FW 11 Jumpered Plexi Video - VH's I'm The One


Power User
I've been meaning to try and learn this song for a long time because it really forces you to learn to "swing" and groove with your right hand. I'm still not swinging anywhere near as hard as Eddie but it's getting better...

To create the tone in this video I did the following:

1. Dial up the new "Plexi 50W Jump" Amp model
2. Turned on Cut switch, set Treble and Presence to 10 and turned Treble Drive up to 8.5.
3. Used a stereo cab blend from the Mad Oak Producer's Patch consisting of "4x12 Basketweave TV 57" and "4x12 Basketweave TV 121".
4. Added a bunch of plate reverb.

That's it! I wasn't trying to do a precise tone match here...just dialing up a really fun high gain Marshall tone and having fun with it.

I used the super awesome Riffstation software to slow down the track for learning and to create a backing track without Eddie's guitar. It works really well on the VH stuff because Eddie only had one channel of guitar panned mostly to one side.

Just "damn".

Dude - you have some serious chops and the jumped Plexi 50 sounds incredibly good.
Great! Tone is very cool and great playing - you swung it well. That swing is humbling - I know what you're talking about. It's tough to even approach his feel on that one and get it swinging at that tempo. Can't wait to check out the jumpered Plexi. Great job Adam.

Treble Drive, huh?
News flash......nothing sells amps & modelers quite like videos of VH tones! Eddie is responsible for the whole modded amp phenomenon + super strat.

Great job Adam! Post the patch when FW11 drops.....
Great playing!

If you get a chance can you do one with the amp dialed in for the non-swine eaters in the group?

Something more along the lines of Joe B would be most welcomed!
This is a question for EVH fans.

Did EVH channel Jumper (external) his Marshall amps or did he daisy chain them?

Also internal jumper modding is quite different than external channel jumping. Some mod I have heard about involve jumping channels and adding resisters at pins 2 and 7 at V1.

The tone in video I would not associate with a channel jumper. Typically when you jumper external channels on a vintage Marshall you get a fatter tone with less high end bite (Joe B/Eric Johnson). Tone is different than internal jumpering.

Just curious.
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This is a question for EVH fans.

Did EVH channel Jumper (external) his Marshall amps or did he daisy chain them?

Also internal jumper modding is quite different than external channel jumping. Some mod I have heard about involve jumping channels and adding resisters at pins 2 and 7 at V1.

the tone in video I would not associate with a channel jumper. Typically when you jumper external channels on a vintage Marshall you get a fatter tone with less high end bite. Tone is different than internal jumpering.

Just curious.

xing fingers for some variac related parameters

Adam: the clip sounds amazing. Great Playing!!
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