Friedman Master Volume

Can someone give these settings a run and let me know what you think (if you have the IRs that I’m using). I took snapshots of all my settings.
I should mention that I used a Les Paul Custom R0 when dialing this, which has a pretty bright bridge pickup.
I never played a real Friedman, nor have I gelled with the FAS models. I made a Dirty Shirley preset a while ago and tried dialing it in with so so results.
But, with these tips I revisited it... and yeah, big improvement!
Turn up the master, (turn down the output to compensate) plexi tonestack... bingo.
Now the Dirty Shirley, and BE C45 are nice.

Same. Used to love the Shirley then post Cygnus I couldn’t make it sound to my liking. Who would have known a cranked MV would make such a difference. Thanks @epicicity again!
Same. Used to love the Shirley then post Cygnus I couldn’t make it sound to my liking. Who would have known a cranked MV would make such a difference. Thanks @epicicity again!

So glad it was a hit! I have read all of Yek's forum threads about the individual amps, and I think I've internalized the idea of how some amps are meant to be played by the default settings, thinking that for MV it's something that just doesn't pay to crank with some amps. But I'm realizing that's just not the right way to look at it. Along these lines, today I was cranking the 5150 Lead Channel! And that was so freaking awesome; just added more character to my ears. I had to use wildly different settings, but it was totally worth it. I'm thinking the power amps give you more on some of these amps than I realized, and I've got to be more adventurous about it. Of course, forget about doing this with a Dual Rectal Fire, but I'm sure there are other good candidates. I'm definitely going to explore.

I read a few Gear Pages threads by owners of the real world BE-100, and so many people chimed in that you can get there with a Plexi and an overdrive, which is true in a way, but let me just say that I've been a Plexi + pedal man in the Axe for a while now, in every combination I can think of, and instantly I liked the BE-100 better. Maybe it's just me, but I think Dave Friedman hit upon some magic formula here. And Sashman's recommendation to switch to the Plexi tonestack is also genius, brings out more nastiness, in a good way.

The Dirty Shirley was the first amp I stuck to in the Axe, but never stock. I would just mod the shit out of it, and I loved what it gave me. But eventually I discovered the 6CA7 Plexi, and that was all she wrote, until that was replaced by the 1959 SLP for me. Of course whatever amp hits it just right depends on you and your gear, but Man, this BE-100 is just so damn easy to dial in once you get a basis of mids in there from the MV. Then it's like you can't go wrong.
I never played a real Friedman, nor have I gelled with the FAS models. I made a Dirty Shirley preset a while ago and tried dialing it in with so so results.
But, with these tips I revisited it... and yeah, big improvement!
Turn up the master, (turn down the output to compensate) plexi tonestack... bingo.
Now the Dirty Shirley, and BE C45 are nice.

Man, with these comments about the Shirley, I'm going to have to revisit it; thanks for the suggestion. I'll try the Plexi tonestack on that one too.
Man, with these comments about the Shirley, I'm going to have to revisit it; thanks for the suggestion. I'll try the Plexi tonestack on that one too.
It’s a cool amp when dialed in. Before the MV turned up (I have it only at 4.5.. but it adds a bit) plexi tonestack, and for extra grind.. a shimmer drive that I assigned a pedal function to. Cab... York Audio MRSH M25 mix 1 (one of my fav low to mid gain IR’s.
1995 Les Paul (playing in my profile pic)
It’s a great mid gain tone.. neck pu humbucking or coil tapped is really nice. Bridge pu it rocks... add the drive and it’s smokin’
The BE C45 ... T808 drive 0, level 10... MV 8.32, plexi tonestack, everything else default. Also using the same YA cab. Nice hard rock tone.
One of my absolute favorite things about the Friedman models on the Axe FX is... the depth knob, and low cut. Friedmans are so freaking huge sounding IRL and in the Axe, I have had a couple myself and have enjoyed them all.. But for what I enjoy tonally, it's often just a smidge too much. I don't particuarly enjoy higher master volume settings with the friedmans but maybe I'll give it another look.
Not sure which amp model was used for the modeled Plexi stack. The stack on the 1987 I built is the same as the BE100 schematic I just looked at.
I’d guess it starts from a 67/68 SLP based on the name Brown Eye and what I think I know about Dave Friedman’s early fame.
I’d guess it starts from a 67/68 SLP based on the name Brown Eye and what I think I know about Dave Friedman’s early fame.

As far as I can tell, it’s the same stack. A lot of amps use the same stack because it works.

Edit: The BE schematic I found is hard to read but the pot values I believe are different from the typical Plexi. Edit again I found some more drawings and it looks like your typical Marshall stack.
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