Fm3 into powerstage 700 volume settings


New Member
Last night at band practice I had to CRANK up the volume on my powerstage 700. Like 80% into a Mesa 4x12 8 ohm which feels wrong. I was worried about blowing the speakers in it. So my question is regarding output levels from output 2. Right now it is set to unity gain. Is that not correct? Do I just need to make my patches louder? Any help would be appreciated.DE3508A1-E59D-4A59-A8C7-6A81E7DBF3AE.jpeg
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Unity gain is going to be way too quiet, try setting it to Line Level. I set mine to Line Level +4 to go into my SD PS170, and set my Out 2 level knob around noon or higher. Sends a nice healthy signal to the power amp.
Unity gain is going to be way too quiet, try setting it to Line Level. I set mine to Line Level +4 to go into my SD PS170, and set my Out 2 level knob around noon or higher. Sends a nice healthy signal to the power amp.

This. Line Level > Unity Gain when using PowerStage. I do switch back to Unity Gain with a 4CM method though.
So Line Level is OK going into that PS170? I'm doing a similar setup and at Line Level I barely have to turn up the's super loud.
I think it's because you leveled your presets with out 1 in mind.
I built my presets mainly for out 2 (unity gain) and after that, out 1.
  • set your out 2 block to level: 0
  • out 2 knob fully clockwise (max)
  • output settings: out 2 = unity gain
  • split your signal before out 1/2 and before your cab block
After that, check you amp and out 1 levels:
  • i have my out 1 block around -15db
  • after that, I start with my amp at around 0db
  • after that, I level it (in my case with a scene controller)
  • my loudest scene is around 0db at the out 1 (and automatically around unity gain) for out 2
Currently my amp block is around -2 to -7db.
It hits out 1 around 0 tops and out 2 is also not clipping.

My PS170 is usually around 10-11 o clock, MAX at 12 o clock (hooked up to my PPC412 and/or PPC12).
My JCM is quite compared to this setting ..
I think it's because you leveled your presets with out 1 in mind.
I built my presets mainly for out 2 (unity gain) and after that, out 1.
  • set your out 2 block to level: 0
  • out 2 knob fully clockwise (max)
  • output settings: out 2 = unity gain
  • split your signal before out 1/2 and before your cab block
After that, check you amp and out 1 levels:
  • i have my out 1 block around -15db
  • after that, I start with my amp at around 0db
  • after that, I level it (in my case with a scene controller)
  • my loudest scene is around 0db at the out 1 (and automatically around unity gain) for out 2
Currently my amp block is around -2 to -7db.
It hits out 1 around 0 tops and out 2 is also not clipping.

My PS170 is usually around 10-11 o clock, MAX at 12 o clock (hooked up to my PPC412 and/or PPC12).
My JCM is quite compared to this setting ..
Ok - so I followed your instructions - thanks for the detailed response!

It is plenty loud set up this way. I have my Out 2 at around noon and my PS is maybe at 11. Seems like this will work. I'm will probably use Out 2 100% of the time at gigs. Do I even need to worry about Out 1 in this scenario? I normally won't need Out 1 unless I want to play through my studio monitors.
I also use Out1 to FOH and Out2 to a PS170 + two 1x12 cabs.
@MrPond would it be possible if you post a dummy preset so we can see your level settings for both outputs?
I was also going to point out that you should verify your Out 2 is leveled. I've made the mistake in the past of leveling Out 1, but neglecting to level Out 2 (they are independent).

Also, for what it is worth, when I run Out 2 to my PS200 I have it set to -10db line level. I typically have the Out 2 knob all the way up and have my PS200 at about 50%. Driving a 4X12 this is PLENTY loud with a very loud band. I'd imagine if I was running a PS700 I'd not even need to be at 25%.
I was also going to point out that you should verify your Out 2 is leveled. I've made the mistake in the past of leveling Out 1, but neglecting to level Out 2 (they are independent).

Also, for what it is worth, when I run Out 2 to my PS200 I have it set to -10db line level. I typically have the Out 2 knob all the way up and have my PS200 at about 50%. Driving a 4X12 this is PLENTY loud with a very loud band. I'd imagine if I was running a PS700 I'd not even need to be at 25%.
So I just tried line level set to -10db on Out 2. That seems plenty loud too. Is this how you have it?
So I just tried line level set to -10db on Out 2. That seems plenty loud too. Is this how you have it?
Yes. This is how I run mine. Like I said, I have the output set to -10db and turn the knob all the way up. I then use the knob on the PS to adjust level. Halfway up on the 200 is plenty loud for a hard rock/metal band.
Ok - so I followed your instructions - thanks for the detailed response!

It is plenty loud set up this way. I have my Out 2 at around noon and my PS is maybe at 11. Seems like this will work. I'm will probably use Out 2 100% of the time at gigs. Do I even need to worry about Out 1 in this scenario? I normally won't need Out 1 unless I want to play through my studio monitors.

I would always set the out 2 knob fully clockwise because: 100% = unity gain!
I would only control your "real cab volume" with your power amp's level control and out 2 knob where it is.
If your signal is too hot (power amp or out 2 is clipping), you need to decrease your amp level.

About out 1: I think you don't have to be worry unless you are clipping - I would avoid that!
If you are clipping, try to decrease the out 1 block level.

My current presets ...
  • ... can feed the FOH (out 1 knob is around 11-12 o clock)
  • ... can feed my real cab (out 2 full clockwise, SD170 around 11-12 o clock)
  • ... work with my headphones (out 1 knob above 2 o clock)
  • ... loudest scenes are around 0db at out 1 block and unity gain at out 2 (so I think: perfect!)

So I just tried line level set to -10db on Out 2. That seems plenty loud too. Is this how you have it?

Out 2 is designed to be unity gain by default, I would always use out 2 at unity gain.
The PS170 can run (imho) with both settings (because I tried it), but at unity gain, you have a bigger headroom - which I always like to have!
Still working on this - having a bit of trouble getting my presets leveled. I’m ok within a preset leveling from scene to scene, but it’s much trickier going between presets. Any tips/tricks that could help?
The Powerstage is more than just a power amp. It’s an actual miniature guitar amp. It’s designed to accept a signal straight from your guitar.
I also use Out1 to FOH and Out2 to a PS170 + two 1x12 cabs.
@MrPond would it be possible if you post a dummy preset so we can see your level settings for both outputs?
how would I do this, photo of the screen or is there a way to save it and share it?
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