FM9 Firmware Version 8.00 public beta 1

FM9 Firmware Version 8.00 public beta 1 is now available for download:
Dyna-Cab update is required.

Use the latest FM9-Edit version:

Check this space for any FM9-Edit updates starting 7/8/2024, after the holiday weekend.

Hello - is there any chance this can be incorporated into the final release of this firmware??

This would help greatly with maintaining a predetermined tempo while changing scenes within a preset.
• Improved phase inverter modeling in Amp block. This yields more “weight” and a more open tone when
driving the virtual power amp hard (i.e. non-MV amps or MV turned up high).
Updated phase inverter parameters for many models.
• Improved cathode follower algorithm. This results in a more open and dynamic response for models that
use a cathode follower.

The updates to the PI and CF are outstanding! More weight indeed, and certainly the open/response/dynamics with the CF are tangible in feel and in tone. There is definitely more overall body/fullness in v8 and the feel is just that much better and a joy to this new modeling. Outstanding....
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