FM9 Firmware Version 8.00

Thanks for the help, that was it. No idea how it got that way. Both of these presets had somehow changed to having a modifier of scene controller for the four different gain levels I have in each. I set them up using channels for the different gain levels, no idea how this got changed.

I have two sets of presets that are alike except for the second set has the cab blocks turned off for when I use my ps2 and a speaker cabinet and don[t need the IR cab block. I just coped the over to a higher location in the preset and turned the cab block off. I looked at these two amps there and there is no modifier on the gain, channels setup correctly.

Oh well, at least it is fixed. Thank you!
Win! Glad to help.
This firmware is outstanding and brings some not so subtle changes in the overall dynamics and punch. Dialing in with the guitar volume control has never been better...the amps clean up amazingly well, tangibly better then before in response and feel.

I just did two big outdoor festival gigs last weekend and tonight and I gotta say this firmware just slays....! I've never heard/felt my guitar bursting through the CLR like I did this last week. Fantastic work everyone. I can't wait to really dig into v8 (and really get into the DynaCabs) after another gig this weekend as I'll have a couple weeks off until the next shows.

Oh, and the that is very unexpected and cooooool.....
If someone have this problem with Dyna-cabs after updating FM9 Edit VERSION 1.03.01 just go to FM9-Edit in the menu click on settings -> refresh after new firmware . Most people know this but for those that didn't know it like me, it may help.
If someone have this problem with Dyna-cabs after updating FM9 Edit VERSION 1.03.01 just go to FM9-Edit in the menu click on settings -> refresh after new firmware . Most people know this but for those that didn't know it like me, it may help.
View attachment 144534
Same thing, refresh fixed it. It seems to me it does this automatically after firmware update but mine still required a refresh.
Got ya! I found it interesting and wanted to ask to make sure because I can’t remember an official firmware coming out on the FM9 or FM3 that not only came out before the Axe iii official firmware, but also offered something new!
Layout Views comes to mind, but there may be others since....
Eyes of the World :)
Or Estimated.

@iaresee taking into account your previous posts, I'm very interested to hear how you like the MuTron block.

The description of choosing to have the trigger for the MuTron be the input block no matter where you put the block makes me think you could do some OBEL type stuff, no? Really cool feature, can't wait to try it.
I have only an initial take on the Mu-Tron, having only used it a bit last night, and unfortunately only through headphones. I have an original Mu-Tron III and was one of the people begging for this to get included in the Fractal universe. My guitar also has an OBEL, however I have not yet cabled the OBEL into my Fractal unit. I may one day put the envelope filter alone into an effects loop and use my OBEL.

Initially with the stock settings, I could not get much out of the effect, but after about an hour of fiddling I was able to approach the feel of my Mu-Tron. I believe I’ll be able to nail it with enough time and playing through my FRFR.

I had to make some pretty drastic changes. I’m not in front of the unit now, but from what I can remember, here’s where I left off (values are APPROXIMATE):

Peak: 3.5
Low freq: 100/min
High freq: 3200
Sensitivity: 8
Sweep shape: 3
Open/close speed (I don’t remember the parameter name): 15, 150

I also set the two pan knobs to the center.

As we all know, the Mu-Tron is highly sensitive to the signal and playing style, but this is getting me pretty close to how my ‘72 Mu-Tron III operates. The only mod that was made to my Mu-Tron was by Bob Bradshaw, to accept 18VDC external power, as the early models ran on battery only.

I can report that the feel of the envelope is much, much more like a vintage Mu-Tron III then I ever was able to get with a wah/envelope solution. I’m hoping this like turns to a love with just a little more effort on my part.

Here's my original:

I have only an initial take on the Mu-Tron, having only used it a bit last night, and unfortunately only through headphones. I have an original Mu-Tron III and was one of the people begging for this to get included in the Fractal universe. My guitar also has an OBEL, however I have not yet cabled the OBEL into my Fractal unit. I may one day put the envelope filter alone into an effects loop and use my OBEL.

Initially with the stock settings, I could not get much out of the effect, but after about an hour of fiddling I was able to approach the feel of my Mu-Tron. I believe I’ll be able to nail it with enough time and playing through my FRFR.

I had to make some pretty drastic changes. I’m not in front of the unit now, but from what I can remember, here’s where I left off (values are APPROXIMATE):

Peak: 3.5
Low freq: 100/min
High freq: 3200
Sensitivity: 8
Sweep shape: 3
Open/close speed (I don’t remember the parameter name): 15, 150

I also set the two pan knobs to the center.

As we all know, the Mu-Tron is highly sensitive to the signal and playing style, but this is getting me pretty close to how my ‘72 Mu-Tron III operates. The only mod that was made to my Mu-Tron was by Bob Bradshaw, to accept 18VDC external power, as the early models ran on battery only.

I can report that the feel of the envelope is much, much more like a vintage Mu-Tron III then I ever was able to get with a wah/envelope solution. I’m hoping this like turns to a love with just a little more effort on my part.

Here's my original:

View attachment 144552
Amazing. Thanks! i'm downloading now and hoping to fuss around tonight. I would assume that sensitivity would changed based on what guitar/pups, but other parameters should be fairly constant?

Also if you're an OBEL user (I'm not), very interested to hear experiences with using the Input Block as the controller.
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