FM9 Firmware Version 4.00 public beta 1

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What exactly is the "reverb mix strategy"?
Back from the day...

Cliff (2013): Upcoming v11 fw has a new mix algorithm for the delay blocks which keeps the dry level constant until the mix is 50% and then decreases above that. So it's like putting your delay in parallel but without the extra effort. The mix knob essentially becomes "wet level." / No, if you do this with reverb it gets louder as you turn the mix up. You can only do this when the ear hears the added info as being separate. I'm guessing the threshold is probably around 100 ms.

fw 11: "Changed mix law for Delay block. The dry signal now stays constant at unity until Mix reaches 50% then decreases linearly to zero. Conversely the wet signal starts at zero and then increases linearly to unity when Mix reaches 50%. This eliminates having to compensate for decreased dry signal when increasing the mix."

Not sure about the new delay mix law (2013)

I was just reminded from my notes there is also a Panning Law (don't ask me... ;) )
Is it safe to assume if I am constantly in red on meter that the input level control in setup needs to be dropped as long as it is not lower than 5% it is ok
I think that the correct term is 'Mix Law'.

I may have some of this technically wrong, but the general idea is...

The Delay block is setup so that the dry signal at 0% mix is the same as 50% mix. And the wet signal is the same at 100% mix and 50% mix. As you increase the mix from 0%, the wet signal is gradually added until you reach 50%. At which they are both the same max level. This will increase the overall level. As you past 50%, the dry signal begins reducing and the wet signal remains the same.

The Reverb, Multi-Delay, Multi-Tap, Plex-Delay, etc... blocks are setup so that the combined sound at a 50% mix is the same overall level as 0% and 100%. The wet and dry signals are slightly reduced at 50%. As you increase the mix from 0%, the wet signal is gradually added and the dry signal is simultaneously reduced. The two opposing curves go through the entire 100% sweep and overlap, but are not linier.

The two different 'Mix Laws' combined with the different bypass types and routing do cause some confusion sometimes. Which is why I think that some prefer using the Delay and Reverbs in Parallel paths at 100% mix.

I prefer the Delay 'Mix Law' myself.

THAT explains a lot of my confusion with some of my presets, I was getting volume drops when switching from a dry scene to a wet one and knew it was coming from the Mix level but wasn’t exactly sure in which way it was doing it. Thank you, brother!
Is it safe to assume if I am constantly in red on meter that the input level control in setup needs to be dropped as long as it is not lower than 5% it is ok

Others will surely chime in but someone pointed out in one of my recent videos that my input wasn’t tickling the red, it was holding it up against a wall by it’s throat. :tearsofjoy: I didn’t even notice because it wasn’t negatively effecting anything. It only happens with that one guitar (EMG in the bridge) and there’s such a huge variance between my guitars that I’m not going to bother tweaking it. What’s pegging into the red on one guitar is barely registering in the red on another, as long as I’m not hearing any actual clipping, I’m fine with it.
Others will surely chime in but someone pointed out in one of my recent videos that my input wasn’t tickling the red, it was holding it up against a wall by it’s throat. :tearsofjoy: I didn’t even notice because it wasn’t negatively effecting anything. It only happens with that one guitar (EMG in the bridge) and there’s such a huge variance between my guitars that I’m not going to bother tweaking it. What’s pegging into the red on one guitar is barely registering in the red on another, as long as I’m not hearing any actual clipping, I’m fine with it.
You should lower it to be sure. You may not have heard a difference yet, but I really doubt that Cliff would have included it for nothing.
But what changed on the iii orginally that then go brought down to the Fm’s?
IIRC.. The different Delay block mix-law was introduced long before the Axe-Fx III even existed. It has always been like this this. Nothing has changed in the Axe-Fx III.

The FM9 firmware 3.xx had an error with the mix-law in the Reverb block only. For me, the wet signal was a bit quieter on the FM9 than on the Axe-Fx III at the same mix setting. This has been fixed in this beta. The FM9 Reverb mix-law is now back to matching the Axe-Fx III, FM3, and pre FM9 firmware 3.xx

"These are not the droids that you are looking for, Move along"
I just sent a support ticket in for a possible bug in FM9 FW4 Beta 1. I did a gig with the FM9 Wednesday night with no issues. First gig with it so I took mental notes on some weeks that needed to be made before tonights gig. While making those tweaks this morning the unit suddenly stopping putting out audio via SPDIF. The XLR's were not connected so I don't know if they were affected. All cables were connected, interface and iMac settings were correct so I power cycled the FM9. That worked. I just updated to Beta 2 and will be using the unit most of today...
Anybody else running FW4 Beta 1 have this issue?
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