phone calls.

and then he said he'll get his product from somewhere else and hangs up on me.

2 seconds later he calls back. i don't answer for obvious reasons. then leaves a message that he can't believe we didn't answer and he wants his thing now or he'll go somewhere else.

many more details. he was spinning out of control on the call. clearly he didn't like me describing the situation for what was happening.

but people are starting to go crazy here. i'm seeing it at grocery and other day to day situations. there's unrest. no one knows what's happening. hawaii has given no update since the 2 confirmed and 90+ self-quarantined 3 days ago. i can't believe that there's been no change.

this is going to get bad real soon in many places. we need to calm down, take a breath, and relax. then prep.
Closing schools does nothing shy of trying to stop the wind with this virus. It is spread primarily through the air and also on surfaces as we largely have been paying attention to the latter only. The replication rate of this particular cornavirus is far higher than even SARs which is why it spreads so fast. You can be exposed and the virus will immediately latch on to your cells and inject it's RNA into your cells taking over their machinery turning you into a corornavirus manufacturing powerhouse with 10,000s of viroids ready to expel from your body just an hour later all WITHOUT you expressing/feeling a single symptom later.
Point is- Even during the regular flu season during North America's winter break/observation of the Christmas holiday with time off from schools does little to slow the spread. We should all just meet up, cough/kiss/hug and spread till we develop the antibodies.. Stay away from the high risk populations who are prone to respiratory illness related deaths.
Wow. So the 25 million people who will die is okay?
Wow. So the 25 million people who will die is okay?
yes obv because many people die from regular flu, so by that standard, dying is ok. oh and how many today of cancer, depression, etc etc.

death stats don't make it ok to die from something else!
I had a doctor's appointment today for an annual checkup (family history of skin cancer).

I get to the office and take off my shirt in the car, put on my P100 vapor respirator and just a zip-up sweatshirt. I head into the office and the office staff is snickering. I said "laugh all you want, this thing is everywhere and with an attitude like that you're going to get it". They turned somber really quick.

The doctor comes in for the checkup and I tell her she should be wearing one. She says "we're all going to get it so what's the point?". "For most of us it'll be like a bad cold". I just shook my head.

I always take the stairs so when I left I'm going down the stairs and a woman is coming up the stairs. She sees me in my "gas mask", turns around and runs down the stairs. I could only laugh.
Wow. So the 25 million people who will die is okay?

Yes. It will be sad. I will probably lose a few friends and family members who are elderly and immunocompromised due to organ transplants, but society must continue to flourish and the weak will just be shed at a faster rate. This economic disruption and general daily inconveniences this over/under-reaction has caused needs to stop. Emotions are too high right now and commonsense with rationale decision making based on past pandemics is falling short. The partisan finger pointing is useless.
I think a bit of hyperbole was in play with that comment. I totally get the concept though.
The human race needs to develop anti-bodies so future outbreaks won't be anywhere near
as bad.
I had a doctor's appointment today for an annual checkup (family history of skin cancer).

I get to the office and take off my shirt in the car, put on my P100 vapor respirator and just a zip-up sweatshirt. I head into the office and the office staff is snickering. I said "laugh all you want, this thing is everywhere and with an attitude like that you're going to get it". They turned somber really quick.

The doctor comes in for the checkup and I tell her she should be wearing one. She says "we're all going to get it so what's the point?". "For most of us it'll be like a bad cold". I just shook my head.

I always take the stairs so when I left I'm going down the stairs and a woman is coming up the stairs. She sees me in my "gas mask", turns around and runs down the stairs. I could only laugh.
we're a fool for preparing, and a fool when the preparation worked and "see nothing happened."
Yes. It will be sad. I will probably lose a few friends and family members who are elderly and immunocompromised due to organ transplants, but society must continue to flourish and the weak will just be shed at a faster rate. This economic disruption and general daily inconveniences this over/under-reaction has caused needs to stop. Emotions are too high right now and commonsense with rationale decision making based on past pandemics is falling short. The partisan finger pointing is useless.
Wow. Just wow.

Here's an alternative take:
Do what is required to halt the spread. Save many lives until a vaccine is found. Or is that too much of an "inconvenience"?
Yes. It will be sad. I will probably lose a few friends and family members who are elderly and immunocompromised due to organ transplants, but society must continue to flourish and the weak will just be shed at a faster rate. This economic disruption and general daily inconveniences this over/under-reaction has caused needs to stop. Emotions are too high right now and commonsense with rationale decision making based on past pandemics is falling short. The partisan finger pointing is useless.

Right, the economic disruption needs to stop....
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