FM9 Firmware Version 8.00 public beta 1

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My guess as well is that they're invorporating the latest Axe improvements into the net beta release instead of polishing this one into a releasable state without them. Which is too bad, if they squeaked out an 8.0 here but the FM3 stayed in beta they could both be on 9.0 with the next release and the numbers would be the same. What a win that would be for the ODC among us.

It was also stated that their developers have been tied up finishing firmware for a brand new product (not a replacement for any of the current lineup).
My guess as well is that they're invorporating the latest Axe improvements into the net beta release instead of polishing this one into a releasable state without them. Which is too bad, if they squeaked out an 8.0 here but the FM3 stayed in beta they could both be on 9.0 with the next release and the numbers would be the same. What a win that would be for the ODC among us.

It was also stated that their developers have been tied up finishing firmware for a brand new product (not a replacement for any of the current lineup).
OCD! :tearsofjoy:
Looking forward to this!

harry potter my body is ready GIF
Just reporting back after having tried this fw.
Sounds glorious! And what a box the fm9 is. I have tweaked some amps, put together a few presets, Set up a midi controller to serve two guitarists, hammered a full rehearsal with it. And set up my active wedge.

Addictive stuff!

EDIT: intuitively when coming from the III.
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